weather Flashcards
باد و بوران شدید و ناگهانی
a sudden strong wind, especially one that brings rain or snow
Squall /skwɔːl $ skwɒːl/:
Violent squalls signaled the approach of the hurricane
تندباد، طوفان
a storm that has very strong fast winds and that moves over water
hurricane /ˈhʌrəkən, ˈhʌrɪkən $ ˈhɜːrəkeɪn/
A hurricane hit the city yesterday at 5 p.m.
The fields were devastated by the hurricane.
The hurricane took several days to blow itself out.
The roof blew off in a hurricane.
Hurricane Katrina battered the US Gulf Coast.
tornado /tɔːrˈneɪdoʊ/
The tornado ripped the roof off his house.
For the second time in a week deadly tornadoes have torn through Tennessee.
cyclone /ˈsaɪkləʊn $ -kloʊn/:
Thousands of people died when a tropical cyclone hit Bangladesh.
Cyclone ‘Joy’ inflicted damage estimated at $40 million, with winds of up to 145 miles per hour
بادشدید توام بابرف ، کولاک
A major snowstorm blew across Colorado
blizzard /ˈblɪzəd $ -ərd/
We got stuck/caught in a blizzard.
After a short while it began to blow a blizzard
The blizzard struck while we were still on the mountain.
He fought his way through the blizzard.
Denver is bracing itself for blizzard conditions.
فوقالعاده سرد
bust ass cold غیرقابل مقایسه
It was bust ass cold out, but I still had to go in to work.
هوا فوقالعاده سرد بود، ولی باز مجبور بودم به سر کار بروم.