Welfare Flashcards
design needs to pay attention to
- understanding of behaviour
- AW; 5 domains
- low stress handling
- human safety
- regulatory controls
guidelines in usa abattoirs surrounding slipping
less than 1% with fall injuries is ok, more is not ok and 5% plus is severe problem
low bail feeding
cows on pasture and fed some concentrate during milking
1 ton of grain/ concentrate to one cow during her lactation period
moderate to high bail feeding
same as low ball but fed more grain or concentrate during milking time, requires more complexity in feed storage and movement
partial mixed ration
cows on pasture but fed PMR of feedpad or some form of feeding system outside milking shed and separate to pasture
total mixed ration
most intensive, cows fed all of their required feed intake
stand off area
gets cows off pasture to avoid pasture and soil damage mainly in wet muddy conditions
loafing pad
area to hold stock off-paddock during wet conditions
temporary feed-out area
area in paddock where cattle fed in moveable troughs or hay rings, short term stand off and feeding
purpose built area compacted earth or concrete w crowned top, access to feed troughs or feeding system, often used for PMR
shelter or barn type shed
roofed area for standing or lying w bedding, feed, water
full time housed operations
loose housing, freestall or drylot housing
ventilation function
- remove excess heat
- remove excess water vapour, humidity
- remove microorganisms, dust, gases, ammonia
- minimize draught
passive ventilation
- relies on external wind and design of inlets and outlets
active or forces ventilation
fans to move air
aim of design should maximize ____ ventilation
passive (wind)
ammonia gas comes from
bacterial urease enzymes working on urea in ruine and undigested protein in feces
hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
forms under anaerobic conditions (absence of oxygen) so largely form manure storage
rotton egg smell
co2 could accumulate in
very poorly ventilated buildings
carbon monoxide from
engine exhaust
lighting wise cows need
6-8 hours of darkness and reasonable lux (over 50) to have normal rhythm
transport risks
psychological, physical and disease exposure
meat quality is influenced by
animal and management factors and by handling in the 2 weeks pre-slaughter and first few hours after slaughter
glycogen and pH
- glycogen is energy reserve
- levels increased by feeding and fall with stress and absence of feed
- after slaughter glycogen is converted to lactic acid and decreases the pH of muscle
- desired pH 5.7 or less
- pH above 5.7 is dark cutting
dark cutting
- pH above 5.7, decreased glycogen which increased pH
- dark colour, coarse texture, inferior flavour, reduced shelf life
PSE meat (pigs and poultry)
- pale, soft, exudative
- genetic predisposition: malignant hyperthermia gene
- stress causes increased muscle glycolysis
- generates lactic acid
- drives pH down; muscle w low pH interferes w ability to hold water
- pale, soft and wet
DFD meat
- dark, first, dry
- mainly ruminants
- poor nutrition, severe stress, depletion of muscle glycogen stores, pH rises, dark, firm, dry
who is responsible for legislation covers transport of animals WITHIN aus
states and territories
in qld its in the animal care and protection act
who is responsible for legislation covering international movement of animals
commonwealth or national government
there is Australian standards and guidelines on this topic; 6 sections
“the australian animal welfare standards and guidelines for land transport of livestock”
principles of good transport
- prep
- selection
- low stress handling, trained ppl, good facilities,
- design of vehicle
- journey time minimized
- feed and water requirements, shelter, protection from injury and disease
stages of land transport of livestock
- mustering at place of origin (paddock to yard)
- yarding and handling: sorted
- curfew period; no water and/or food to reduce volume of GI tract and bladder
- loading onto vehicle
- transport
- unloading
- post arrival; let out onto pasture/ water or lairage before slaughter
other types of transport (other than vehicle)
- rail; require truck transport to rail loading and truck transport from rail unloading
- journey on hoof
- live export via sea or air
general standard 1
responsibility and planning
who is responsible for livestock before they are loaded
general standard 1: responsibility and planning
livestock consignor (supplier or producer or vendor)
who is responsible for livestock from point of load to point of unloading and notifying receiver
general standard 1: responsibility and planning
the driver
who is responsible for livestock from point of unloading and notification
general standard 1: responsibility and planning
person at destination, could be purchaser, operators, staff etc
other than who is responsible for the animals what else does “general standard 1: responsibility and planning” include
- selection of animals (fit to load, groupings and densities, curfews)
- vehicle
- route, travel time
- driver competency
- documentations and approvals
- contingency
general standard 2
stock handling competency;
a person involved in any part of livestock transport process must be competent to perform their required task or must be supervised by a competent person
general standard 3
transport vehicles and facilities
vehicles and facilities for holding, loading and unloading must be constructed, maintained and operated to minimize risks to livestock welfare
general standard 3 vehicles and facilities includes what
- facilities appropriate for species
- airflow
- non slip, safe flooring
- minimize injury
- enough vertical clearance for livestock stand without injury
general standard 4
pre transport selection of livestock
livestock must be assessed as fit for intended journey
animal is NOT fit to load if
general standard 4; pre-transport selection of livestock
- unable to walk on its own by bearing weight on all 4 legs
- emaciated
- dehydrated
- injury or distress
- suffering from conditions likely to cause pain or distress during transport
- blind in both eyes
- near parturition
if not fit must only be transported under vet advice
general standard 5
loading, transport and unloading
livestock are handled, loaded, transported and unloaded in manner that minimizes risks to livestock welfare
what does “general standard 5; loading, transporting, unloading” include
- managing time off water
- loading density; driver has final decision
- segregate welfare by driver; species, class, size, health, aggression
- appropriate handling
- safe and secure loading
- checks during journey
- seek help asap for injured, distressed
- take steps to minimize impact of extreme weather events
general standard 6
humane destruction
where necessary to destroy livestock, it is done promptly, safely and humanely
general standard 6; humane destruction includes what
- euth asap if necessary
- done by competent person
- use appropriate methods
- check animal is dead
the 6 standards
1) responsibilities and planning
2) stock handling competency
3) transport vehicles and facilities
4) pre-transport selection of livestock
5) loading, transporting, unloading
6) humane destruction
how long should you hold off feed and water
feed 6-12 hours
water 6-8 hours
cattle over 6 months old max time off water
48 hours
what is a key issue, major source of injuries, and has its own separate standards
loading ramps
what is most common truck in more settled areas
B double; front trailer is half size of back, 2 decks, stable on road
road trains
only use approved rates
size of vehicles
- semi trailer; one trailer
- B double; 2
- road train; more than 2