Week 6 Flashcards
Why canada is a powerhouse at the Olympics?
What motivational factors helped athletes.
Also look at
Model of sports excellence, pshocological skills training,
How is sport psychology different from Ericsons’s theory
Performing under different circumstances
Coping with stress.
K likes sports,
Guy from norwayfollowed bedard
Same year Ericsson published article how we acquire expertise. Phd in putting
Turns out putting, looks easy, but genes undulating, grains grass, nerves affect you. Sport psychologists, student test interventions.
He said seems interesting, too behavioural and pessimistic, 10000 hours extreme. Ericsson’s model does not tell you how to help someone.
Won few medals in Winter Olympics in the past, then in 1994 things picked up ever since. What happened
More investment in athletes. Esp. Sport psychology.
Sport psychologists view of ericsson’s
Diagnostic interview by Ericsson
Clear set of q, explain deliberate practise.
How many hours dp!
Tell me training, look at hours done per week. Dp
Compare to competitors, all matter acquired complex skills mediated by dp, impossible chance for guy to succeed. Figure skater.
Real PSYC –> sport psych.
Assume dp imp. Prefer ask what level are you at, see them as having reached threshold, and now other factors play a role.
Doing max 4 hr dp a day only way to catch up to someone who started earlier
If they burn out, overdo practise, conk out.
Earlier starters learn faster, plateau.
Terry or lick models of sport excellence
Look at past performance, thoughts and why one p Ws so good. Othe so bad. Look at prep, optimize regulation of arousL, focus mind, and mental skills to perform just as well as in practise.
Four basic needs for human excellence.
Talent, effort, simulation, mental skills!
METS mnemonic
Mental skills specific to sport psych, scientifically proven methods improve mind.
Collaboration with athlete,
Mental skills training consultant
Sport psych believe in (but Ericsson does not)
Talent, Ericsson does not,
Also good if athlete believes this!
Vexing gifted helps, due to improved self efficacy, perserverence, and challenging oneself
Jennifer heil mogul skier.
Experience 2006 gold medal
Couldn’t believe how ready she felt.
Calm, prepared, let it go! Wayne halawal, happy,
All comes down to 45sec after four years of practise.
Knows what to think, soft and forward, thought symbols simple thoughts, while doing performance. Broad internal? Cannot be passive.
I know list!
Trust readiness. Center, key worst to start.
Chocking arises when
You take control of what should be automatic
Statsic of how many medals likely to win, identify hopefuls (putting more pressure on the eesh)
Germany 91% hopefuls won a medal
57% us
21% canada
Hopefuls are first 5
Remedies to get to top 5 hopefuls win
More money!
Tech, docs, sports psychology
Therefore we got to
70% perforamAnce around
Secret biathlon
Going fast, to being slow, rabbit, statue transits, needs training / gifted ess.
Mariam bedard
Super confident.
Vo2 max, 75
Aerobic endurance capacity.
Won six years after training. No advantage for competitors, due to new sport her bronze year.
Hard work marks threshold, then it all comes down to
Mental skills.
Culitre differences in sports. Ping pong, brought in outside sources,
Canadians do not understand repetiotn want to play. Lol
Simulation video
Becky Scott
Altitude tent. Roller ski, arm movement in snow.
Talent, simulation and effort mak great athletes, but all other counties have it, to give you an edge need.
Mental training.
50-90% mental toughness determines winners.
Psychological skills training (4)
Gaol setting, specific, feedback,
-Problems athletes usually set too many and cannot adjust downward!
Arousal regulation often relax,
Visualization: full sensory experience before doing it
Self-talk: use two
38/45 in meta analysis show positive results of mental skills training.
Thelwll, study battery of skills, improve perf.
Position imp midfielders, catching and delivering distributing passes. Obs. Int. Vos. No control limitation.
Intervention, relaxation training,
Visualization, all senses.
Self talk.
Sig imp found.
Goal setting strategies with athlete,
Performance review and I’d of key areas for improve.
Focus on process rather than outcome. Pb, rather than record
●SMART Framing.
●Distinguish Training vs. Competition Goals
●Personal Best
Heil, focus on process. Hid medal uniform.
Methods for arousL
Focus plan, Set arousal level, gets you ready. Usually calm, trust training and help you received. Nancy listen comedy Bedard superstitious Ben hogan, do everything slowly. Tiger woods, preput routine.
Varying routine is a bad sign.
Need refocus plan too think
Figure skaters, Pelletier, then Chinese.
Energizer bunny, practise recovery!
Enjoy coke.
Wife speech therapist, energizer bunny.
For me think fav song, Sunday ? Or
Clar Hughes
Endured pain mentality
2010 Olympics Vancouver
Amazing good. Clearly emphasis better prep.
Application of sports PSYC to our life’s
Exams public speaking
Pre perf routine: coffe and cookie.
Re focus plan: gre exam,
Positive self talk: trial ton k, drowning swim
Color outside the lines, all great artists do this.
This is not a race
Argument for gifted ess reading
It goes into great detail doubt lining how children who are gifted have brain abnormalities, social emotional issues, family (complex) differences and all looking at a correlational aspect, meaning lack of causation. Furthermore, these children should not have arrested developement and hsould be challenged at school, specific to their domain. Cognitive ability was looked at, shown not toa be always the same, Look at how High C creativity is the exception. the end result should be to teach these kids service. give back to others what others have given them.
Carol dweck,
Stanford, mindset book, 60yr
Measuring your own implicit theory.
Fixed vs growth ideology.
Starts course, forced choice. Drawing, hand eye coordination.
Large group 50/50. Split. True for mindset and abilities.
Chinese though 75-80 any be growth mindset,
American focus on endowment,
Our class might choose differently.
Little genius story
Effort, goals
Challenge, persistence.
Colleague Daughter 6yrs
Husband not here, bad cold. School. Ok not going to school due to cold. Loves math actually, first grade teacher, creates subgroup, super geniuses. Gifted,
More challenging work.
Dinner meeting, uncomfortable,
Dad said, did not want to give her cold to any othes super geniuses, Reynolds boy, best, did not want to give him cold.
Felt uncomfortable.
decided small group super genius
To measure:
Not helpful for non genius group. Leads to less of the above.
Dweck research
Worry about kids in both super genius and non super genius groups.
Predictable risks, about thoughts of self having special abilities.
Most don’t think of that,
Theories support ability praise
Self-efficacy: confidence in self actions,
Expectancy: expectation only, somehow confirm it,
Reinforcement: verbal enforcer is praise. Increase frequency! A REWARD
Often praise, but use naive theory, praise ability–> believe it! think this way —> act it! perform it.
K phd thesis
Motivation effects praise children college students
Ability vs effort, puzzle task. Hidden.
Say see ability, work hard
Conclude ppl love ability praise, work hard, persist, excited
But, dweck cites k article, misguided research.
Ability positive effects two problems
Ability positive effects two problems
Short term,
Key q, area of imp. How will kids do when the area becomes challenging and difficult and start failing. Still good to praise ability. Nope.
Dweck focus.
Six studies same paradigm, dweck, ability vs effort complex way
5th graders, rural urban, 50% Caucasian! Intersting and challenging puzzles, ravens progressive matrices,
3 sets of 10, moderate, difficult (key) moderate.
Performance feedback received + praise!
Ability vs work condition, no praise control.
Perforamcne goal between study, ability mindset. Rela to praise received.
Learning goal mastery, of course this growth, only 15% performance goal.
Random assi, no dif at beginning,
Praise orient towards different
Praise ability, performance oriented,
Praise effort, learning oriented.
After difficult retry, tt enjoyment
Ability ones, failure, say do no like, and do not want to continue.
Praise effort, did poor, told so, say enjoyed them, and keep doing.
Attribution: they made.
Take credit for ability, set up, so failure attribute it to ability! (And success) infallible. Hopeless patten, problems in coping.
Effort, no attribution to ability,
Key is, dweck, risk your undertaking praise ability cuz succeed, almost any domain failure part of process, training them belief , performance all nothing, means no ability. Damaging, to attribute failure to ability.
Bottoms line results, perforamnce, 3 rd set
Continue to perform well, ego depleted lol.
Ability praise lead to dramatic drop.
Control gout the same before and after.
Effort raise, do even better,
Ability praise is risky
Chang goals,
Coping responding.
Social comparative info (see this for ability), or tips feedback (learning)
A illy praise exaggerated performance, effort, praise honest,
Ability praise more likely to cheat.
Dweck ability praise effects
Goals, effort.
Ability leads to respond poorly.
Effort leads to resilience.
Challenge seeking, strategies.
Parents look for what in their children
Dweck suggests should look for,
giftedess. Dweck would say, don't look for ability, instead motivational qualities. Seeking challenge, resilience, Effort Strategies
Look within ourselves too. Hmm school resilience could be better,
Stop praising ability, praise effort strategies and hard work,
Dweck relation to talent code guy
Deliberate practie connection
Skepticism, esp genetics,
Dweck suggests whether right or wrong we are better off believing Ericsson.
Maladaptive to believe in innatability
Can we teach children to change belief in ability.
Yes , math function malleability beliefs,
Malleable ability mindset helpful.
Kids likely drop, if belief ability is fixed entity,
Malleable, incremental, changeable, 7-8 do well.
Dropping kids could be picked up with pep talk. Deep practise intervention worked.
Brain expands based on woek done, powrful notion,
Changing the way we teach math, canadian innovation,
John mighton
Myth of ability book. Designed, worked books. J U M P
Independantly got same idea as carol dweck! Deliberate practie, Suzuki like training. It works.
All can have numerical skills. Prodigi potentially.
Micro steps
Mistake teachers make, break down and slow down, and delib all the way along. Issues mean move back!
Jump curve, average moved higher up, and larger percentage are doing well. Thicker bump.
Questions for dweck
Isn’t it naive to believe everyone potential to change.
Slate articel, drawing ability. Examples given.
Yet clip!
Jack of all trades master of non… YET
K chemistry aside, 48 quit, malleable yet idea. Could have been different.
Never asked brother. Fixed mindset do not ask q’s, no resources strategies to cope.
Don’t give up too early,
Some would say all a matter of activating genes.
Back to, evidence helpful to malleable intelligence, and right teachers. Surprise ourselves,