Week11 Flashcards
Learning to think! 3c
Conceptually! Visual, imagery,
Mental preparedness, training and perforamnce seperate imp. Phenomenological.
Before, during and after,
Log books, girls better than guys. Tennis good at post.
(Conceptually) from above.
Wayne Hallwell lecture!
Applied sport psychology,
Individuality is imp. very situation is different.
I chose, you, dancing in my lane,
Creative capacity
Part of thinking!
Other ex. .
Mental training, is a skil!
Mental: Skills, tools, edge (get an)
Edge, ex. Racket, don’t show lost control or focus.
Mental training lets
- Talent come out! Reduc, fear, lack of focus, mental raining
- Laisse aller, free it up.
- Let’s you express your talent.
- Perform to your max.
- Right mindset, optimal perforamcne, mental state. Aha!
Olympic mindset
Be the best you ARE!
Train your brain!
FedEx eg.
The arrow you never saw!
Information processing, idea touched on.
In, ->interpret, ->feeling, ->decision
Wayne makes this all simple, that’s his job. Develop clear mind!
Clear mind and
Clear path.
Part of prep
The journey
Mission, what
Vision, how,
Passion, I get to, not I got to.
Powerful cube explains interactionality
Person task (demands), Situation. Behaviour= Person x Situatiom Interaction approach
Peron is surrounded by
Physical, simulation
social, expectatins
cultural, expectation, snow.
Reduce distractions!
Another triangle
Mental, emotional, physical (skills, fitness)
Without mental component, forget the medal.
Not about out omce, but process emo. Savor the moment.
Calm, focused, enjoyment quote eg.
Mental skills
Visualization, self talk. And concentration.
Oh and perspective. (Balance. )
Operating room side note.
Perspectives, sacrifices and pay the price.
No make choices! Good choices and decisions.
Path of excellence or mediocrity. All leads to habits!
Requires Investment! All leads to balance.
Privilege and opportunity!
It is to…
Take an abnormal PSYC exam! Cdec, oh and get to compete in the Olympics.
Ok I’m trying.
Mental prep. Q
Be in the moment, staying in the moment, and OWNING the moment.
Own the podium, is result oriented. How sad.
A choice own the moment or own the podium.
Focus and control.
Past. Present future
Focus on present, centering. Breathing.
Control: immersed, absorbed, connected, engaged.
Emotional skills
So emo prep
Enjoy (savor, embrace) the moment.
Note distinction between mental and emo.
Engaged and yet relaxed.
Katy perry, roar
What about Nikki Yanovsky I believe.
Music and athletes. Study! He mentioned is underway. Lyrics component,
Keys to improvement
Awareness (mindfulness) -> knowledge -> tools/choices-> CONTROL
4 c’s in French.
Control the controllable
Thoughts, self talk,
Focus, in moment engaged,
Choices/decisions. Being proactive!
Work ethic. Quality purposeful training)
Body language (attitude corporeal ) presence, confiedent.
Energy (physical mental emo)
Have, got, no get!
Excuses, no instead of pointing finger 3 e
Look at yourself.
Effort, execution, and BRINGING EMOTION
E’s E cubed.
Internal climate = focused calm,
Composed, confident readiness.
Distinct from context or external climate, physical.
Interactionist’s again really I think here.
Control climate. Don’t let pressure get too high.
The 5 grossly oversimplified points the week 11 article tries to convey regarding autonomy support, struxture and sdt in the classroom?
(1) what autonomy-suppor-tive teachers say and do during instruction.
(2) These autonomy-supportive acts of in-struction enhance students’ autonomy andengagement.
(3) An autonomy-supportivemotivating style is malleable
(4) Autonomy support and struc-ture
complement, rather than
interferewith, one another, to cultivate in studentsautonomous intentions to act.
(5) Teacher-provided autonomy support constitutes apivotal element in offering students a high-quality, growth-promoting relationship.
Other aspects of autonomy supportive teachers article to remember include, acts that teachers do, dialectical principle, how to provide struxture,
Communicate value and provide ration-ales.
Acknowledge and accept students’ ex-pressions of negative affect.
Nurture inner motivational resources.
Behaviours (9)
listen carefully; (2) create opportunitiesfor students to work in their own way;(3) provide opportunities for students totalk; (4) arrange learning materials and seat-ing patterns so students manipulate objectsand
passivelywatch and listen; (5) encourage effort andpersistence; (6) praise signs of improvementand
mastery; 7)
progress-enablinghints when students seem stuck; (8) areresponsive to students’ questions and com-ments; and (9) communicate a clear ac-knowledgment of students’ perspectives
structure facilitates in stu-dents an intention to act (e.g., “I planto readthe book”), whereas autonomy support
al-lows those formulated intentions to be self-determined and coordinated with one’s in-ner resources (e.g., “I plan to read the bookand enjoy the experience; reading is some-thing I want to do”).
High quality rela. With teacher leading to positive rela and emo with students requires
Gentle discipline
Cultural internalization.
Seperate from religious internalization from last week, under umbrella of how to motivate others.
I’m–> child born–> flourish! but into activities not interesting or fun. Religion is like this and are cultural practise ses.
But how do you measure cultural internalizTion?
Difffence between children of immigrants and immigrants differ
Are all cultural guidelines equally easy to internalize.
For k, when came to mcgill
Amazed at multiculturality. Positive reviews. Nightlife an culturally open.
Big fat greek wedding movie, it’s appeal, k wife’s favourite.
Anyone who felt were in non dominant culture. They identify with the struggle of honoring parents and interests with being an American.
So esp. Those sporting to assimilTe and hold on to heritage.
You should be proud to be xculture.
Simila ex. In the gazette. Setting limits. Struggle with teens, best of both works wanted. Worried about drugs sex freedom. Canadians not polite enough to elders.
Problem with counselor a for children of different cultures. Q
Young are ambivalent to hang on or assimilating.
Hedge on side for assimilation.
Bt it is risky.
Taught not to take sides.
Taking in believes, values and cultural practis ices and making them your own.
Full internalization is if taken in for instance African values and it’s volition all ipand endorse it.
but often goes wrong.
Instead we do not see value in it and feel pressured.
K immigrant childhood. 4 yrs later photo.
Look more like American family. No more button down shirts.
They assimilTed. Foil to Brady bunch,
K wanted to be all American kid.
Austrian things k did not internalize.
Going to German school Saturday mornings Eating wursts Wearing leder hosen Accordion lessons. Polka dancing Playing soccer
More for Germans, want to put Germany behind.
America epically melting pot promoting assimilation,
Deci theory of internalization.
Kis are willing and active in the process
Social context influences. Internalization process and self regulation.
Different processes lead to internalizTion
Could be partially internalized. Introjected.
Idea: full integration, identification or integration.
Result in different styles of. Regulation!
Downsize et al 2004
Degree to to which immigrants internalize relates to their adjustment,
Heritage cultural practices and autonomy of cultural intern.
External, intro, id
Introjective,= I ought to.
Identified. I endorse, and fully believes
External is just someone told you so.
Adjustment measures.
Global well being
Positive and negative affect experiences in heritage and host cultural contexts.
Self and peer reports used!
Results cultural internalization associated oath weell being.
3 kinds. Internalization overall though was strongly related to well being.
In culture highly related interacting with in culture.
Specifies note. As in host culture internalization imp. For
Each culture affects how interact in each culture setting
Bi culture effect too. Better integrated sense of chamelon those was problematic, associated with lower well being.
If feel no conflict, between culture felt. Was fine.
Identifying helpful. Integrating the two was the idea though a higher level.
Why are some immigrant better able to internalize and integrate their mulitple cultures?
Parents autonomy support around cultural issues will promote autonomous internalization.
Measured by, regular scale. Control vs auto support.
Dating most important aspect If forbidden to date out of culture , most popular option Cold shoulder treatment, begrudging acceptance. Be happy that I am happy. Rare.
Study 1:
Some had mix of parents, vRy individual
Hypothesis was supported. Also showed parents who had more empathetic and autonomy supported, took thing in more fully. Esp. If internalization, as led to better well being. For both host and heritage culture.
Autonomy support–> internalization -»> well being
Study 2:
Chinese minority in I Malaysia.
Go to uni. Outside malays
Look at internalization of Chinese culture.
Internalizing heritage culture in fuller way associated with better outcomes even when you left heritage and went to another culture.
Sojourning only going for few years..
Conclusion of Donnie studies
Experience autonomy, support internalization and integration.
Internalization is important suggested.
Seeing meaning and value in cultural guilele one,s imp.
Autonomy inout mak process easier,
Austrian follow up
Visit by Austrian cousins.
Not like stereotype. Surprising. Americanized. Watched same movies and vRy similar to k. As if German American im oatsfrozen in time, immigrants don’t let tradition evolve as much as in original country,
What I missed out on soccer.
Are all cultural girlies equally easy to interlaid. Cultural relativism.
All viable and ok, should not judge practises vs another.
Activities understood by others in terms of individual sown culture.
Sdt challenges this.
Cultures vary in terms of practises and what they afford.
Guidelines and practise in some cultures more liekley to help satisfy basic psychological needs.
Some are harder to internalize.
Antithetical to satisfy basic psychological needs.
Cannot get them to internalize this, maybe only introjt. Wow.
Bride kidnapping
Illegal but overlooked.
Implies women are object. Internalized.
Vertical tradition,
It has be shown that vertical hierarchical values denying certain rights to other groups. Cannot be internalized or integrated.
Oh and Kenya.
Adult circumcision.
Why Kenyans best at long distance running.
Kelinjin tribe. Initiation rights. Circumcised painful public ceremony.
Must withstand intense pain. Trained to limit in terms of pain tolerance.
Internalization adults been through this and horrified, but carry on practise. Another tradition. Things done to young by old.
K suggests this cannot be fully internalized.
Chrikov and ryan four dime soins of culture.
Individualistic vs collectivistic.
Known well but ther is. Also
Both these beliefs can be fully internalized.
Horizontal and vertical.
Emphasis on egalitarianism, interchangeability among ppl.
Or vertical: hierarchical and subbordinare social rela.
These cannot be equally internalized.
Vertical is hard. Cannot be fully internalized. Cuts against basic needs.
Key results from Donnie
Not all cultural practices can be internalized to the self.
Vertical for most difficult
True for bi and mono cultural.
Saw rwo eg. Bride and Kenyans.
Summary autonomy support control
Vertical horizontal.