Week 2 Flashcards
Case study, admin assistant,
Freshmen 20! Warned
Gained 60 pounds throughout university, tried many diets.
Struggled, no diagnosis, life changed after school, felt miserable when she got to 130, consumed by thoughts food. Stayed at 140.
Dreams what if she was 120 again, and what if no think about weight so much.
Chronic concern about weight. Most would away have eating disorder, dominating too much, but in last 10 yrs, emerging view, she has healthy adaption.
Why weight so difficult to discuss
What is a healthy approCh?
Current adaptive view
We need to consciously limit food, due o too many options. Lots of time and energy me to maintain xercise and eating, depletes self control.
Eight loss statistics
●Lose Weight is most popular resolution.
●78% of women; 64% of men currently dieting or watching their weight.
●Average American woman weighs 153lbs.
●Ideal Wt of Average Woman = 124lbs. (now 140)
–70% report they are over ideal weight. Unrealistic?
Martin selling an what you can change and what you cannot
●Panic - curable ●Specific Phobias – almost curable ●Sexual Dysfunction – marked relief ●Depression – moderate relief ●Anger problems - mild relief ●Overweight – temporary Change*** ●PTSD – marginal relief
Oprah phenomenon
Sellingman, and baumeister both use.
Joined trial, optifast , transition off, low calorie,
Used show as test case. But then hoax, rebound effect.
●Hovell et al. 1988 ●Definitive VLCD study ●500 pts, 50% above ideal wt. ●½ drop out before tx is complete. ●Stayers lose 84% of excess weight!! ●Over next 18 mths, pts gain 80% of excess wt back. ●3% considered success at 5 years
Therefore losing battle
Selling an conclusions
●Natural Wt is largely genetically determined. Set point inherited
Do not have that much conscious control
Can only change thing +- 10% many think its bogus
●Your body will vigorously defend this wt: starving effect
- intensely preoccupied w. food
- metabolic changes
●Our natural wt may be quite discrepant
from ideal wt. socially determined, unnatural
Metabolism changes and wt changes
Lost 10% metabolism dropped 18% but for how long! by what medahnism.
Gaining weight, increased metabolism. 10. 25
Oprah, video
Yoyo weight, depressed,
Outsources self control demand
Not good to combine self control idea with weight, does not reflect general self control
Se hope and self change
Big promises and repeat customers, thrive diet industry.
Diet vs lifestyle change, now psychologists distinguish.
False hoopoe syndrome
●1. Initial expectations. (Unrealistic ●2. Commitment to change. ●3. Initial Efforts. ●4. Resistance to Change. ●5. Failure/Abandonment (5-6 weeks in) ●6. Attributions ●7. Emotional, behavioral and physiological consequences.
Effort or wrong diet as excuse for not working. Cannot change set point. Repeated efforts get harder each time. So be cautious
Polivy And k response
Negative things happen each time we fail. Short term dieting no good.
●But many people have lost weight and kept it off; smokers too
Adapted from Stanley Schacter (1982)
Obese relies on external cues! Like time
●Progress may improve if other motivational factors are considered:
–Autonomous Motivation
–Autonomy Support for Goals
–Implementation plans.
Schacter optimistic perspective
1/3 of 161 adults been obese at some point in their life.
2/3’s of this subsample had successfully lost the excess weight and maintained the weight loss for more than 5 years.
Paradox: Hundred of studies suggest that at best 2 to 5% of patients will maintain weight loss but …….
●Why the discordance between experience and research?
●Describe the data collection: biased groups,
●Describe interview protocol: calculate repeated efforts, that why ppl succeed. Like 5-7 times to reach goal!
Gorin Study
●Randomized control weight-loss study over 18 mths.
●Behavioral Treatment vs Beh Tx + Home Care.
●Weekly group meetings focused on calorie reduction and increase in exercise.
●Wt Loss assessed at baseline, 6 months and 18 months.
Motivation and social support most important to success. Like is ideas. Of course
Directs support not as helpful, worse odd, autonomous more imp.
Implementation plans .33
K says key is lifestyle change, no dieting.
Slow and steady weight loss.
Comments on fitness
●Benefits reduces biological aging (Show Pic); reduces depression; reduces risk of other illnesses; might improve self-control capacity. ●Can be fun (show pictures)
Panacea of benefits
Intelligence vs self control,
Self esteem no, focus on self control
Conscienciousness and self control
Messages from baumeister book, cultivated, rewarded taught, self control .
Not too hard to find examples whee self control goes wrong, problem than a resource, gyms sticks are issue
Gymnastics vs winter equivalent
Joan ryan book balanced, read by Koestner
Recreational gymnastics great, but for athletes it is harsh,
Most ppl love, can strengthen bones and improve flexibility.
But we will focus on elite gymnastics. Harsh.
Class goals in human motivation
●Explore Baumeister’s distinction between under-regulation and misregulation. Specifica goal and monitoring issue. 20% of time though it is miseducation,
●To examine the self-regulation of elite gymnasts.
●To consider the relation of goals and self-control to healthy adaptation.
●To consider whether self-discipline is overrated.
1996 Atlantic Olympics
Americans won against Russians, vault, magnificamt seven, Shannon miller , Dominique m, kari strugg. 5 events in women’s competition,
Kerri strug hurt herself, shake it off.
Baumeister analysis of Kerri strug
Now York marathon, kerri completed this challenging thing,
Ultimate in self control, know injure, must go on, shut it out focus on performance, like piano wrong concerto prepared.
Self control
What what’s Kerri thinking?
Getting beyond immediate situation, think about long term.
Transcendence. Enables this
“They need me” said prayer, adrenaline carry me.
Religion associated with higher self on troll, think about beyond ourselves, positive self talk.
Mary Lou Reston quote
Gymnasts incredibly stronger than football players.
Not pity should ascribe. How could let this happen.
3 parts of successful self regulation
Standards, specific goal, feedbakx rich environment.
Self regulation strength.
Lots of delay of gratification, delay impulses. No spontaneous eating.
No giving in to minor injuries. Need to be like a missile.
Miss regulation defined
●Exerting self control in a way that fails to bring about the desired results because the efforts are misguided or wasted.
Having standards, monitoring and self regulation, and failed. Keeping options open, consumed thoughts I think.
Types of miss regulation
Misunderstood contingencies
Ex. Unrequited love
Controlling the uncontrollable,
Ex. Choking, not performing up to potential.
Baumeister, best to act automatically, without think, rely on overlearning. Exercise control of uncontrollable. Trade off between accuracy and speed. Sacrifice speed for certainty. Training ok, competition ,nope.
Kerri strug, she is a paragon of self control, but is it healthy
Humanistic perspective, whole person. Maybe not.
Hollistic, help person, satisfy basic needs. Relatedness, competence, autonomy, volition all.
Similar to accepted, (connected) understood and action.
Related close, competent, and autonomous.
Autonomy is the problem. Professionalized at young age.
For me, lack relationships ish,
Sheldon 2010
Importance of three basic human needs,
Ppl tracked, (note, integration, connection movement has similar idea to related, connects, autonomous)
Satisfying needs most important, for goals, led to positive adjustment, imp to consider if goals are satisfying one of our basic needs, for autonomy, relatedness and connection
Kerri considered in 3 basic needs
Relatedness, not really there,
Competence, emphasis on perfection, unhealthy pursuit, not focused on excellence. Objectively remarkable, subjectively, imperfections.
Gymnasts retire saying they I are boring, not intellectual, socially
Autonomy, not. Much at all
So is it god.
Not under regulating, or mis regulating, so sure it’s good according to baumeister.
But, goal pursuit does not meet basic needs.
Next Kerri strug clip
Sad, toddler in tiara. Reminiscent.
Mindset elite gymnastics. Look differently at self control.
Min over matter. Jump when injured.
Gymnastics, self control glorified. Unaware of other important things
Elite gymnasts, restrict eating, turn off pain.
Interviews British gymnasts,
Mean age 24, identiy set as gym it’s, external pressure,
Piano always need to improve too, what about school. Hmmm, not necessarily. K good
Autonomy, competence rela, coded.
Shun fujimoto, men gymnastics, Japan, Russia,
Did tongs on broken leg, showing no emotion.
Led to baumeister quote,
Incredible heroic self regulate.
See Simpsons version.
Self control, interfere, with natural processes,
Basic needs, pain response.
Older sister of Kerri had gymnastics, dad new about bones.
This looks like coming from her, but was it truly endorsed,
Self discipline, that’s what theyu get. Associate value to it. Usually true but self control
Self control continuum
Uncontrolled impulsive —————– controlled compulsive joyless out of tune with natural processes.
Counts capacity to choose, autonomy, in all situations.
Key kids
Exersize self control.
Am I missing things, should I be exerting self control. Am I missing things that are important right now?
Elite gymnasts sacrifice. Lot
Self control adaptive
Are needs being satisfied, continuum,
Singin formants
Voice coaching focuses on formants coaching,
2800-3000 hz, amplify it, for brilliant sound.