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DS1101 - S1 Y1
> Week 5 - Joints Examples > Flashcards
Week 5 - Joints Examples Flashcards
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DS1101 - S1 Y1
(63 decks)
Oral Cavity
Dental Anatomy Key Terms
Protein - Week 2
Week 2 - AA
Cell Structure
Week 2 - Cells, Tissues, Organs
Week 2 - Integumentary System
Week 3 - Lipids
Week 3 - Membrane
Week 3 - Embryology
Week 3 - Intro to Microbiology and Bacteria
Week 3 - Fungi, Parasites, Viruses, Prions, Human Microbiome
Week 4 - Kinetics
Week 4 - Bacteria and Biofilm
Week 4 - Enzymes
Week 4 Ergonomics
Week 5 - Metabolism
Week 5 - Glycolysis
Week 5 - Citric Acid Cycle (TCA)
Fatty Acid Synthesis
Week 5 - Joints
Week 5 - Joints Examples
The Axial Skeleton
Axial skeleton anatomy
Upper Limb Anatomy
Upper Limb
Week 6 - Infection Control in Healthcare settings UPDATED
Week 6 - Infection Control in Healthcare settings
Dental Casset
Functional groups and chirality and Drugs
Week 7 Identification and treatment of microorganisms
Week 7 - Biochemistry DNA
Week 7 - DNA Transcription
Week 7 - The Regulation of gene transcription
Week 7 - Preventative Dentistry
Week 7 - Mechanical and Chemical Plaque Control
Week 8 - Microbes and Disease
Week 8 - DNA translation
Week 9 - The regulation of gene translation
Week 9 - Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Week 9 - Cell division (mitosis)
Week 9 - Cell Signalling
Week 9 - Tooth Development
Week 9 - Tooth Development Amelogenesis and Dentinogenesis
Week 10 - Cell Cycle and Division (Mutations) Lecture 2
Week 10 - Gene and Inheritance
Week 10 - Histology of Oral Mucosa
Week 10 - Histology of Oral Mucosa Regional Variation
Week 11 - Genes and Inheritance lecture 2 - Pedigrees
Week 12 - Excitable Tissues
Week 12 - Simple Genetic Disorders
Week 12 - Pharmacology: Intro to Pharmacodynamics
Chemistry Pracs
Microbiology Prac + Anatomy
Week 12 - Complex Trait Genetic Disorders
Week 13 - Molecular Basis of Cancer
Week 13 - Lecture 2 Molecular Basis of Cancer
Week 13 - Caries and Carbohydrates
Oral Histology Photos
Upper Limb Insertion and origins
biology prac