common poultry health challenges and biosecurity Flashcards
4 major issues than influence animal health management
- types of animals involved
- production system
- diseases that need to be managed
- options available for managing those disease
healthy birds
- active
- alet
- normal size
- no stained feathers around the vent
- no discharge
- no injuries
sick birds
- isolated
- diarrhea; stained feathers in vent region
- paralysis
- sneezing/ coughing
- blood in feces
- swelling
- lose of weight
what are the 3 key stages of biosecurity
1) conceptual; site planning
2) structural; building design
3) operational; site management
site design and planning
- access rotes
- proximity to waterways (drainage)
- proximity to migratory birds
- distance from other farms
building design
- prevent wild animals and bird access
- prevention of spread of AI
- drainage
- materials used
- feed augers
- roof structure
- roof ventilation
- tunnel vents
- gutters
- rodents
site management
- correct procedures
- wheel washing
- terminal hygiene programme
- step over barriers
- tools equipment cleaned and disinfected
farm biosecurity should be secure by ____, ____ and ____
design, planning and restriction
entry room has what
flock records
broiler and turkey sheds older style
naturally ventilated sheds
broiler shed modern newer style
- environmentally controlled sheds
- no windows
- exhaust fans for tunnel ventilation
- cool pads for evaporative cooling
- maintain temps within 2 degrees
- gas heating for brooding
- artificial lights
- insulated
what are precautions of adding new birds to mixed age farms
- isolate and quarantine new birds for 2 weeks minimum in isolation shed/cage
- one day old chicks considered to be lowest risk method
- older new birds more likely to be diseased
precautions surrounding people equipment and vehicles
- entry only to essential people
- vehicles disinfectant wash facility
- wash and disinfect equipment
- staff restricted to one location
- no used equipment
what are the precautions for wild birds
- they often carry disease
- wild bird proof house/ shed, screen or net
- clean feed spills immediately
- water sources and trees can be indirect contact
what are the precautions of rodents
- carriers of diseases
- damage equipment
- remove trash
- remove vegetation
- clean feed spills
- rotate traps regularly
- especially darkling beetles
- carriers of disease agents MD, ILT, Reo, FP, ND
- mow grass regularly
- prevent water build up
- spray insecticide between flocks
- remove all potential larval food
water supply and quality precautions
- only good quality clean water
- treat and filter water
- closed water better
- keep drinking system free from leakage
water leakage and wet litter causes
- increased possible challenge of coccidiosis
- damages to leg’s skin allowing penetration of bacteria causing foot pad and joint inflammation
wet feed permits development of
fungal contaminants (mycotoxins)
precautions for feed
- good quality
- heat treatment
- feed storage closed at all times
- roof of feed storage leakage free
- feed pans cleaned often
parasite control precautions
- regularly inspecting birds for external parasites
- spraying or dusting birds thoroughly w an approved insecticide
- spray the shed, perches and nests thoroughly with insecticide
- cleaning sheds and rotating ranges to reduce parasite burden
- regularly check fecal material for any sign of worms
- always check label on worming treatments
what are some external parasites
- lice (look white)
- mites: (look like dark specks)
- northern fowl mite, vent tail and breast
- red mite, night time, cracks in beading, difficult to find looks like dust and specks
- scaly leg mite; backyard and outdoor flocks
3 internal parasites found in poultry likely to cause harm
- large round worm
- caecal worm
- tape worm
adult ascaridia: round worm
- adult: over 8 weeks of age;
- tremendous number of eggs
- eggs hard to destroy
- large number of adults in small intestine
larval ascaridia: round worm
- damage to intestine on migration
- problem when there are large numbers contaminated litter
- seasonal factors
- can migrate to liver
tape worms
- raillietina cesticullus
- davainea proglottina
- look like grains of rice
direct transmission (horizontal and vertical)
either horizontal or vertical transmission
- horizontal: same generation
- vertical; to offspring
indirect transmission
- occurs when causative agent passed indirectly from affected bird to healthy bird via intermediate host