practice final Flashcards
which is not desirable reproductive characteristic of a sow
a long rebreeding interval
feed conversion efficiency ia an important production parameter in pig farming as it measures the
amount of pig feed used to produce a kg of lean meat
approx after what time period do intestine stop absorbing colostrum immunoglobulins in a calf
12 hours
how are genetic differences for various traits expressed in the beef industry in aus
estimated breeding values
what are the advantages of surgical castration cattle
formation of cod, operator can see organ removed, and inexpensive
the diet most likely to provide a balance of nutrients suitable for a 5 year old stock horse that is not in work would be
mixed species grass pasture with 1-2 flakes of lucerne hay given twice daily
which is highest concern about morbidity and mortality in live export of aus animals to other countries
which is true with respect to ethics and animal welfare
a. Ethics describes concepts of right and wrong behaviour in relation to animals
b. Ethics describes behaviour that is law abiding
c. Ethics means we should always optimise the welfare of animals
d. Ethics describes our understanding of animal rights
what is an important principle of replacement
using cell cultures and computer models
what legislation mandates the use of animal ethics committees
the animal care and protection act
who is responsible for ensuring the scientific project is conducted as approved by the animal ethics committee
the investigator
Which of the following is NOT essential for maintaining an industry approved standard of animal welfare in production systems?
a. Handling facilities, equipment and procedures that minimise stress
b. Adequate provision of food and water
c. Selection of stock best suited to the saleable product
d. Providing reasonable precautions against extreme weather and natural disasters
When leaving the UQ Dairy walk, you must decontaminate your gumboots. Which is the CORRECT order for decontamination?
Hosing off, scrubbing with detergent, scrubbing with disinfectant, walking through disinfectant footbath, walking over disinfectant impregnated mat
rumination time equates to approx what proportion of their grazing time
what goat is like brown with white stripes on eyes and white socks
average gestation length for dairy goat
5 months
goats have what type of digestive system
key objective of australian feral camel management project
reduce number of feral camels
what terminology is commonly used for newborn alpaca
Which of the following is NOT routinely done as part of the health management of camelids?
a. Tail docking
b. 5 in 1 vaccine
c. Vitamin D supplementation
d. Selenium supplementation
Which of the following is TRUE about camelids forestomach?
3 chambered stomach unique to camelids
horse gaits from slow to fast
walk, trot, canter, gallop
a filly becomes a mare classically at what point
4 yr olds bday
near side
horses left
off side
horses right
eventing in horses is a combo of what
dressage, show jumping and cross country
what colour that looks brown horse (lol look at pics)
stereotypes in horses
seemingly functionless motor sequences
where does thoroughbred racing occur most
NSW and Vic
500kg horse needs approx how many litres of water a day
25 L
how many days is average cycle length in mare
Which statement is CORRECT regarding the Australian sheep industries?
a. Prime lamb, mutton and wool production are increasing
b. Prime lamb production is increasing and mutton production is decreasing
c. Wool production is increasing and mutton production is decreasing
d. Prime lamb and wool production are increasing and mutton production is decreasing
what sheep breed is commonly a terminal sire in aus
poll dorset
second cross lamb typically result of
first cross ewe x terminal sire ram
Which of these is NOT routinely included in lamb marking?
a. Castration of males
b. Drenching
c. Ear tagging
d. Mulesing
Which husbandry procedures in sheep help prevent flystrike?
a. Drenching, crutching, shearing
b. Mulesing, shearing, vaccination
c. Drenching, vaccination, jetting
d. Mulesing, crutching, backlining
Which of the following is NOT true with respect to principles of livestock transport for good welfare?
a. Livestock should be handled using low-stress methods by competent and trained stockpersons
b. Transport facilities and vehicles should be designed and maintained for safe transport of livestock
c. The journey should be planned to minimise travel times, provide safe travel with attention to journey-associated risks
d. All animals may be transported provided the above three principles are met
Which of the following descriptions do NOT represent animals that are unfit to load for transport in Australia?
a. Those that are unable to stand unaided and bear weight on each leg
b. Those that are blind in both eyes
c. Animals that have been diagnosed pregnant by a veterinarian
d. Females travelling without young which have given birth within the previous 48 hours
c. Animals that have been diagnosed pregnant by a veterinarian
Which of the following are recognised classes of stock, present in the UQ Dairy Herd?
a. Bucket calves/ weaners/ springers/ bulls
b. Dry cows/ milking cows/ mated heifers/ pregnant heifers
c. Yearlings/ unjoined heifers/ joined heifers/ transition herd
d. All the above
In the Australian beef industry, what is the commonly used term for an 18month old male bovine, uncastrated and has escaped mustering for sale, often repeatedly?
Which of the following is NOT a commonly used head restraint for an Old-World Camelid?
a. Wooden nose peg
b. Halter
c. Bridle
d. Muzzle
The term “Cria” refers to which age group of South American Camelids?
a. Adult female
b. Newborn
c. Juvenile
d. Castrated male
What does “Rut” mean in relation to Old World Camelid’s behaviour?
male sexual behaviour
Which of the following products sourced from Alpacas are the most important commercially in Australia?
Which of the following breeds of goat are farmed primarily for milk production in Australia?
a. Saanen
b. Angora
c. Boer
d. Cashmere
For which of the following animal health issues are goats routinely drenched to optimise production?
internal parasites
When estimating the age of goats if you observe that four (4) permanent incisors only have erupted then the most CORRECT estimate of the goat’s age is?
18-21 months
critical period for optimum nutritional management of breeding does
late gestation and early lactation
not desirable reproductive characteristic of a sow
long rebreeding interval
pig 9-16wks of age and is 70kg liveweight best describes a:
Sow and piglet nursing behaviours have been categorised into phases. Select the most CORRECT statement below.
a. There are 3 phases of nursing, nursing usually lasts for 150-220 seconds, and not every nursing includes phases 2 and 3.
b. There are 5 phases of nursing with sow vocalisations usually peaking in phase 5.
c. There are 6 phases of feeding, nursing usually last for 100-120 seconds and not every nursing results in milk being available to the piglets.
d. There are 4 phases of nursing, all piglets feed at the same time, and piglets normally nurse every 60-80 minutes.
There are 6 phases of feeding, nursing usually last for 100-120 seconds and not every nursing results in milk being available to the piglets.
Of the listed behaviours seen in mature pigs, which can become a problem and be classed as abnormal?
a. Rooting
b. Nesting
c. Belly nosing
d. Mounting
belly nosing
A female pig that has been transferred to the breeding herd, been mated and farrowed for the first time is a
The optimum temperature range for weaner pigs is?
20-30 degrees
Which of the following is the correct definition for the farrowing rate of sows?
the number of sows mated that actually farrow
castrated male pig
The Australian Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals Pigs 3rd Edition is intended to set guidelines regarding the standard of care that must be provided to pigs farmed in Australia. As such, The Code provides information regarding?
a. Housing and accommodation for pigs
b. Lists growth key performance indicators (KPI)
c. Detailed pig diet formulations
d. Recommend vaccination programs
housing and accommodation for pigs
If a pig farmer mates 50 sows in a week and 40 of those sow’s farrow as a result of the
mating, then the farrowing rate for that group of sows is?
When allowed to exhibit their natural behaviour, horses spend approximately what proportion of their time feeding?
A brand is visible on an Australian Stock horse’s off-side shoulder where the numeral 3 sits directly above the numeral 1.
horse is 3rd foal born on the stud in a year ending in 1
If a horse is 16.2 hands high (hh) at the withers, calculate the horse’s height in metres?
16 hands x 10= 160 cm
.2= 2 inches which =5 cm
so 1.65m
Which of the following would you recommend initially as a tool for managing stereotypies in horses e.g. box walking?
attempt to identify and eliminate cause of behaviour
You are called to a property to see a family who have just purchased a new pony – he is a 300kg Welsh Mountain pony. They haven’t had horses before and have a lot of questions for you. They enquire about worming as they know that they must do this for their dog. What would your advice be for them?
c. Perform a faecal egg count before administering any product (will advise of any current burden as this will require stronger anthelmintics vs a preventative dose).
Which of the following diseases would you recommend a pony club horse in South-East Queensland be vaccinated against?
tetanus, strangles and hendra virus
3 Rs
replace, refine, reduce
The use of environmental enrichment is an example of which of the following?
promoting positive states
What government legislation regulates the use of laboratory animals in Queensland?
the animal care and protection act
What are current trends in the sheep wool and meat industries?
wool production is decreasing and meat production is increasing
Which of these sheep breeds is a British short wool used as a terminal sire?
A first cross ewe is the result of what mating?
merino ewe x maternal sire ram
which of these is not routinely included in lamb marking
Which husbandry procedures in sheep help control external parasites (lice, blowflies)?
mulesing, crutching, backlining
What is FAMACHA used to score in a sheep clinical exam?
barbers pole worm burden
In what environment would you expect to see a higher incidence of sheep with flystrike?
a. In a high rainfall area, when temperatures are warm (>17°C)
What is NOT a normal sheep behaviour?
Laying in dorsal recumbency (a sheep lying on its back is never normal)
When is it normal for sheep to isolate themselves from the flock?
to give birth
Which of these statements are TRUE regarding mulesing?
pain relief only required by law if sheep greater than 6 months old
Prophet’s thumb
a congenital abnormality causing an indentation in the neck muscle, about the size and depth of a thumb.
northern beef
- larger acreage properties
- summer rainfall
- low stocking rates
- native pasture
- c4 grass
- calving
- indicus
- need many heads to make profit
- export market
southern beef
- smaller acreage farms
- winter rainfall
- much higher stocking rates
- wet, soggy, more prevalent to parasites
- bos taurus
- profit turned at much lower head numbers
- domestic market
which sheep behaviour is aggressive towards people
hoof stomping
sheep is isolated in a pen and can see and hear main flock in a paddock 100 m away, how is sheep likely to respond
Continued vocalisation and attempting to escape the pen
Which of these statements is FALSE regarding mulesing?
Pain relief is required by law in all states if sheep are less than 6 months old
Which strategy is most relevant to improving sheep welfare at slaughter?
avoiding mixing of unfamiliar animals
red pig is a
Select the CORRECT statement below that describes some of the unique attributes of Australian’s pig industry.
industry trending to larger vertically integrated corporate farms
Average daily gain is an important production parameter in pig farming as it measures
growth rate expressed as grams per day
Sow and piglet nursing behaviours have been categorised into phases, which are:
There are 6 phases of feeding, nursing usually last for 100-120 seconds and not every nursing results in milk being available to the piglets
Forms of commercial feeds available to the Australian pig industry include:
a. Mash
b. Crumble
c. Pellet
d. All the above
all of the above
What is the targeted BCS for a sow from mid gestation and up to farrowing?
What is the optimum temperature range for their sow?
Which of the following elective husbandry procedures should be avoided as recommended by the Australian Model Code of Practice for the welfare of animals - Pigs (2008)?
applying nose ring to outdoor pigs
]Which statement is MOST CORRECT regarding classes of domestication and housing of pigs?
b. There are wild pig populations living in their native habitat, and feral pig populations living in areas that are NOT their native habitat. Domestic pigs are housed intensively or managed outdoors.
With regard to the beef cattle industry, list SIX (6) factors a producer needs to consider when determining a marketgram?
1) Nutritional management
2) Vaccinations
3) Goal Weaning age and weight
4) Environmental and housing conditions
5) Behavioural considerations → reduce stress as much as possible
6) Economic factors → maximise profit → wean earlier to decrease time to next calf
List FOUR (4) production factors which can be affected by breed selection in a beef cattle, cow and calf operation?
1) Growth rate and efficiency
2) Carcass Quality and Marketability
3) Reproductive performance
4) Adaptability and disease resistance
List FOUR (4) common husbandry procedures performed on male calves?
Ear tagging
Name TWO (2) common parasites of goats, and after each parasite briefly describe how the herd would be routinely monitored for each?
Lice→ BCS and coat conditions
Flukes → FAMACHA scoring or faecal assessments
In Australia, domestic goat herds often have one or two domesticated animals of a different species paddocked with them. Name TWO (2) common species that you might see with a goat herd, and briefly describe their role in the herd.
Sheep → Grazing management. Goats and sheep have different grazing patterns and help to make efficient and even pasture
Cattle → Predator protection. Larger animals can offer protection due to their size and presence
Alpacas → Used as guardian animals for predator protection
Select the option of HIGHEST concern about morbidity and mortality in live export sheep to the Middle East.
In shipments leaving Australia in the Australian winter and reaching destination ports in the Middle East in the northern hemisphere summer
Defining what constitutes an ethical animal interaction is difficult, because ethical use is a limited continuum impacted by the observer’s values and beliefs. Regarding teaching at UQ, who ultimately determines ethical animal use?
animal ethics commitee
Broadly speaking, which are the 3 main groups of horse types?
heavy, light, pony
Standardbred horses are usually branded on what part of their body:
off side neck
A 10-year-old pony presents with the following condition. Which of the following has likely been fed in excess? (pic shows long curved hooves)
What percentage of their body weight should a normal horse be offered of roughage each day?
tail up in horse is what type of behaviour
Amongst Bovids, which species CANNOT be successfully bred with the domestic cow?
water buffalo
tuis is what class of south american camelids
Which one of the following statements is NOT correct in relation to the detrimental effects of wild camels on livestock industries in Australia?
wild camelids carriers of exotics diseases that can affect livestock
Which of the following breeds of goat are used predominantly for meat production in Australia?
goat gestation length
150 days
When estimating the age of goats, if you observe that eight (8) permanent incisors have erupted then the MOST CORRECT estimate of the goat’s age is?
27-32 months
Which of the following statements about goat grazing behaviour is MOST CORRECT?
Goats browse more than sheep and are able to digest lower quality herbage than sheep
Which pig breed BEST fits the following description: a white pig with drooped ears, heavy carcass, fast growth and is good for cross breeding?
What are the three (3) MAIN pig production systems in use
indoor, deep litter, outdoor
The correct definition of swill feeding to pigs is the feeding of:
Food scraps containing meat or imported dairy products
An action that can be used to reduce stock attendant and pig stress when moving pigs would include:
Training your stock attendants about pig behaviour and low force techniques
Which of the following is correct about dry sow / gestation stalls in Australia?
They are being phased out of use
average gestation length of sow
3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days
aka 114 days
The optimum ambient (air) temperature range for new-born piglets is?
Lambs should be tail docked:
As young as possible and before 12 weeks of age
Which of the following are the three (3) major procedures that occur at “lamb marking”?
castration, tail docking, vaccination
Which sheep breed or type exhibits the following traits: relatively fine wool, commonly white all over, retains its fleece if not shorn
saxon merino
Sheep are likely to suffer LESS from disease states such as worm burden or flystrike in which of the following Australian situations?
In the wheat/sheep zone, where dry periods in the summer months and cropping help break the disease cycle
What is the difference between humane killing and euthanasia?
Euthanasia is performed in the interests of the animal’s wellbeing
Which of the following is MOST important in the principle of reduction?
Avoiding unnecessary reduplication of experiments
Which of the following is not a legislated document?
NHMRC “Policy on the Care of Dogs (and Cats) used for Scientific Purposes”
In the 2018/2019 year a total of 20,378 mares were bred for a total of 12,682 foals born (66% of mares bred delivered a live foal). This is a lower statistic than could be expected in other species. Please provide two (2) reasons as to why this is the case?
- Bred for performance and not fertility
- Often older breeding stock is used as previous desired offspring were produced
- Often bred in the September period which is unnatural for horses, and therefore fertility is not at its highest.
You have a client new to horses who rings you to ask for advice on keeping their wnew horse stabled. Provide two (2) potential BEHAVIOURAL issues that they should consider when stabling horses and explain to them what each of them would look like.
- Cribbing- grasping surfaces with incisors, arching back and swallowing air to release endorphins.
- Pawing- movement of hoof along the floor, may turn into kicking and self-mutilation.
- Pacing - constantly walking, often in a circular motion within the stall. This excessive, repetitive motion will also be evident with a well worn “path” within the stall bedding. This can be an indicator of stress, if the horse is not familiar with being stabled.
Name a piece of mechanical equipment used for cattle restraint.
cattle crush
Name four (4) critical ENVIRONMENTAL features which govern the type of beef enterprise a producer may establish.
temp, rainfall, pasture type, amount of land
Honeycomb, True stomach, Paunch, Butcher’s bible
Rumen - paunch
Reticulum - honeycomb
Omasum - butcher’s bible
Abomasum - true stomach
what do facility designs need to pay attention to
- understanding of behaviour
- AW; 5 domains
- low stress handling
- human safety
- regulatory controls
facility design risks
- animals not comfy
- injury
- poor lighting/shadow
- poor ventilation
- overcrowding and adverse behaviours
what would be proper flooring/ what should you consider for flooring
- safe for animals and people; non slip
- comfortable
- promote good locomotion
- durable
- manage drainage
- solid floors with grooves/ slatted, matted on top
main cause of lameness in dairy cows
foot conditions (most commonly outer claw of hind foot) and flooring
what does slippery flooring do
- increased anxiety and stress
- reluctance to move
- hard to perform low stress handling
- reduces efficiency of movement
- increased risk of injuries
what can increase slip risks
curved raceways, wet flooring from water troughs, dirty housing
max journey times for Aus, EU, and USA
48 hours, 8 hours, 28 hours
separate standards for loading ramps
“livestock loading/ unloading ramps and forcing pens”
angles, non slip flooring, width, wall heights, platform, alignment, safe
different truck designs
semi trailer
B double (most common)
road train
how does air flow work in transport vehicles
- complex
- air movement amongst animals is essential to remove heat, and moisture, generated the animals
- in moving vehicle air sucked in from rear and moves forward and exits through front
- when not moving depends on wind
what does OIE do
- maintains international listed diseases and reporting mechanisms
- maintains standards for control and eradication of animal diseases to underpin safe trade in animals and animal products
- OIE maintains international standards on a range of AW welfares