Week 10 Flashcards
Woould you consider allowing your mother to select your marriage partner
What do you think the chances are you’d be happy in this arranged marriage. ?
Most say no, and no way.
For k,
Looked like mint need external help. Arranged wedding. Nightmare scenario, for k.
Choices, autonomy and culture
(How to motivate others esp. Children)
Rewards, praise, competition and then look at Finland.
Positive things include:
Learning material personally relevant.
autonomy support. Perspective seeing them from students eyes, or child’s encouraging choice. Class discussions do this too I guess.
Articel about Indian community in south east sax I?
Interesting Indian American youth go for arranged marriage.
Background of guy, immigrants, similarity to k.
Ester nixed. Liked American sports Seinfeld. Ivy League university.
He was an investment banker.
Moved in across from parents.
Date in college, not much, no serious rela.
Mom suggested arranged marriage. Said ok. 200 portfolios. Mom met them. Anshu yinit
Met her and felt it was right. .
Forgo courtship, most Indian even in America who decide to do this.
Why decide to have an arranged marriage. .
Miss pan day.
Look at divorce rates and couples. Figure odds Re parents can help make the decision, better the odds.
Pursue and select idea, k had.
Harry met Sally movie shown cuz
That’s how K met wife at bookstore.
Personal growth section. For sister and self.
Employment centre. Pur sied Windows self directed’
K flefelt t it was thé way it saoule be’
Because of his self one pt and how he was brought up.
Collectivist culture have different ideas
Making choices is very motivating research.
Pleasure increased. Eg. Sona puzzle.
Even see differences in performance.
Sarah p asside. Kids given a joine all said yes, vs forced reading logs.
Books read and interest.
Significant effect for choice, read more and felt better.
Junior in high school! Girl.
Leopard study q199992
Thinking about choice, you need to consider culyure they are from.
America: independant. Individualistic : Choices are self expressive
Asia: collectivist. Interdependent : inter connectedness, : choices are intended to maintin harmony and fulfill wishes to which whih group I belong and care about. Interdependent- self. Self expression relies on considering others like parents values and thoughts on person they court.
Watched video on. Sheena iyegar.
Green tea, ideas about choice.
Americ beliefs don’t hold true in all cultures Nd places,
Choice affecting you is a choice that you only you should make.
Locus is individual (arranged marriage counter) be true to yourself.
Choice meant greater performance. Embarrassed if mom Ws consulted. Asians are opposite.
Mom choice has a very different effect on. Performance.
1st generation. Kids. Anagram task. Markers.
Personal experimental and mom choice,
Performance and im were the two dependant measures.
First person to come in dictates what rest will do.
Striking differenice for mom choice,
But when it comes to mom, choosing Americans do worse,
Second experiment, with in group vs outgo up choice.
Collectivistic culture idea tested ivyena study cont.
Fantasy game taught math to 10-11y
Tested on learning.
Same 3 conditions. Different materials. Same methods.
Out group, kids another school grade ahead or behind.
For Anglo Americans, personal choice dominates.
By contrast,
Asians do best when in group selects.
Not just mom, self in lures mom dad and ingrouo in Asia.
Personal choice is very positive for Americans and even for Asian Americans, personal choice is fairly positive too!
Asians though even better for in group or mother choice,
Review key findings. Of choices and culture.
Asian Americans might be bicultural.
Back to original q.
Collectivistic culture. Would likely benefit from mom and ingroup, harmony and integration. Making choic would likel result in worse marriage. Against grain of self.
Recent study by boa and lam.
Connection to deci.
Choice often rela. To autonomy. Not 1:1!
Autonomy is about endorsement self and might volition ally decide to let others make decisions and feel choice or volition.
Chinese 5th graders Hong Kong.
Personal vs mother choice.
Measured autonomous. Felt.
Feel more autonomous is mom chooses for them! Hong Kong kids.
Esp if good rela with mom.
Research suggest choice should
Not always be made by self.
Ollevivistic cultures thrive when others make decision.
Second assumption by people about choices.
More is also better.
Some suggest there are too many, feel incapable of making all decisions.
Schwartz, b quote. Too many choices, and not enough guidance.
Online dating issue, always more options.
Back to iyegar and pepper, look at number of options.
Studies showing choice is good. Is better when you have 4-6 options, seems to hVe good effects.
Real life have many more. Supermarket, pension plan.
No ice overload hypo.
6 vs 30 topics for students.
74% vs 60% completed the paper.
Quality significantly higher than when 30 options.
Upscale le supermarket.
Sampling table, 6 vs 24
More people stop when the are 24 jams (60 vs 40)
30% who stopped when looked at 6, but only 3% bought when24.
Looks like fewer or pions are better. Make better decisions, feel better. S
More post decision alr egret when there are too many potions.
Less self blame.
Film ex. Condoms. Some companies have narrowed range.
Business psychologist.
Though appealing, having many prions can sometimes lead to paralysis and lack of motivation ( and depletion of self control as we hVe seen) .
Conclude choices are dependant on
Culture and number of options.
Males females and arranged marriage. Self report of love.
Level of love, start out high and drops for choice marriage.
For arranged starts lower an increases and stays.
They are correlational though.
Can’t assume over long term, love marriage will have best outcomes.
Deci’s perspective on autonomy and culture.
Autonomy does not necessarily mean same thing as choice.
Culturally dependant therefore.
Miss Rawal
Feels helpless. Deci predict will have difficult y in marriages and life. Uti nome for choice may be less imp. Than volition I wonder.
Levels of arranged marriage.
Forced marriage
Traditional arranged marriage (get to meet person and choose from a few)
Modern arranged marriage (choose to have the arranged marriage, and input into meeting process.)
Modern arranged marriage with courtship (light dates, by phone)
Introduction only arranged marriage.
See continuum. Along controlling to autonomy supportive.
Internalization of religious values and guidelines.
Note willpower, religion connection.
Parenting and concluding.
Paradox of kid motivation.
Kids are born being motivated, self motivated.
Issue not how to motivate, but how to stay it of way so they remain I’m, or help fact I’m, plays a role.
Teacher response to regards
Pressure by prinicples or parents. That’s why they motivate in controlling way.
Students don’t understand what teaching is like. Something’s aren’t interesting and enjoyable. Writing. Required for classroom, but not Im.
So they acknowledge im but need children to engage with non im things, that’s why they use rewards and praise.
Some research how’s they are wrong about that. But true that there is another imp. Process in coming to ca about an activity. Not im but INTERNALIZATIN,
Taking in activity based on parents and teachers.
How to encourage internalization!
How do you introduce religion to a child.
K story, skip mass orv time. Once able to escalate not keen on church,
This is the danger. Young you can compel but not forever!
Note picture of daughter. Baptism, red color of devil. Then started going to mass.
Selecting a religion?
Only _% Canadians are religous
20% say its important.
Another 20% say atheist. Say not important. Not force on child.
But for 60% have interest in religion! but not central thing! active. Category for many, including me. Do, why, should we do it.
Why introduce religion to a child
For k, give rational meaning for life. Death etc,
eg Show Ed.
Chosses African American gospel place.
Asks guy to tell him why he should convert. Lol. Free agent idea.
For most it’s brought up in chood, but like Clapton, can be a divine intervention.
Religion associated with better vs worse functioning? McCullough study. Three ways to measure
high levels of traditional religious belief.
Frequent involvement in elisions institutions
Engagement in religious practise
In al studies got at level of religious es. It is seperate from spirituality! Can have oneness seperate from religion or both.
It’s really about Christian, Protestant beliefs. Adherence! IV
Quantity ate review high relig. Higher outcomes. R
Find religiosity significant and reliably correlated with ell being. .16
Higher achievement in youth. .2
.2 with lower divorce rates. Higher marital satisfaction.
Reduction in mortality, most interested in by k. By 25%
Definitely an association, unsure of cause, but likely mediating factors.
Because it’s r, unsure of direction. But likely religion is the important part. Or third variable. ;
Structured parents. Harder to discount.
What Are mediating mechanisms of religion
- Prescribe health promoting behaviours,
Increases inhibition, less alcohol and drugs less risky behaviour see doctors and take medication. Prohibition, - Ability to confer social support.
- Capacity to have self-control, use it effectively. Override typical behaviour, GOALS, MONITOR, SELF CONTROL STRENGTH.
Religious beliefs act as goals, easier to select others! Support goal setting behaviour. Promote self improvement. As well as community involvement.
Precommitment too I gue sincere eases self control.
Also, goal connected to rligious beliefs. SECTIFY
Leads to stronger goal. Goals presented, and goals set by self that are supported by help reach goals.
Practicing a religion means coherent centre and less likely to be in conflict with one another.
How religion helps you monitor,
Believing in god, and having a personal connection, means god is there with you, a supernatural presence monitoring you.
Public ish promise perhaps? Moral audience, that’s better. So yes.
Actively teach self control.
Religion leas to better outcomes becomes
Lhas to higher self control.
Mediationall model.
Christians extreme, Buddhism
Emotional regulation differ.
Chrisitan, holds ppl responsible for their thoughts.
Mean need to control thoughts!
Consistant finding religousity increases self control parts of brain rela with religiosity and self control.
Attendance and religon
Attendance higher in us.
No least religion in Finland, hmmm.
At our age, religious participation is lowest.
Around. 50 increase again.
Other aspect important than im.
Encoded by a person through a process, and use them
See one do one teach one!
Organismic internalization theory.
Read it! By deci
Do not need to force INTERNALIZATIon.
Predisposition for kids to care about what parents care about.
To fee loco petani and connected you want to internalize what they care about, process coming from child. Looking to see what interesting fun imp. as meaningful. A join process. Works with you,
Internalizing can go well or badly. Badly when values taken in in controlling manner, see no meaning. SWALLOWING but not digesting or integrating, due to controlled. Partial
When it goes well introduction, leads to interest and experiment. And reach decision they accept rules. Id and integration. Increase sense of self. Full
Introjective practise, more and and conflict and extreme, pressure etc. internalization went wrong way so quality of involvement suffers.
Full internalization opposite is true.
Deci can predict what will have all has to do with environmental persons introduction and regulation of guidelines.
Introjective eg.
Put to sleep.
Up over no. No no. Internalization.
Most instead of mc aging teach child not to climb out.
Autonomy support, I know… But do not.
Climbed out once and then never again.
Introjective or integrative ways of internalization.
Study. Religous qualiti of experience.s
Dichotomy, rigid, controlled or not.
Ask about prayer. Ability scale.
They found normal distribution.
For self esteem, integrated id and self actualization. And found.
What really matter was how you had internalized religion.
Identified religious beliefs were the only case where you got benefits. Volition all.
Otherwise negative.
Internalization is a moderator. O
How to facility healthy internalization appt study. Jousemette 2005
Provide meaningful rationale
Germans do this a lot.
Acknowledge the bahervs feelings.
Convey a sense of choice.
Don’t say it’s up to you, for 4-5, maybe at 12.
Take into consideration how old they are and coacity for judgement,
Kids do need structure. These things do seem to work.
Self control inpmoortant and internalization important,
But for us, what can we take ay?
Key is whether our activit are connected with strongly held values.
Passionate for music like I am, serves to organize beliefs. Same way as religion as wll as civic values.
Society without god?
Not a stereotyped mayhem, instead a society that is deeply stable moral and humane. Civic value and beliefs that Scandinavia has and ascribes to functioning like a formal religion.