WEEK 9- pt 2 = vestibular system Flashcards
what is the general description of the vestibular system ?
Process sensory information underlying motor responses
what doe sthe vestibular system do?
self motion
head position
spacial orientation relative to gravity
stabilizing gaze head an dposture
nSense of balance
n Body position
n Rapid postural adjustment to maintain balance
the vestibular system is important for what
evaluation of head injury
what is perilymph
Perilymph is an extracellular fluid located within the inner ear.
where is perilymph found
It is found within the scala tympani and scala vestibuli of the cochlea
true or false the tympanic cavity is filled with perilymp
what is the membranous labyrinth
Membranous sacs within the bone that are filled with (endolymph)
anterior posterior and lateral semicircular canals are involved in which type of motion
rotational acceleration
what ar eteh otolith organs
utricle and saccule
utricle and saccule are involved in which type of motion
horizontal and vertical acceleration (+head tilt)
vestibular nuclei project to : (4 things)
postural muscles
vestibular nerve is a branch of which cranial nerve
vestibular system is located in which part of the ear
inner ear in temporal bone
vestibular apparatus is atcached to what
teh vestibular app is filled wth what
perylimph sits between what two structures
bone labyrinth
membranous labyritns
perylimph can be compared to what
what is perylymph made up of (ion)
moveent of______ hits the hair cells and helps to create AP
the labyrinth is made up of : (3+2)
3 semicircular canals
2 otolith organs
action potentials generated in ampula and macula will be sent to brain via
vestibular nerve
true or false action potentials are generated in ampula and macula
an important pathway for balance, posture, head eye movenets and stability is….
in the vestibulospinal path…. we being in the….. synapse in the …… project to the…… and go back to the ……..
vestibular apparatus
vestibular nuclei
cerebellum (synapse with cerebellar nuclei)
vestibular nuclei
the vestibular system is important fro which reflex
where are vestibular hair cells located
ampulla (of semicircular canals)
each otolith organ contains a ____
when deformation is toward the kinocilium is this generating an AP ?>
true or false, ion channels open when the direction of tilt is away from the kinocilium
true or false hair cells are located in the macular (saccule and utricle)
what are otoconia (or statoconia)
calcium carbonate crytsals in the otolith organs
what does BBPV stand for
Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo
what is the general mechanism in which BPPV is caused
Otoconia displaced from macula & enter one or more of semicircular canals
what is teh age range of people who suffer from BPPV
70 +
true or false PT can evaluate and treat BPPV
when otoconia are misplaced where do they end up
in the endolymph of semicircular canaals
when your head is in neutral position what kind of ap firing rate are being sent out
a steady state of AP
if you bend your neck (activating posterior semicircular canals ) toward the kinocilium what happens to the firing rate of AP
increased firing rate = depolarizition
if you bend your neck (activating posterior semicircular canals ) away from the kinocilium what happens to the firing rate of AP
during depolarization of hair cells = what ion is flowing in
potassium and then opens calcium channels and it becomes depolarized
true or false otolith organs can sense acceelerationand deceltaion
true <3
semicircular canal is working in partners with one another true or false
hair cells are imbedded in what in the ampulal
what is the vestibulooccular reflex (vor)
Reflexive eye mvts
Produce eyes movements that counter head movements, so gaze remain fixed on a particular point
what is the vestibulo cervical reflex
movement of head = quicly adjust neck muscles to get back to baseline posotion
semicicular canals
what isthe vestiulospinal reflex
moveent of body
otolith organ
Extensor muscles Antigravity, Balance, Upright posture
true or false the lasteral vestibular system is for adjustment of head and neck
false thats the medial one
what is decerberation
massive lesion to brain above the vestibular system
all you ahve for controlling muscle is not under cerebral cortex
what is the deceberate position
extended postion = due to vestibular system by itself
does the vestibular system go to thalamus
lesion to which lobe caused left hemineglect
right parietal love
which part of the thalamus does bvestibular system project to
Vpm head na neck
vpl body
true or false dehydration can cause dizziness = labyrinhtis
true = reduction of endolymph