Week 13 Flashcards
4 behavioural thing to think of in health and longevity
Dr says,
Stop smoking,
Eat healthy
Drink in moderation.
These are the big things,
Or others specific to individual re meds.
Motivating patients: autonomy support.
How can music therapists motivate ppl.
Most of our health problems result from behaviour and inability to change it.
Stick against smokers, either quit or get another doctor.
Frederick Ross ex.
Sent letter, would not tolerate smoke.
Fed up, think smokers not interested in maintaining health.
Ultimatum is surprising,
Ego involved saying he is fed up,
Ignores addited aspect. Esp. Ppl genetically predisposed.
Struck by positive response.
K guesses vast majority lay low.
30 ppl who contacted him to try to quit.
Shows most want to quit but need pressure to do it.
Seem to want his approval!
But this is extrinsic controlled!
Only 10% of his practise is smokers.
Average is 25% of Canadians.
Ethically unsound, what if everyone did this.
Beyond motivational aspect.
People need to internalize the value.
Geoff Williams story
Deci ch. 11
Medical doc. Patient motivation is a part of my job,
How I interact with the patient makes a difference.
Frustration led to an important insight.
Issue is patients did not follow through.
Dr has to do more then just provide info.
Must interact with patient.
Autonomy vs control.
Medical model is authoritarian.
18 second time to listen to your problem.
23 seconds now.
Two key concepts.
Autonomous motivations.
Sense of volition
Autonomy support
Specific of autonomy support
Eye contact
Open ended q
Listen, not interrupt. Encourage involvement
Provide rationale!
Three studies by Williams
Smoking, medication, diabetes.
Doctor autonomy support, patients autonomy motivation, follow through in regimen.
Interview done if patient is a smoker.
Ask (open q), Advise (takes many tries) (would you like to try?), assist, arrange (follow-up)
What would it take for you to consider stop smoking. Inception!
Usually start smoking at 13, longitudinal study, looking at motivation of doc and patient.
Saw video ex. Something has gotta give.
Shows autonomy support.
Men are not good with doctors evidence.
Ask NO questions, too confused.
Can behave in autonomy supportive way without taking too much longer, and save time in future. Only 15% walk out knowing what to do on average as it stands now.
10% of participants maintained abstinence. Good average.
Results shows most autonomy supportive docs, likely to successfully quit.
Controlled study supported the correlational one above.
Study 2
Medication compliance.
Serious problem with older ppl.
1 in 5 never fill, 1 in 3 never get refill, half take improperly.
Pill count was done. Show a me rutls as above.
Rationale, listen, open to q, let process info. Autonomous choice full .
Study 3
Diabetes. Common.
Self control resource high for diabetics. Hmmm.
Measures glucose control. Model works again.
Been 9 rct’s
Most common regions for non compliance.
Illness has less symptoms than meds.
Incapable of changing habits, no drinking
Demands of work and family life.
Many do not disuss side effects, or how to take it.
So if doc patient interaction job is to diagnose mind make recommendation think of interaction.
Motivation imp.
Interpersonal behaviour influences motivational and health outcome.
Back to dr Ross,
Battle against smoking successful in us. Now more concern about obesity.
Could imagine ultimatum for obesity.
Saw phenomenological quote.
Wow. Research on mal-practise lawsuits.
Tone of doctor predicts controlling vs autonomy relaxed. Leads to law suit outcome prediction. Wow.
Competence not imp.
Control or dominating more predictive.
Common complaint doctor never listened to me.
Review of deci self determination theory
Motivational change among law students.
Ch. 12 of deci book.
Cost to succumbing to control
Alienation, loss of internal mot.
Introjective but not integration,
Q of the day.
Training to be a doctor not like change in values in law or business.
Motivation and ell being
Controlling graduate school.
Graduate school in clinical psychology.
K own expereince,
Socail worker, high goal told do clinical psychology, not based on interpersonal just on grades.
Cohort, was a maladjusted bunch.
Mmpi. Evaluative environment. Neurotic tiad, paranoid, depressed and anxious. Partly us, partly program. High evaluative climate.
Must be TA.
Well being, diminished gradually. Hmm, is the program at on cordial evaluative for mt?
Multiple roles,
Research by Kroeber, life as a lawyer.
Depression anx, substance abuse.
Stand out for exceptionally high rates of depr son and anxiety, divorce, low job satisfaction.
As a group! Unhappy maladjusted set of individuals.
Clergy rabbi, score highest on well being and job satisfaction.
Why for lawyers,
High prestige profession, do a lot of research.
Training program, aspects that play negative role.
Hypotheses. By Krieger Not telling law student, horrible enviro, reduce well being corrupt values and change direction of life. Hidden sources of law school stress. Unethical and uncaring, broader impact. Main one?
Intense pressure and of petitioners, reorient from positive psoralen value, to rewards and image based values.
No im, or integrated mot.
Law school shifts balance to focus solely only on extrinsic motivations!
Law school is like. .
Focused on competition, unrelenting.
Rank determines everything. Stature.
Abstract Nalytical teaching, not relevant to student situations or experiences, authoritarian, analytical teachings.
Best schools are cooperative.
Relevant, interesting
Informal all like in Finland.
Hue contrast to law school.
Saw video. Alienating
Research design, prestigious school, and middle of pack.
600 students.
Sly therein vs hufflepuff lol.
Assess a academic, motivational and well being , outcome over 3 yar period.
Sdt theory constructs.
Life goals
Intrinsic vs extrinsic (as w have seen)
Motivation for law
Why are you doing that.
Intrinsic extrinsic
Need satisfaction
Autonomy, competence related ness satisfied?
Different levels of motivation. Lik 500000 ft to runway in gtd.
Outcomes, of laws school study.
Are law students different from other students.
Law students were not more extrinsic ally motivated.
In fact, etre more likely to be high on intrinsic aspirations, and high in well being. Pro socail im.
So it’s likely law school causes their decline.
So what happens when they start.
Significant droop over first year.
Shift int. To ext. motivation, well being, all dropped. More controlled. Needs satisfaction significant drop. Not good.
Students did not continue to drop! Msot in first year.
However, usualy ppl, drop and recover! Baseline
This DID NOT happen in law school
K flipped back after clinical PSYC.
More complex q regarding las students.
We know they are good bunch going in, over first year things decline and stay like that.
Changes, rela well being. Interaction effects.
Mediational models. Yes there is an effect, change in motivation is responsible for drop in ell bring. Change is the issue.
Rela to gpa, and then to career choices.
Unique findings. Int identified autonomous, turns out you will do better! More likely highly ranked. BUT by yr 2-3 messGe to specialize, perverse consequence, shift in value cR more in ext. career, shift led to drop in well being.
This s Ggragate of the two law schools.
Comparing two types of law schools
Shows that students are a lot happier and satisfied if at lesser mr a yanked school
There student oriented, less dramatic drop in Im.
Controlled for grades and perf.
Something protective exists going to school less competition and authoritarian.
But what about after school is all done
Hufflepuff did better on licensing exams. More passed the exam. Than high petite school.
Safe to assume, high prestige were better academically. But not on the exam that counts.
Level job satisfaction,
Higher prestige, worse job satisfaction.
Do u want children to be a lawyer, more than 50% say no.
Billable hours. 44, but requires 66h of work.
Nicely decorated sweatshop.
The top schools won’t be called slythein, they will be called griffin dor.
Toronto, osgood, queens, mcgill, UBS
Windsor more humane, interesting comment.
Us: Yale, Harvard, Columbia NYC
K went to many.
Shows we might overloo good student oriented schools..
Law school you select wil left perceived autonomy, efcts need satisfaction affects, needs satisfaction, we’ll being and achievement.
All a starts with school choice!
What if you can only get into slytherin.
Deci ch. 1 has advice.
Shift values to extrinsic.
3 points
1. Regular motivational orientation will make a difference.
Some always look for opportunity to pursue interests. , to initate makes choices etc. more autonomous orientation, have an advantage. Esp. Of always looking for opportunities to initiate and have a choice, volition has power.
- Promoting own dev.
Worked with cohort. - Managing your own manager
Snape vs dumbledoor
Talk to them, ask direct q’s
K eg. Nickname,
Being awar of how it is effecting you, and talking to others about it.
Do something about it, to feel your own autonomy and control of sit.
Another perspective.
The happy lawyer book.
Find out what lawyers do.
Make connections.
Beliefs vs fact.
Get into prestige, learned cho between high prestige but misery, vs low prestige but great quality experience.
It is hard.
Achievement past and striving influences future.
Final video.
Meaning and value of teaching. Edgy.
Teachers make a god dam difference.