Week 17: Motivation and Emotion Flashcards
Drive State
affective experiences that motivate organisms to fulfill goals that are generally beneficial to their survival and reproduction
the tendency of an organism to maintain a stable state across all the different physiological systems in the body
Homeostatic set point
an ideal level that the system being regulated must be monitored and compared to
portion of brain invovled in variety of functions, including the secretion of various hormones and the regulation of hunger/sexual arousal
Preoptic area
a region in the anterior hypothalamus involved in generating and regulating male sexual behaviour
a physical sexual posture in females that serves as an invitation to mate
Reward value
a neuropsychological measure of an outcome’s affective importance to an organism
an experiential, physiological, and behavioural response to a personally meaningful stimulus
the state of being full to satisfaction and no longer desiring to take on more
Emotion coherence
the degree to which emotional responses (subjective experience, behaviour, physiology, etc.) converge with one another
Emotion fluctuation
the degree to which emotions vary or change in intensity over time
the experience of mental and physical health and the absence of disorder
an emotional process; includes moods, subjective feelings, and discrete emotions
two almond-shaped structures located in the medial temporal lobes of the brain
the study of the nervous system