hatchery Flashcards
hatchery KPIs
key performance indicators
- hatch of set
- hatch of fertile
- eggshell temp
- egg moisture loss
- hatch window
- chick cloacal temp
- chick yield
hatchery KPI: hatch of set
% of live chicks that come out of all eggs
hatchery KPI: hatch of fertile
% of live chicks that come out of fertile eggs
how long do you want hatch window to be
ideally as short as possible (want all chicks to hatch together)
what is physiological zero of egg storage
point at which embryonic development stops
24 degrees C
goal is to drop temp of egg to below physiological zero as soon as possible
what is storage temp for eggs
15-19 degrees C
relative humidity of egg storage
what is the incubation period for chickens, turkeys and ducks
chickens: 21 days
turkeys: 28 days
ducks: 28 days
ideal egg shell temp (incubation)
37.6 for chickens
37.4 for turkeys
37.5 for ducks
why do eggs get turned
so embryo doesn’t stick to eggshell
gas diffusion
ventilation as eggs produce CO2 when they incubate
eggs sweating
condensation of water on surface of eggs
why do you wanna increase humidity for eggs
so they don’t lose moisture
3 days before hatch (so for chickens at day 18) move eggs to hatch trays where
temp is slightly lower but humidity goes up
what is ideal incubation weight/ moisture loss
turkey hatch window
72 hours prior to hatch: none
36 hours prior to hatch: 2%
12 hours prior to hatch: 50%
hatch: 100%
chicken hatch window (tighter than turkey window)
36 hours prior to hatch: none
24 hours prior to hatch: 25%
12 hours prior to hatch; 75%
hatch; 100%
factors affecting early hatch
- extended pre heating
- setting eggs to early
- incorrect setter and hatcher temps
- hot spots inside the setter and hatcher
- incorrect ventilation
- seasonal temp changes
- too many fertile eggs in hatcher
factors affecting late hatching
- setting eggs too late
- incorrect setter and hatcher temps
- incorrect ventilation
- seasonal temp changes
- eggs been stored for long period
- eggs have been stored at too low a temp
- incorrect setting patterns in multi stage machines
- disease/ fertility problems
how long store eggs before incubation
at least 3 days then set them (set means incubate)
when does candling eggs occur
7-10 days
how does candling work
- examining an egg w a bright focal light in a dark room
- clear egg: infertile or embryo died v early
- red ring: embryo died
- blood vessels: alive embryo
when candling eggs why is it important to pull out the ones that haven’t developed by 9 days
dead eggs will explode in incubator
when comparing farms, how do you tell which hatchery is performing the best
compare the hatch of fertile, highest % hatch of fertile is best farm
KPI: chick yield
average chick weight divided by average initial egg weight: done by weighing all the eggs in a box and then when hatches all chickens in box
- 68% high: chick will be lazy and not ready to feed and drink when placed on a farm
- 67% ideal; chick will be active and ready to feed and drink
- any lower then chick will be dehydrated and have little yolk reserve, often very active and nosiy
name some in ovo vaccines done at around 18 days
- mareks disease (MD)
- infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT)
- infectious bursal disease (IBD)
- newcatsle disease (ND)
in hatchery vaccines
coccidiosis, MD, ILT
where does in ovo vaccines go
in bottom of egg
coccidia vaccines
controlled exposure to an adequate number of oocysts
- spray vaccination done at hatchery is preferred method
how is beak trimming done
infared, usually done at same time as vaccines in hatchery, done to keep top beak short they they cant hurt each other
which vaccine is the only one with internal immunity so it is not needed at 1 day old
IBD (infectious bursal disease)
vaccine route options
wing stab (for fowl pox FP), in ovo, spray, eye drops
how long do brooding chicks require supplemental heat
2-3 weeks (depends on season and breed)
what is normal brooding temps
start at 33 degrees and reduce 0.5 degrees a day until 14-20 days
at 21 days ideal temp is approx 20 degrees
what are the brooding styles
ring brooding, whole room brooding
how to tell if temp is too high or low or correct
- temp too high; chicks make no noise, pant, head and winger droop, positioned away from brooder
- temp too low: chicks crowd brooder, noisy, distress calling
- correct temp; chicks evenly spread, noise levels signifies contentment
- draught; all chicks pushed to one side; requires investigation
when cold chicks emit
a loud, high pitched cheeping noise
chicks and poults that don’t eat
GIT is largest lymphoid organ, development impacts immune function, impacts tracks development
- release corticosterone= immunosuppression
crop checking
- feeling the birds crop to see if they have eaten
- after 2 hours want 75% of chicks to have full crops
- after 48 hours wants all chicks to have full crops
- high CO2 can occur from poor or under ventilated sheds, or poor heating systems
CO2 target
below 2500 ppm
target carbon monoxide CO; from lamps not burning properly
below 10 ppm