Week 8 Flashcards
What is intricic motivation
According to deci: natural propensity to engage ones interest tandem exercise son capacities. Humans programmed to be curious exploratory smarting to learn and. Self drive. To do these things. Look at young, wow they are so curious. “Why daddy?” Lol
Specific definition: whenever you do an activity for its own sake, for enjoyment of doing it for its own enjoyment. K ex. Harry potter. Hunger games. Feel like kid says k , like listening to kids music!
Contrast to extrinsic (instrumental ) motivation: doing something for external reasons, to get something out of it,
Impact of rewards on intrinsic motivation
ChNge of focus from achievement to quality of experience, life etc.
rewards misguided.
Intrinsic mot. Research
Free choice paradigm
Find sample, kinder kiss, I’d intrinsic motivation.
Random assign, reward condition, draw pictures. Task. With control no reward troup. Reward is symbolic.
Explicit ending,
Then free choice period. Opportunity to draw if they want. Week later taken to room.
Measure intric motivation time speed on drawing activity,
No rewrd kids, spent more time drawing in free time, drew fewer pictures overall but had a better quality.
3rd condition, received unexpected rewrd!
Did not undermine intric motivation!
Expected reward undermine change experience.
Know reward, orient toward it.
Unexpected —> expected pattern! therefore rare. Danger.
Read less
Deci, intrinsic motivation once had, undermined.
Well meaning adults who thought they could make us more motivated, offering rewards, getting you involved in competitions,
Daughter ex. Being a parent, start reading early age. 8 months old. Great ritual. Sleep time routine. Reccomend by apa pediatric. Assoc. Marianne lim clip! Knows all her books, pick em out,
Toy find book with monkey, use tool for lost toy. Could read own in 3 rd grade., Anne green gables liked. 4th grade interest in reading peaks. His, doss not read at all anymore. Good readers teachers do things. Told class, great you read, have a prize for those who red the msot. Sign agenda for book read, kermi.
Speed through books, like me as a student. Cheval Kermit frog doll.
Channel reqding’
K trajectoire’ goes downs’ that extrinsic motive crowds out love for reading,
Pizza Hut peogram.
Deci research, most imp for instructor motivation.
Wants to know what do ppl stop doing once self rewarding activities? Ex. Fiction books.
Tuba? For me.
Replaced with other things.
Nephew exampl…
But we still watch tv
Free choice paradigm
Love pizza but love of reading probably reducesd.
Leads to esting is motivation for reding!
Int vs ext mot work against each other.
Paradigm, standard way of spite sting PSYC principles
Easy for adults to undermine children’s intrinsic motivation. Just offer rewards. Making less salient might help but not much. Reliable generalizable. Looked at
Age: younger hildren are most impacted. 4-5 most susceptible. But find across all ages. Just to lesser and lesser degrees.
Culture: happens everywhere.
Type: of activity: has to start with an Intersting activity. And if done. No dif. All activities. Undermine int mot. Reward boring, like it more.
Type of reward: tangible vs symbolic
Does not matte, equally strong,
Is some debate, behaviours centerd. Will keep working for reward, but may not be interested if not there,
Reading cooped with school. Most extrinsic motivation. No longer have spontaneous interest come summer.
So why rewards undermine intrinsic mot.
Most use cognitive attribution explanation. : look at own behaviour. Why doing… For reward. Infer discount intrinsic motivation.
Many do not like that intro.
Motivational explanation deci k idea. Emotional.
For young, above attribution not made.
Reward present —> students engagement changes.
Cognitive evaluation theory.
Really PSYC needs.
Root int mot.
Motivated to be AUTONOMOUS and COMPETENCE (ok and connectedness, nothing new)
I’m varies according to these.
Feeling controlled, has an effect,
REWARD COMPETENCE without control, might not have negative effect. Most rewards felt controlled overwhelm competence message.
External events have one of three meaning
Rewards undermine therefore
Sense of autonomy.
Enjoyment, changes for rewards
Working for rewards less enjoy and go for lowest challenge.
Less creative, less spontaneous and expressive and less positive tone. Finally we take shortcuts.
Ex. Library contest, inauthentic, did not read one book. Pathetic.
Deci crayon box. Exaggerate and cheating. Just for appearance.
Rewards are seductive, reach further channel.
What about in school other strategies,
Negative reinforcement threats
Surveillance, deadline. Goal imposition and competition. Extrinsic seductive and cohesive motivators. Feeling more controlled.
So schools more control, undermines,
Are all usually im for school.
Find way to measure kids im
Turns out reliable measures.
Curiosity, decrease.
Monte slurry school do not see this drop.
The issue is moving higher ed.
More evaluative, more competing, more impersonal, more formal.
Junior high sees big drop.
What if kid not intrinsic motivated
Been studies. Many kids do not like reading.
Reading motivation predicts reading ability alter on. gr 3 - 6
Rewards though no helpful for them instead:
Encourage choice!
Provide interesting relevant texts.
Facilitating social interaction around books.
Using multimodal activities engage interest.
No need for rewards, just ignition!
Poor kids study, lower ses
Summer slide. Poor fall back, better off improve one month.
Over years huge disparity can be seen. Up to two year dif.
Kids given books at home.
Stated in 1 st grade! It’s too late by 3.
Popular book was the Britney Spears story, entertainment figures. Does not matter. Read interest!
This all helped. Early intervention key, had DvantGe.
Don’t be self judgmental
Find a way to learn about books you might like.
Get started again! Book reviews, goodreads.com
Y different formats!
Listening, graphic books. Anything is good, beware of judging, level not matter, once im back, will make it more challenging.
The motivation effects of praise
How teachers use praise
Conceptual distinctions among types of raise
Review research parents
See parents sibling coaches all influence our intrinsic. Mot.
What would k do when saw nephew
Demonstrates what issue
Couch potatoe picture.
Most like praise, but praising one but not other.
Public praise issue. ,
Impact of praise depedons on
Functions of praise, intention wise
How child interprets it!
Not what you say but what is heard.
Functions of praise Motivate Protect, Manipulate CONTROL Most dangerous thing
Two examples of praise,
Who, what when where why.
K basketball
Coach debrief, SAISE does not apply to k, idolized. Play hard.
Positive motivating effect.
K 8th grade class.
Tall teacher, Richard singled out, made to best high school. Work hard, clap for k. Did not know got in until this point. At 5 Ws told about reges, sister Albert, mom dentist. All talked about it.
K had a negative response. Control manipulation felt. Other’s vision.
Praise NOT CRITICISM can have a negative effect.
What is praise
Record teacher comments.
,identify use of praise s goal.
Thinking of oraise as verbal reward. Positive reinforcement. Increase frequency.
Praise = approval positive. Admiration, comment worth of action
Seperate from feedback,
3 praise act as reinforcement only if is:
Contingent, specific and credible (sincere, varied believable) , like punishment. Sort of like goal setting.
Back to study.
Borohy study, 1980’s
Teacher praise, more had no rela to how class does. Nor did less.
Look at individual level, find no rela.
Praise is usually random, not relating to difference in grades or behaviour.
Praise wa relatively rare though. Only 5%
Never specific, or contingent. So infrequent and not according to a behavioural psycho requirements 10% criticism.
Found categories of praise.
Praise as
First 3 of 9
Related to teacher
- Positive guidance (banter, group oriented, warm agreeable)
- Transition ritual, unlikely to ein force or motivate.
- Balance for criticism, diffuse fact about to criticize similar to sandwich technique.
Ptb mnemonic
Clips: hard to give feedback to employees. Sandwich technique.
Perforamcne, conflict reduction, self initiation improve.
Other people think need to be more direct.
First time sandwich is good, but after a while gets old.
Mearly mouthed. Not genuine.
Praise categories 4-9
Relates to students,
- Ice-breakers or peacemaking, usually about grooming or dress signal out of doghouse. Manage kid, hey nice shoes.
- Consolation prize or encouragement, cooperative compliant but slow. Praise them A lot. Self reflection and comparison, realizes thing is up. Leads to feeling pathetic. Therefore DAMAGING. Only two not 3 number multiplier
- Vindication of predictions: did outstanding if just applied. Mixed message. I’m a great predictor connotation. Remind how bad someone usually is. Sister Albert k example.
5-and 6 have negative effect.
- Or 8 worst.
- Attempted vicarious reinforcement, use model, purpose change behViour of group. In young ok, older. Idol will not appreciated. Felt used. Eg. Why can’t you guys be more like x. Negative effects this praise too.
- Most common praise. Student elicited stroking. Extroverted look for praise, finish and reward teacher for having praised them. Conditioned teacher to give them praise. Validation? I wonder. Systematic.
- Most rare praise. Spontaneous expression of surprise or admiration. Specific, contingent genuine felt. So it is awesome. Basketball seemed like this type.
Concluded browny
Student do not need praise, to do well.
Best motivator is a personal goal.
Sparingly use, see how kids respond to it.
Review paper. Effects of praise. Pepper
Praise here is a positive eval. Add in domain of credibility. Friend praise lacks hierarchy.
feedback and encouragement are different.
Praise is evaluative! Encouragement is about fiutre praise is in the past. So myelination is encouraging.
Intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic important to consider here too.
Complicated. Want to do more for praise, lack intrinsic part. Distracting. At times perhaps.
Inconsistent results. Not one or the other. Depends on kind of praise.
Key distinctions of praise
Conceptual analysis
What kind of attributions are you encouraging. ABILITY or EFFOR
Better for effort generally.
Praising PERSON or PROCESS (action)
Process praise seems to be better.
Autonomy and competence.
Helpful if child feels increased competence.
Do not diminish feeling of autonomy,
Controlling praise makes you feel pressured. Act feel think in. Certain way.
So think of effort and process, and focu on competence but make sure ppl do not feel on trolled. Though really you do not need to give prais at all. Think best communication in interviewing skills. and myelination.
Don’t have to be praises can ask
Open q.
Parenting and praise
Genuine specific, contingent effort focused.
Can be hurtful if controlling.
It is tricky for parents.
Catch kid bein good. Ignore when bad. More complex than that.
Praise most valuable tool. Key for common stuff.
YOU WANT TO GIVE IT CONDITIONALLY. Contingent. Withhold attention, affection interest, if not behaving appropriately.
Resource, control kid with warmth and effect ion like dog and treats.
Avi assor 2009
Unconditional love.
Behavioural point of view differs,
Parents praise conditionally.
Leads to contingent sense of self esteem. Positive regard.
Conditional regard –> introspection —> ill being
No longer intrinsic motivation,
Extrinsic motivation, introspection, take standards in, control self standards. Perfectionist.
More praise, more consistnalty more likely, child feels conditional regard, more extrinsic ally motivated more introverts and more depressed anxious. More focused on getting grade rather than effort of learning,
Control praise leads to caring sense, that influence self regulation.
React to lecture on praise
Praise has positive effect on I’m. On average.
Often not powerful negative effects.
Undermining praise is probably rare.
But do your own experiment,