Week 4 Flashcards
Why watch tv, y so difficult to stop
Average tv watching 4 hours.
More execute more guilt you feel.
But today, we do other things to waste time.
Surf web, fb. Etc. hehe screen size looking up, but need break.
Understand flow conept and ESM
Understand experin decline tv watching
Goal for watch less tv?
Finding flow book
Mihaliy ted talk
Nova Scotia,
Guys, surf in jNuray in Nova Scotia,
Show danger no reward, but experience flow so do it over.
Doing going love to do, caries along by current. = flow.
Phenomenology experienced. Learning, listening.
Emergent in. Doing activity, motivation intrinsic
Not to get paid, or social currency, but do it anyway
Components of flow (6)
Effortless action, stand out in life.
Games sports etc facilitate flow. Because they often have these components.
–Clarity of goals
–Immediate feedback
–Challenges and skills are matched, can increase togethor
–Absorbed in the task
–Sense of personal control
–Altered sense of time, faster or slower like a 5 second action feeling longer.
Worst experiences are those when self conscious
Become more complex more flow we have.
Measured by interviews and novel method.
ESM. 10 times a day. What doing and experiences were
Take variable and look at it fluctuations.
Use ex. Dramatic fluctuations,
How often and hwhen do we report something like flow?
Plot skill and challenge, Low = apathy Skill high, challenge low = bored Challenge high skill low = anxious Challenge and skill high leads to flow. Sports and hobbies often get to this.
Leisure vs work study
Paradox of work and leisure
Think leisure is more likely flow.
Surprisingly during leisure activities only reported flow 20% of a time! challenge an skill gig.
At work high challenge and high skill 60% of the time.
Therefore, 3x more common at work!
Paradox of work and leisure
Leisure means watching tv! Activity least likely to be associate with flow. Comparable to staring up at ceiling.
Negative about tv,
Wasting leisure time
Work is good for us more challenge and develop more skills
Tv caPtialiIzes on
Orienting response, changing stimuli. Cutting, hypnotic.
Antithesis of flow experience.
Significantly more relaxed watching tv. Blah experience
Compare reding vs tv
Reading is mcu mer fulfilling,
Cheerful and relaxed still.
More potent. More concentration. More skill.
Consecutive reports. Tv becomes worse and worse the longer you do it! Eusing is the OPPOSITE
Reading more optimal experience.
Class stats
Tv displaced by internet.
Is it pretty much like tv, or like reading.
Well reading I do, but ideo waiting like others or fb probably is like tv.
Mihaliy suggest drawn to tv
Hypnotized by orienting, and natural state of mind without structure or goal is CHAOS
Depressed and anxious if let mind wander. Tv easy fat structure. Mind.
So other activities demand more from us, so we should do them.
K counter Miley tv parasite idea
- It’s ok doing it with others
Rating are more positive, benefit. But true for ANY activity - Life is stressful, helps relax and recuperate.
Nun & uni prof, least stress.
Don’t watch more tv if tough day. It’s habitual
Time series analysis, challenge of day has no influence, nor how aroused or active! Happy sad either
Relaxation post tv, drops, keep with socail leisure activity. Therefore tv becomes like addiction, negatively conditioned. Temporary fix, rebound effect. Therefore relax is a myth.
In other cultures, other activities are flow recuperating from long day. Active flow producing activities. - It’s ok if you watch good shows
Show did not effect experience according to mihaliy
But, shows have become more complex and reached a golden age, can actually make you smarter.
Watching tv make you smarter, but
Textual analysis, shows are more complex generally.
Bunk theere is also cognitive junk.
Single complex thread or complex network. So survivor ok.
Therefore it’s possible now to watch shows more challenging
Don’t try to give up tv, internet, youtube.
Watch with other people
Be a discriminating viewer, gaol oriented, not more than an hour. Plan using TV guide. Similar to internet and blogs maybe.
Computer mediated activities
Internet surfing
Ritualistic (low flow and stimulation)
Instrumental (goal oriented, good, very different)
Social networking” potentially valuable, passive or active? No different from checking in with tv characters
Video games, addictive issue, antisocial too.
Stealing cars, and fighting in war, flow activity,
How did tiger woods become the best golfer in history.
Expert performance.
Focused on achievement goals.
Arguable q,
Consider ability vs expert in achieving goals and
Unique importance of deliberate practise.
Ericsson research.
Class survey,
Surprised, how talented,
85% other area! at expert or elite level.
Sport, music, fine arts, language arts.
Began age 8 8 hours a week.
Music for me, yup.
Natural ability vs effort. .
45% natural, 55% effort modest.
Research challenges belief. Natural portion is 0%
Film clips
Highly achievement motivation, excellence
K good ball sports using hands, not soccer.
Tiger, prodigy, basket ball.
Think about our abilities and make comparisons with others.
Expert perforamnce, what is it
Specific goals instant feedback, comparable.
Certain domains we don’t stop to measure expertise.
Carefully look at perforam and see it s not true.
Wine connoisseurs no better than chance.
Question domains and test expert in controlled conditions.
Hard to evaluate psychology, outcomes over long period.
K favorite summer activity
Unique to gold, cler standards of excellence.
Par is excellence, feast to eval expert.
Tiger, high level. Video.
Tiger woods
14 major championships.
Tiger average 69, on par 71. Highest career earnings
Young tiger, touch feel better.
First impression natural gift.
Role of talent and motivation in expert perforamcne
Traditional view, , god giftedness
Most common current view, due to genetic endowment.
Both innate.
Few make it to professional level.
Assume natural talent, max out effort, distinguish natural talent.
Perforamcne = ability x effortless
Howard Gardners theory of multiple intelligence
7 intelligences biologically based, vary, normal distribution on abilities
Linguistic verbal creative writer
Logistic mathematical engineer
Education focus almost exclusively on on these types of intelligence!
Spatial architects
Bodily kin esthetic dance
Last two need for psychologists, think about them, asses
Interpersonal, understanding other ppl, them and togethor
Intrapersonal using yourself as a model to understand others, wow super high on this. Other not as much. Interesting.
Independant of another re berm
Note naturalistic intelligence, and existential intelligence too added
These can be assessed. 15 kids picture talk about relax of friends groups clicks. Hierarchy later in life added.
Education can do what
Satisfied and operant,
Succeed, leads to being pledge professor. Less time rank and identify natural competency and gift,
Ways to succeed and at abilities. Nature approach, nurture.
Hmm match people at unknown skill level! Cultivated or not, in therapy, as for taking holistic view on treatment. .
Ericsson disagrees. Completely.
Evidence for talent view
Focus on performance of prodigies, neuro anatomical gift.
Q: future success? and background exposure, encouragement teaching duration and intentisty specific skill related taks etc
Many prodig burn out. Mso performers not child prodigies.
Perforamnce of savants, below average abilities autism, brilliant in narrow area. Preset programming. Neurobiological.
Spel ability linked to being an expert.
Ex. Perfect pitch.
Visual spatial memory of chess players.
Wesly chu
Prodigy, canaidan but Asian
Natural intel?
Well enviro, had piano at home, parents music teachers. Got encouragement, challenge drills. Absolute pitch
Future success.
Super piano brothers, two other kids re now aheD of him. In competition.
Sophie, piano get away. Lol
Few prodigies make it to adult maintaing success. Chu will likely succeed now being 22
Prodigies background
Parents often involvedeldmen, gift
Early interest passion for music, not necessarily skill. Ericsson
Wesley keen interest, engagement practise fueled.
Tiger woods story
Father crazy, good rela,
MKe tiger greatest godfer.
6 months, into garage hit balls into net. 1-2 hours watch.
Golf club, swing perfect imitation.
Driving range, golf course, too young.
Beat owner bigger. 6 gf course each dY. 8 swing coach.
Sports psych at 10!
Compete, parents dedicTed lives. Ha not for me performance.
Train child b4 seld conscious.
Perforam of savants
Early intense exposure and training was seen in prodigy but for savant.
Repetition help you learn.
K ADHD camp, stick things houses carpenter, parents tools and wood. Obsessive kid. Savant, explain perforamnce, early extensive repetitive training.
Superior basic abilities
Ericsson debunk other ones. Weak evidence for natural talent.
Early training, intense blah blah.
Absolute pitch, music training young, critical period 3-5. Asian language family more likely. Musicianship no relation to per pitch Still some debate
Chess players.
Against 50, wins 47 blindfolded! Hippocampus special?
Ericsson says, non specific to chess, no good, random, no good. Only when in meaningful alignment, chess player has advantGe.
More played,more deliberate practise, greater cognitive structures to allow you to do complex linkages and complex patters.
Not innate, results of practise. Basic ability no diff, specific imp.