true or false after neurogenensis the brain (for the most part) doesnt hav ethe capacity to form new neurons
how does the brain regenerate
what are the different forms of plasticity
short temr
long temr
neuroplasticity is done through
synaptic plasticity
what is short term plasticity
affects pre-synaptic
neurotransmitter release)
what is long term plasticity
(molecular mechanisms that vary over time)
plasticity is important for what 3 things
what is neuroplasticity
The ability of the nervous system to respond to intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, function and connections.
Neuroplasticity: How Experience Changes the Brain
Plasticity refers to the brain’s malleability or ability to change; it does not imply that the brain is plastic. Neuro refers to neurons, the nerve cells that are the building blocks of the brain and nervous system. Thus, neuroplasticity allows nerve cells to change or adjust.
true or false for example in stroke the brain reorganizes itself in such a way to carry pout its functions
what does pruning mean
losing synapses = we become more efficient
how does the brain become more efficiceint
- gros new connections
- maximizing connection between 2 ceklls
what are the steps of of brain plasticity available to the young CNS
1) Growth of axons and dendrites
2) Pruning of branches
3) Creation of synapses
4) Death of neurons
5) Changes in synaptic strength (LTP)
what is the result of brain plasticity in youh
Result: elaboration and fine tuning of the developing CNS
neuroplasticity is imporant fir healthy development during
critical periods
what is a critical period
Critical period is a maturational stage in the lifespan of an organism during which the nervous system is especially sensitive to certain environmental stimuli.
explain the critical period + cat
proper input at proper time = eye didnt develop in that eye
an example of critical period
soccer players dont play at the world cup[ if they started playing soccer tat 20 = started youn
when does neuroplasticity take place
Changes in neural pathways and synapses
due to:
n changes in behavior, environment, thinking, emotions
neuroplasticity role in learning
Activity-dependent plasticity plays a very large role in learning and in the ability to understand new things.
n Help to adapt an individual’s brain according to the relative amount of usage and functioning.
what uis learning
Change in behavior that results from acquired knowledge about the world
what is memory
Process by which that knowledge in encoded, stored and later retrieved
what is the role of neuroplasticity in memory
Essential for the full functioning and independent survival of people and animals
n People & places n Language
n Motor skills
n Personal identity