Week 18: Interacting with Tough Content, Self-Care, and Wellness Flashcards
In health, it is the ability of a patient to maintain a health behaviour prescribed by a physician; might include taking meds as prescribed, exercising more, eating less high-fat food
Behavioural Medicine
field similar to health psychology that integrates psychological factors (e.g., emotion, behaviour, cognition, and social factors) in the treatment of disease; applied field includes clinical areas of study, such as occupational therapy, hypnosis, rehabilitation/medicine, preventative medicine
process by which physiological signals, not normally available to human perception, are transformed into easy-to-understand graphs or numbers; individuals can then use this info to try to change bodily functioning (ex. lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tension)
Biomedical Model of Health
a reductionist model that posits that ill health is a result of a deviation from normal function, which is explained by the presence of pathogens, injury, genetic abnormality
Biopsychosocial Model of Health
approach to studying health/human function that posits the importance of biological, psychological, and social (or environmental) processes
Chronic disease
health condition that persists over time, typically for periods longer than three months (ex. HIV, asthma, diabetes)
feeling like you have the power to change your environment/behaviour if you need/want to
Daily Hassles
irritations in daily life that aren’t necessarily traumatic, but that cause difficulties and repeated stress
Emotion-focused coping
coping strategy aimed at reducing the neg. emotions associated w a stressful event
General Adaptation Syndrome
three-phase model of stress, which includes a mobilization of physiological resources phase, a coping phase, and an exhaustion phase (ex. when an organism fails to cope w the stress adequately and depletes its resources)
Health Behaviour
any behaviour that is related to health - either good/bad
According to the WHO, it’s a complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
an experience/trait w cognitive, behavioural, and emotional components; often includes cynical thoughts, feelings of emotion, aggressive behaviour
Mind-body connection
idea that our emotions and thoughts can affect how our body functions
an experience or trait w cognitive, behavioural, and emotional components; it often includes cynical thoughts, feelings of emotion, and aggressive behaviour
Problem-focused coping
set of coping strategies aimed at improving/changing stressful situations
field of study examining relationship among psych, brain function, and immune function
belief that one can perform adequately in a specific situation
ability to “bounce back” from negative situations (ex. illness, stress) to normal functioning/or to simply not show poor outcomes in face of adversity; can lead to better functioning following the neg experience (ex. post-traumatic growth)
Psychomatic medicine
interdisciplinary field of study that focuses on how biological, psychological, and social processes contribute to physiological changes in body/health over time
social integration
size of your social network, or number of social roles (ex. son, sister, student, etc.)
Social Support
perception or actuality that we have a social network that can help us in times of need/provide us w a variety of useful resources (ex. advice, love, money)
pattern of physical/psychological responses in an organism after it perceives a threatening event that disturbs its homeostasis and taxes its abilities to cope w the event
event/stimulus that induces feelings of stress
Type A Behaviour
characterized by impatience, competitiveness, neuroticism, hostility, anger
Type B Behaviour
reflects the absence of Type A characteristics and is represented by less competitive, aggressive, and hostile behaviour patterns
“Bottom-up” or external causes of happiness
situational factors outside the person that influence their subjective well-being, such as good/bad events and circumstances like health/wealth
fact that after people first react to good/bad events, sometimes in a strong way, their feelings/reactions tend to dampen down over time and they return toward their original level of subjective well-being
Life Satisfaction
person reflects on their life/judges to what degree it’s going well, by whatever standards that person thinks are most important for a good life
popular word for subjective well-being; scientists sometimes avoid using this term because it can refer to different things, such as feeling good, being satisfied, even the causes of high subjective well-being
Negative Feelings
undesirable/unpleasant feelings that people tend to avoid if they can; moods/emotions such as depression, anger, worry are examples
Positive Feelings
desirable/pleasant feelings; moods/emotions such as enjoyment/love are examples
Subjective Well-being
name that scientists give to happiness - thinking and feeling that our lives are going very well
Subjective well-being scales
self-report surveys or questionnaires in which participants indicate their levels of subjective well-being, by responding to items w a number that indicates how well off they feel