Week 9 Flashcards
More basketball stories rela to im
Organized.vs pick up bball
K lost I’m in it dope to competition.
Brother still plays though. Always plays. Except on year due to knee.
So y the difference?
Height no k taller, immigrants language later for bro. Not involved until later in high school. Pick up games.
K started in competitive nature. Organized competition. Peaked at 13.
Madison square garden. AheD at.
Two players on good player at all times.
Said take me out. Took out lose by 30 points.
Never wanted to play basket ball after that.
By 16 most kids out of sports
Intrinsic motivation,
Rewards undermine, esp if controlled and manipulated.
Praise can be controlling,
Now talk about competition.
Impact on im
Imp. To prepare children for realt world competition. . .?
Model kor sports commitment
Understand why some stay with sport?
Commitment is disoriented and resolve to continue sport participation.
Function if 5 factors
From rela literature
- Sports enjoyment (most imp.) more flow.
- Involvement opportunities from the sport (positive consequences)
- Personal investments
- Involvement alternatives (can be negative see other things)
- Social constraints (if others care, more likely to care, feel more obligation) can be negative, key is if pressure
Guess this could apply to work and school activities too.
In ral to k and bball.
Not sure if this can explain it, it’s another factor.
COMPETITIN, age of onset and severity. Intensity..
Competition, independant for most part of finding a partner which was driving the other model.
Ballet competition clip.
Miss family, try not to see friends as competition. But it is there acknowledged by all. Winnowing process.
Use of word competition…
Teach kids to compete? impact on Im.
Beat vs do best
Free choice paradigm. Sona game.
Confederate in deci study trained. Sit close by. Told work some puzzles. Finish at own pace, do best.
Competition condition. Beat other person.
Set up subject always won. Losing not tested.
People competition, half as much motivation.
Competition undermine I’m, like Edwards, cannot equate the two though.
Mihaliy ex.
Reasons for enjoying the bball game
Competition I has to be there.
- Competition/measuring self vs others
- Dev. Of postal skills
- Friendships
Therefore competition can have different meanings.
Deci with post doc try to distinguish types of completion.
3 condition of 5 looked at in. Class
Meet pseudo peer (actor) outperform by doing puzzles.
State ten made it seem like challenge. Controlling cond. focus on winner takes all.
Participant always on in 2 conditions, other they lost.
Lose, noncont control
Non cont, spend most time on puzzles. Im high. Lose spend less.
Mediators include competence and pressure.
Lose, leads to drop in competence and I’m drops.
But even if winning, competition, pressure con
Competition leas either to failure decrease in competence or
Push so hard, feel pressure even if win, im drops.
Ahhh that’s like Julia piano lessons.
Sometimes competition good, if presented
Non controlling and you win,
Missing condition in design, tell people must win, set up to fail
Highligh competition then fail. Unethical but
Assume feel terrible. Zero I’m.
Of my course we see that in real life.
Controlling completion in which we fail often happens.
K thinks this is his case in bball.
Brother bball
No sense of failure in informal games, winning does no matters
Informal sports better balance between challenge and abilities and more positive.
Organized sports balance not always there, it tends to always be about winning. Danger with organized sports. Slience of winning is powerful l feedback of failure, organized sport funnel.
Leave sport without any im to peruse potential enjoyable informal activity.
Reeve and deci conclude
Winning does not necessarily lead to lower I’m, if focus is not on winning. But that is not often the case.
Pressure has negative effect.
Cortisol higher in brain, damage like seen in ab PSYC?
Chipmunk story. Win game, 3 on sidelines. Crying. One of the girls was coaches daughter. Corrupted by focus on competition and did hurtful to daughter. Otherwise good people can turn bad when task competition. Need to Precommitment
Some kids stay, think about sportsmanship. Winner may not be who we like.
Showing caring and concern for others.
Most nt this, few show it.
CBC hockey special.
Referee poorly treated.
Vallerand study. Kids hockey.
Speed skaters. Competition or for other reasons fun or competition.
Extrinsic vs intrinsic, rela to sportsmanship respect to ref.
Found dramatic increase peewee hockey players more competitive and extrinsic and sportsmanship decreses. Drives out I’m. Wow become less agreeable too.
Funelling effect of organized sports
Im decrese, 90% leave field by 15 and will not do it for leisure either.
5-10% left aren’t really the nicest people. Use drugs etc, misogyny. Not necessarily worth all that is lost.
Teach kids to compete? Learn in sports k think
May be wrong.
What are you important roles in life and how important is it to compete in these roles.
Spouse parent friend worker.
Parenting biggest sport achievement focused. Wow.
Not helpful healthy.
Most cas competition not healthy overall. Cooperation more imp.
We get a lot of practise competing, less practise cooperating. Need more.
Now outcome focus is on qualitand im
Rewards, praise and competition are risky strategies.
3 things helpful! Promote im.
Yay. Positive outlook, approach oriented goals can be had!
Look at Finland schools. Where less is more. Note Finnish lessons book.
So looking at standardized exams, 15-16 yo every 3 years. Deep understanding,
Fins always do well, CBC radio, series. Pisa international student assesment. Quebec is same size as Finland.
57 countries, science reading math, x = 500
K suggests 15-16 Intersting group. Ready to become adults?
2912 Pisa resutsl
China refuses representative! Shanghai Singapore, South Korea.
Finland no langerbest, surpassed by Asia.
Shanghai not representative of china at all.
South Korea and Japan, concerns about pressure, psychiatric disorder unique to those
Japan and Korea disorder.
Young person withdraw from society, live as he it,
Social withdrawal. Cultural hypo: for young academic pressure to high. So ashamed resentful and give up. Suicide high.
Intense high pressure school environements. Finland so different from all these.
In us, concern for students fall behind. Effort to reform recommendations?
Use Asian countries as a model
Need standardards. Homework, emphasis on math and science. Deliberate practise (though really busy work)
More classes for gifted, longer days and year, uniforms, kipp school model! High self control
Meit pay for teachers, pay for students.
No imp. Coerce and monitor continuously. Control and pressure and competition, assumption what Asia doesn, but actually grade school quite diferent,
Canada is like Finland as Finland ?
School start is 7, need for play! Joy
Same teacher for 3 yrs, no competition, awards, grades not until 12. (Notice no mention of no praise)
No gifted classes. No uniforms, use first names,
Art gym, recess very hour,
15 minutes a day of homework max.
So no merit pay, or standards emphasis.
Very different from us goal. Or Asian high schools.
Compassion, passin, and responsibility focused.
What is Finland doing
Trusting children are im to learn.
Maintin im. Continue to study and learn out of interest, rather that controlled.
3 things that characterize Finnish classrooms, that increase IM
- Encourage cooperation
Collaborative, no competition. - Contextualize and personalize learning
Not abstract general, instead practical and personally meaningful focused, - Support autonomy,
Teachers encourage initiative and input from students. Not controlling,
Cooperation, antithesis of competition.
Competition and chool outcomes vs individualistic and cooperative.
Aside: what about the introverts
Competition: people attain their goals only if others do not, eg. Honors program, competitive and restrictive.
Cooperative: people attain their goals only if others do also.
1 grade rule. Feedback w/I eval and grades.
Individualism: people attain their goals without fact goal attainment of others.
Cooperation is associated with
Cooperation way better than competitions, individualism next best.
Im, high if cooperative, deep conceptual learning is better.
Greater dev. Of communication skills
Attidtude towards teacher and school. Better, also for classmates.
Reduce perception of differences.
Higher self esteem and better mental health.
Make learning relevant!
Contextual inaction and personalization
Note abstract more logical and generalize hypo but perhaps you need a hook. Ignition! For it to stick.
Bottles, pizza, hands on. Multimodal.
Contextual iced just means make a connection so interested. Ignition, im increased.
Perosnal contextual. Instead of using the, use YOUR.
That simple change, leads to higher im, and better learning,
Make relevant the learning task. Better.
Redid canada analysis Finnish approach
Collective, work, practical. Self eval. No grade, but give feedback and support.
Daughter 6th regrade science teacher.
Animal skulls story. Groups ok. Carefully examine each.
Animal preditor or prey, wow.
Autonomy support
Seeing things from kids perspective.
This is called
Alert, focused, little it constraint, free thoughts higher im
What is not autonomy support
Control: so Praise Rewards, Threats Deadlines Imposed goals and eval.
Application not sought, but prep for test,
Curioposity vs interest, Finland probably does not drop.
Impact of teacher style
Public schools.
Focus competence,
Regunlatory styrl, vs im of students.
Picture scenario and what would you do. Situational problems.
Devise ways of getting words togethor.
Most are mix of two.
More autonomy supported more intrinsically motivated, self worth higher. Obtained same at end of year. In may it is not any stronger.
After 4 weeks see same R, do have significant and fast impact on kis. Im.
Ok but, directive non directive, time? And inro extro group, cooperation effect?
Autonomy support. What it is, what it isn’t.
It is: Finnish support
Listen more, encourage convo, time for intended work.
Cooperation,personal relevance and autonomy support. Much more relaxed.
It isn’t.
Gymnastic coaching (video)
Push, cohere, mock, criticize. Track behaviours,
Emphasize eval. High standards, direct and give answers emphasize competition, feeling controlled.
Teachers in Finland have room alto adapt curriculum. Teacher autonomy. Dif in canada.
Final and teacher highly regarded.
In canada is like doctor, here we think teacher second plan, have summer at least,
Teacher do not get paid more,
Autonomy support for both students and teachers. In Finland, apart from context and cooperation.
Finland Intersting facts.
Early reading, discourage in fin. At 7 all can read learn togethor. Are behin but catch up in 3 months. 98% literacy rate,
Gifted classes. Fin no have, most productive workers, more classical musicians. High ach. No emphasis on id gifted kids.
Homework. Fins only have 16 mins,
Does not have positive effects people think it will.
No better learning or graes, more homework, more im down and family conflict goes up! Maybe less in hs, but it’s an issue ,