week 9 - refugee Flashcards
what is the definition of a migrant?
a person who has chosesen to imigrate to australia and has obtained a visa prior to arival
what is the definition of a refugee?
a person who is outsde their own country and is unable or unwilling to return due to a well-founded fear of persuicution due to race, religion, nationality, political stance or social group
what is the definition of an asylum seeker?
a person who has applied for a refugee protection visa and is awaiting decision
what are some of the barriers to re-settling in Australia?
speretion from family, survivours guilt, laungage/cultrual barriers, homlessness, lact of food and medical acess, low/no income, long processing times, stimitisation and discrimination
what are some common medical issues that refugees may arrive with?
nutrient deficencies- iron vitamin D, vitamin B12, folate, vitamin C
infections: parasites, hepatitis B/C, malaria, tuburculosis
skin infections
hearing, vison and oral health problems
poor/no immunisations
what are female refugees particularly vulnrable to?
sexual touture/assult, STDs, limited acess to contraception and prenatal care
what is trauma?
one or more deeply distrssinf experences
what may cause trauma in refugees/asylum seekers?
forced speration
torture, abuse
sexual assult, mock exicutions, imprisomnet, ilnees, death
lack of food and water security, lack of legal compensation, loss of household, education
years in detention centres/transit
what effects on children can being a refugee/ asy;um seeker have?
dependant on developmental stage
learning/behavioural problems
pooor appetite
psychosomatic symptoms
low self esteem, guilt
what is trauma infromaed care?
approach that is grounded in an understanding of and responsivness to the impact of trauma, that emphisises physucla, psychological and emontinal saftey of providers and surviors
what is the presentation of tuberulosis?
Active TB
cough, chest pain, waekness, weightloss, fever, night sweats
what is the treatment for TB?
6 month course of 4 antibiotics
what are the symptoms of Hepatitis B?
acute phase - fever, jaundice, dark urine, fatigue, abdominal pain, malaise, liver failure
Chronic - actue followed by prolonged covalecent phase: high risk of liver cirrhosis and cancer
what are the symptoms of hepatitis C?
often asymptomatic or mild- present similarly to hep B
what are the symptoms of HIV?
opportunistic infections
swallon lymph nodes
skin rashes/lesions
unitentional weightloss
what are the diffenrent types of FGM?
1- excision of all or part of clitoris
2 exciseron of the perpuace and cliterious with partial/toal labia minora
3- excision of part or all of the external gentiatlia and stiching/narrowing of vagina
4 - pericing, cutting, cauterisation of clitoris and surrounding tissue and cutting of vagina with iintroduction of substances to tighten or narrow the vagina
what are the complications of female genital mutalaiton
recurrent UTIs
gnerrlaized tenderness, increased snesitivity
vaginal stenosis
what are the impacts of poor communication?
health outcomes compromised
healthcare costs increased
how is TB transmitted?
human to huma spread - resp droplets
how is hep B transmitted and who is at the highest risk?
blood, semen or body fluids
ATSI, MSM, sex workers
people from asia, africa, middle east and pacific islads
houshold wih diagnosed chronic hep B
what is the clinical prognosis for hep C?
now curable with sevral different meds -
45% no liver damge
45% moderated damge
5 cirrosis
1% liver failure
how is HIV spread and what does the acute onest look like?
incubation window of seroconversion 3/12 and will present as flue like ilnees in 40-90% but can be asymptomatic for up to 10 years
how is HIV treated?
Anti 0retroviiral treatment
supresses repilcations
undetectable viral load - untransmittbale
what are some symtpms present with internal parasites?
GI bleeds, loss appitie, diarrha, reduced absorption
what care are medicare inelegable asylum seekers entitled to?
recives public health services usch as dental, ambulance, pathology, hospitle and pharmacuticle