Week 5 Flashcards
What is deliberate practise
Ericsson research on expertise in everyday lives.
Q’s of the day
Why fail develop expertise despite continuing in domain
Relevance to everyday life.
K basketball peak and plateau
●Freshman year of HS
●CYO team
Note flow expende scoring goal.
Deliberate practise like suicides, jump rope. Instead of just playing.
●Freshman HS team
●St Brigit’s and Shake and Bake;
●Sophomore year and thereafter.
Reach peak, plateau, regress and ask y?
Assume ceiling, never realized he stopped putting in the effort.
Practise lose interest, reach plateau, do not have dedication to continue.
Example of deliberate practise
Practises not designed for enjoyment. Goal to build specific skills.
Key to improvement focusing on thi you don’t like to do, less fun. But so imp.
Types of experience
Deliberate practise: individualized trainign on a task by a specialized teacher. Drills, flashcards, testing, music scales but also varying a theme need to do.
Often we stop at some point once reached a point feel good enough to have fun.
Play: primary goal is the inherent enjoyment.
One possible cost, won’t get rewarded by improving. No attention and repetition.
Woek: public performances, competitions, or other performance motivated by $. Goal reliable production. Not usually improvement, so not deliberate practise. Hmmm. Just money. No improvement.
Used lessons skiing ex. Sophie 3l
Most do 30hrs deliberate practise, feel good enough. Never do deliberate practise again. Assume get better by playing but no.
Golf ex. Ppl quit after 2 yrs, get no better. Stop deliberate practise oops.
Europeans focus on skill development meaning
Less games, more skilled.
Overestimate how much we learn in games, competitions performances etc. hmm.
Ericsson hockey and tennis ex.
Boob vallerand
Basketball guy, .
Great career great practise. Janitor let in to play when no one was there.
Why deliberate practise so imp. 4 things for learning and remembering it
1 Goal to attend to the task and proving perforamcne.
Attending and improving.
2. Explicit instructions about best methods of improvement. Coaching drills!
3. Immediate feedback
4. Repetition for overlearning. Automatic
Hockey, tennis, baseball
Gaol and immediate feedback for
Deliberate practise
Self control and
Surprising fact that what is true for leisure activities is also true for
Work. Therefore experience is weakly related to level of performance (working memory capacity too)
Experience usually does not include deliberate practise.
Psychotherapy yrs expected unrelated to client outcomes.
Kids teens para professionals a well as or better than psychs.
Doctors need at least 2 years after no change.
Amateur vs expert delib pract
Plot it, for piano player. Amateur practises same amount of number of years, once 10-11, dramatically deliberate practise.
Not easy. Can only do about and hour at a time. 4 hour max. Repetitive stress id order. So this applies to studying and music practise.
Overuse injuries, PSYC breakdowns. Increase gradually better.
Does delib practise explain the truly gret?
Argument for tiger, waynesteve, and genie.
Better coaches, longer time and intensity many years.
Bouchard practise and mental toughness imp.
The mono tonic benefits assumption
Perforamcne = amount of de liberated practise per week accumulated.
Study musicians 3 levels
Regional, national, international.
Regional only had 5000 hours of deliberate practise.
10000 for international expertise.
Musician 20 rs old. Sometimes started later.
No one was a natural. No grinders.
Found clear linear rela.
Replicated with chess,
Seems to explain truly great.
Old harder stay longer. Exposed young age, great training too
Avoid arrested development
Generalized automaticity.
Advice to aspiring expert. Looking at cognitive mechanisms.
How long can you stay at the top
Cannot stay there, unless they continue to do deliberate practise.
20 and 50 yer old pianists speed tasks.
50 ye old a lot slower. Music specific, 50 yr kood very close.
In domain maintin. 50 year old fastest, ones who practise most.
Steve Nash.
Unlikely success story, basketball.
Key train harder and better, Allan iverson. Rant about practise.
Weekly piano practise by age.
As experts get older they do a lot less deliberate practise. Quality of performNce drops.
What if I o not want to be an expert
Applies across all levels though.
Help to participate and blend in. Hmm, socializing…
Every day activities
Teenager. How to talk listen.
Faculty meeting skills.
Say something, no one responds. Political skill.
Any domain, function effectively. Practise.
Key insights delib practise
●Playing doesn’t help you get better.
●Competing doesn’t help you get better.
●Only deliberate practice helps you get better.
●We have to learn what is the best deliberate practice in each area.
●These insights will be especially helpful in our everyday lives, as worker, amateur performer and parent.
Is ericsson’s theory the only solution or idea
Nope, others question it.
James brown sets 75
K question rica on.
Ericsson questions any unnatural unbeleiable be things.
Relying on systematic scientific evidence shows otherwise.
Football player baseball same time. Best.
Transferable skills. Knows dion sanders, no one trains hardera
Transferable skills.
Tiger woods, deliberate practise, longer earlier, better scheme from pa
Ppl fail to develop because others catch up, and the best arrest dev. By stopping delib. Pract.
Ericsson explanations.
Delib practise all the answer.
Specific goal improve specific component.
Feed back, self control, work on challenge,
Genetic musicle endowment sports?
Sports gene, writer.
Largely due to genetic endowment, to excel in sports
Fast twitch slow twitch muscle Jim ryan. Swim to track coach. Won both. Change a lot physically. In teens.
Highlight: coaches track record and Jim ryan biography, not endowed.
Height genetic, weight sort of .
Unique coach, two a day, deliberate practise.
Changes morphology, especially at certain ages.
3 weeks more blood, 3 months, greater Change.
3 years, larger heart. Cross country running.
Will go at once stopped.
So all a result of delib prac.
What represents effective deliberate practise?
Students get goal oriented training in specific skills. Listening, practise clients video recorded transcribed, reviewed provide feedback. Effortful goal oriented hard work.
Don’t get better by playing/doing. Peer supervision just, ok.
Chess player: book, or chess matches, study pieces and board and consider moves. Observe master moves.
Scrabble: mcgill scrabble team great 2 of best in music dept.
2 bongos a game, know all two letter words, and 3, and q without u. Make anagrams, scramble letters. Q cards.
Top six from Thailand. No English? Color coding anagrams, binary
Research prof
For any activity to be best
Need to find out what is best delib prac.
Who can teach brain storm with you.
Gardener, musician vs Ericsson
Some learn faster, special ability, see all time in music. Natural ability.
Ericsson says.
Extensive prior experience in relative training. Usually the reason.
Pick it up fast because had to pick up other things fast. Got lazy maybe.
Suzuki does not believe in
Innate musical talent,
motivation to practise, improve performance, activities enure success go back to previous steps. Before advancing
K experiment on daughter
Sophie, physical activity, kick ball. Video. Stay on side run up down, watch dress billow in wind. Motor dev. Problem. Let’s ball hit her.
After year, could do it.
No experince or interest, not necessarily spastic.
Natural experiment. Juggling balls -> tennis. Slower balls. Now can return.
Many activities, do not get opportunity or training/practise
Judgments are wrong, need to explore previous expereince and training.
Physical advantage.
Against delib pract.
Wayne peripheral vision. Tests, basic ability.
Find that their vision is no better than average. Can’t point to chameleon eyes, need to point to why, not symptoms.
Swimmers, ex. Swimmer physique lean long arms,
Has because of early hard delib practise for long time with better coaches, feet flexible training, result of dp
Tennis player, arched back. Same idea, critical age training shaped it.
Katrina Mae don speed skater. Quads powerful innate, no, training.
Critical periods
For sports and language.
What about career development maintain. Status help in delib pract?
Cognitive mechanisms used in expert performance involve
Complex repentantions
Ericsson gifted children y are there differences ?
Cuz there are dif.
School activities in are rely years, prodigy, read early fr, without trainging. Article will read.
Phd by 14.
Parents focus all attention, sue school district. University fourth grade.
Lawsuit. Sue profs, get credit. Not anecdotal, reading can be aspeicL thing.
Show brain studies, gifted in math or music.
Non academic, talented.
Academic, gifted. Academic field.
Math brains
Non-right handed, dominant right hemisphere.
More bilateral involvement.
Clear neuro evidence, difference in brain activity. Debunk brain difference. Practise early enough. Neuroplasticity.
Map onto motor visual
Taxi, hippocampus larger.
Memory, foil insist. Task specid part brain larger. Practise rutls in neuro anatomical changes.
Can we all be experts?
Well are barriers, just not that urial talent.
Early exposure, critical development period.
Keen interest
Self regulation
Resources, financial support
Good coaches, at critical time not to excess.
8 barriers.