adj+adv Flashcards
happening too soon or sooner than you expected
He remained President until his untimely death in 2004.
done or happening at exactly the right time
The fight ended only with the timely arrival of the police
admittedly /ədˈmɪtədli, ədˈmɪtɪdli/
This has led to financial losses, though admittedly on a fairly small scale.
موقتی، شرطی، مشروط،
likely or able to be changed in the future
provisional /prəˈvɪʒənəl/
They have set a provisional date for the next meeting
said or done in a careful but uncertain way because you do not know if you are right
tentative /ˈtentətɪv/
The government is taking tentative steps towards tackling the country’s economic problems
تمامشده (موفقیت)
If the job for which you are trained is finished and you have no further chances of success in the future
washed up
The tragedy of being a dancer is that you’re all washed-up by the time you’re thirty-five
هر چند وقت یکبار هر از چند گاه
for short periods but not regularly, over a long period of time
every now and then /ˈɛvəri naʊ ænd ðɛn/
We still get together for lunch every now and then.
ما هنوز هر چند وقت یکبار برای نهار خوردن دور هم جمع میشویم.
every so often
off and on (also on and off)
My friend has been seeing a woman off and on but I do not think that their relationship is very serious.
تشنه خون
very angry and wanting to kill someone or to cause them pain or discomfort
out for blood
After being attacked, the soldiers were out for blood.
بیبرنامه الله بختکی، بدون برنامهریزی
The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit-and-miss affair.
at a venture
بی حس شوخ طبعی
very serious about everything and do not find things amusing.
فکاهی ، شوخی امیز ، خوش مزه ، خنده اور
humorous /ˈhjuːmərəs $ ˈhjuː-, ˈjuː-/
The film is delightfully humorous in the best traditions of romantic comedy.
تحقیرآمیز خفتبار
humiliating /hjuˈmɪliˌeɪtɪŋ/
The whole experience was somewhat humiliating for us
embarrassing /ɪmˈbær.ə.sɪŋ/
This incident is deeply embarrassing for the government
withering /ˈwɪð.ər.ɪŋ/
Lizzie had been drunk at the time and I saw her shoot him a withering glance.
خجالتزده شرمنده
embarrassed /ɪmˈbær.əst
I was too embarrassed to admit that I was scared.
خجالتزدهتر از آن بودم که اقرار کنم که ترسیده بودم.
I am embarrassed to ask others for help.
از اینکه از دیگران کمک بخواهم خجالت میکشم.
تحقیر شده کوچک شده
humiliated /hjuːˈmɪlieɪtɪd/ I came out of the class feeling humiliated
مسحور شده
mesmerised /’mezmə’raızd/
مسحور کننده
mesmerising /ˈmez.mə.raɪ.zɪŋ/
بی روح ، خسته کننده
insipid /ɪnˈsɪpəd, ɪnˈsɪpɪd/
از همان قرار ، بر طبق ان
Katherine still considered him a child and treated him accordingly.
attractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success
glamorous /ˈɡlæmərəs/
The south coast is less glamorous but full of clean and attractive hotels.
یک طرفه - بدون تلافی یا عمل متقابل
unrequited /ˌʌn.rɪˈkwaɪ.tɪd/
It’s just another poem on the pain of unrequited love.
The woman was in love with the president of her company but from the beginning it was a case of unrequited love
رقت انگیز ، تاثرآور
something or someone that is so useless, unsuccessful, or weak that they annoy you
pathetic /pəˈθetɪk/
You’re pathetic! Here, let me do it.
I know it sounds pathetic now, but at the time I was frightened.
Vic made a pathetic attempt to apologise.
پیش رو، درشرف
forthcoming ˌfɔːθˈkʌmɪŋ◂ $ ˌfɔːrθ-/
Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming events
قابل توجه
important or interesting enough to deserve your attention
The bridge is noteworthy for its sheer size.
equisized /ek.wɪsaɪzd/
مساوی، برابر
equitable /ˈɛkwɪɾəbəl/
more or less
I’ve more or less finished the book.
ناگهانی یکدفعه، یکهویی
out of the blue
my uncle just arrived out of the blue
sympathetic /sɪmpəˈθetɪk/
Sympathetic people can be counted on one hand.
افراد دلسوز انگشت شمارن.
extremely rich
rolling in money:
If they can afford a yacht, they must be rolling in it.
به زودی عنقریب
before long
They got married, and before long Anna was expecting a baby
shortly /ˈʃɔː غیرقابل مقایسه
Our guests will be arriving shortly.
مهمانهایمان به زودی از راه خواهند رسید
مبهم - کدر - محو
obscure /əbˈskjʊə $ -ˈskjʊr/
The origins of the tradition have become obscure
The motives behind this decision remain somewhat obscure.
نامانوس - عجیب غریب
very unusual or strange
bizarre /bəˈzɑː, bɪˈzɑː $ -ˈzɑːr/
He made some totally bizarre comments
I found the whole situation very bizarre
extremely nervous, worried, or tense
bag/bundle of nerves.
What’s the matter? You’re a bundle of nerves.
هر چند سال یکبار دری به تخته خوردن
once in a blue moon
1.”Does your husband cook for you? “
“Oh, yes, once in a blue moon!”
“شوهرت برات آشپزی میکنه؟” “بله، مگه اینکه دری به تخته بخوره!”
I seldom go to the movies - maybe once in a blue moon.
من به ندرت به سینما می روم - شاید هر چند سال یکبار.
جیک ثانیه ایکی ثانیه، سه سوت
in two shakes of a lamb’s tail
I’ll be with you in two shakes of a lamb’s tail. I just have to turn off the lights.
من جیک ثانیه خودم را به تو می رسانم. فقط باید چراغ ها را خاموش کنم.
از قصد عمدا
on purpose
He woke me up on purpose.
او از قصد مرا بیدار کرد.
he was being annoying on purpose
نه الان اما به زودی
not just yet
I can’t leave just yet. I’ve still got a couple of letters to write.
از نفس افتاده
out of breath /aʊt ʌv brɛθ/
I ran so much that I got out of breath.
من آنقدر دویدم که از نفس افتادم.
he arrived on the top floor out of breath
از وقتیکه
ever since
I’ve known Lucy ever since we were children.
مهربان ، خونگرم
Jo is very affectionate towards her.
چلاق ، شل
معمولی و خسته کننده
A lot of the songs on this album are a bit lame.
صمیمانه از ته قلب خالصانه
my sincere regret at what has happened
The family wishes to express their sincere thanks to all the staff at the hospital.
(اعضای) خانواده خواستار این هستند که قدردانی صمیمانه خود را به تمام کارکنان بیمارستان ابراز کند.
insincere /ˌɪnsɪnˈsɪr/
His apology sounded insincere.
عذرخواهی او، به نظر ریاکارانه آمد.
hypocritical /ˌhɪp.əʊˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl/ US /-əˈkrɪţ-/
Their accusations of corruption are hypocritical - they have been just as corrupt themselves
به دلخواه
arbitrarily /’ɑ:bıt’rerəlı/
The diet imposes overall calorie limits, but daily menus are arbitrary.
سودمند ، پرمنفعت
lucrative /ˈluːkrətɪv/
He inherited a lucrative business from his father.
You deserve to have a lucrative career.
شما مستحق یک شغل پردرآمد هستید.
سر بسته ومبهم
not having enough details to be useful
sketchy /ˈsketʃi/
Details of the accident are still sketchy.
vague /veɪɡ/
The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan
قابلتوجیه - بهجا - بهحق
righteous /ˈraɪtʃəs/
They were full of righteous indignation at the thought of being cheated.
Your indignation is righteous.عصبانیت شما بجاست.
خودپسند، از خود راضی
conceited /kənˈsiːtɪd/
complacent /kəmˈpleɪsənt/
I was surprised that Martin was so complacent about his brief part in the play.
من از خودپسندی “مارتین” به خاطر نقش کوتاهی که در نمایش داشت، تعجب کرده بودم.
We must not become complacent about progress.
ما نباید به خاطر پیشرفت، از خود راضی شویم.
She deserved her promotion, but I wish she wasn’t so smug about it.
او لیاقت ترفیعی که گرفت را داشت، اما ای کاش اینقدر به خاطر این موضوع از خود راضی نبود
گمراه کننده
misleading /ˌmɪsˈliː.dɪŋ/
First impressions can be misleading.
سوءبرداشت شده
The book leaves you with a distorted impression of politics.
غیر قابل توصیف
ineffable /ɪˈnef.ə.bļ/
unpleasant or of very bad quality
crappy /ˈkræp.i/
I’ve never seen such crappy acting
He’s had a series of crappy jobs
مایه آزار
a person or job that slightly annoys you by causing trouble or problems
a bother :
I hate to be a bother, but could you show me how the copier works?
So much as
He wouldn’t so much as look at me.
و عینا همینطور در موردِ…
used to express disappointment and annoyance at the fact that a situation is not as you thought it was
so much for sth:
The car’s broken down again. So much for our trip to the seaside.
بده بستونی
something that you give or do in exchange for something else, especially when this arrangement is not official
quid pro quo /ˌkwɪd prəʊ ˈkwəʊ $ -proʊ ˈkwoʊ/
There’s a quid pro quo for everything in politics – you’ll soon learn that.
کونبرهنه کونلخت
bare-assed /bˈɛɹˈæst/
Good luck changing his diaper—he loves running around here bare-assed.
در عوض کردن پوشک او موفق باشی؛ او عاشق کونبرهنه دویدن در اینجا است.
رنگ پریده
looking extremely thin, pale, and unhealthy:
cadav‧r‧us /kəˈdævərəs/
a cadaverous face
shrivelled /ˈʃrɪv.əld/
Those oranges were looking a bit old and shrivelled, so I threw them out.
خیلی وقت پیش مرده هفت کفن پوسانده
as dead as a doornail
This fish is as dead as a doornail.
این ماهی خیلی وقت است که مردهاست.
Dead and buried
likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason
fickle /ˈfɪk.ļ/ :
She’s so fickle - she’s never been interested in the same man for more than a week!
The world of popular music is notoriously fickle.
دو پهلو مبهم، نا مشخص
difficult to understand or explain because it contains different parts which suggest that different things are true
equivocal /ɪˈkwɪvəkəl/
The results of the police enquiry were equivocal.
His answer was equivocal.
ambiguous /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/
Government policies have been somewhat ambiguous
inquisitive /ɪnˈkwɪzətɪv, ɪnˈkwɪzɪtɪv/
We try not to be too inquisitive about what he’s doing
زبر دست ، ماهر ، استاد
adept /ˈædept, $ əˈdept/
I’m afraid she’s also an adept liar.
He was highly adept at avoiding trouble.
Melissa quickly became adept at predicting his moods
Silas proved adept in the art of avoiding potholes in the road.
after a time that is not short and not long.
in a while
“Dad, will you help me make this model plane?” “After a while, Jimmy, when I finish reading the newspaper.”/
The boys gathered some wood, and in a while, a hot fire was burning.
after an event or time you have mentioned
subsequently :
Jones admitted afterwards that she had been very nervous during the game.
Speaking to reporters afterward, he said the operation had been a success.
He found a stray cat and started feeding it.
جذاب (از نظر جنسی) خواستنی
fanciable /ˈfænsɪəbl/
خیالی رؤیایی، تخیلی
imagined rather than based on facts – often used to show disapproval
fanciful /ˈfænsɪfl/
شگفتانگیز عجیبغریب
full of unusual and very detailed shapes or complicated designs
fanciful /ˈfænsɪfl/
ابدا - به هیچ وجه
not by any manner of means
I haven’t lost my interest in politics by any manner of means
not at all
by no means
The outcome is by no means guaranteed.
بطور غریزی و از روی عادت دیرین
Coming naturally, as if accustomed from birth.
to the manner born
She grew up in poverty, but since she became famous she has taken to rubbing shoulders with the upper crust as if to the manner born.
به طرز عجیب و غیر عادی
in a strange or unusual way
She’s been behaving oddly this week.
سرکش نافرمان
recalcitrant /rɪˈkælsɪtrənt/
a class of recalcitrant fifteen-year-olds
کلاسی از پانزده ساله های [دانش آموزان پانزده ساله] سرکش
extremely soon
(at) any moment
The plumber should be here any moment now.
The roof could collapse at any moment.
آدم گردنکلفت
خایه مال
That guy is always quick to help the boss with any little thing—what an ass-kisser
very hard
dreadfully /ˈdrɛdfəli/
They’re dreadfully busy at the moment.
Would you mind dreadfully if I didn’t come?
عقل کل
OK, smart-ass, are you going to help me, or just stand there mocking me all night?
خیلی خب آدم عقل کل، به من کمک میکنی یا میخواهی آنجا بایستی و تمام شب من را مسخره کنی؟
He always offers some sorry-ass excuse for being late.
در بیشتر موارد
in the main
Tourists are, in the main, sympathetic people.
In the main, children are taboo in the workplace.
In most cases
ناگهانی یکدفعه، یکهویی
out of the blue
my uncle just arrived out of the blue
بیبروبرگرد - بلا استثناء
without fail
I ring my mother every Sunday without fail
در آن صورت - حالا که اینطوره
in that case
“There’s no coffee.” “Well, in that case we’ll have tea.”
مثل آب خوردن
piece of cake
Mountain climbing is as easy as a piece of cake for me.
very early in the morning
bright and early
Despite the awful weather, some executives were at their desks bright and early.
سرنوشت ساز
The goalkeeper on that fateful day in 1954 was Fred Martin.
وحشی و خشن
ferocious /fəˈrəʊʃəs $ -ˈroʊ-/
The storm grew more and more ferocious with each second.
چاق ، گوشتالو
short and fat
Pudgy /ˈpʌdʒi/
I was a pudgy child.
اختیاری ، خودسرانه - مستبدانه
arbitrary / ˈɑːrbətreri/
The decision is to some extent arbitrary.
تاکنون ، تابحال ، تا اینجا
up to this time
hitherto /ˌhɪðəˈtuː◂ $ -ər-/
a species of fish hitherto unknown in the West
یک بار برای همیشه
once and for all
- You have to make a decision once and for all.
- باید یک بار برای همیشه تصمیم بگیرید.
گستاخانه بیادبانه، شوخیآمیز
She was very tempted to answer flippantly.
I would not make that comment flippantly.
ارث بردنی ، قابل توارث ، وارثت پذیر
hereditable [hɪ’rɛdɪtǝb(ǝ)l]
بدین وسیله
herewith /hɪɹwˈɪð/
- I enclose a copy of this report herewith for your information.
- من بدین وسیله یک رونوشت از گزارش برای اطلاع شما به پیوست میفرستم.
وراثتی موروثی
hereditary /həˈredɪteri/
It is a hereditary title, so Mark Howard will become Sir Mark Howard on his father’s death
بیحساب مساوی، برابر
even /ˈIː.vən/
If I pay for the meals then we’re even.
اگر من پول غذا را حساب کنم، آن وقت بیحساب میشویم.
بلا عوض
without recompense /ˈrekəmpens/
کند ، اهسته رو
moving or reacting more slowly than normal
Alex woke late, feeling tired and sluggish.
شگفت آور حیرت انگیز
astounding /əˈstaʊndɪŋ/
The concert was an astounding success
astonishing /əˈstɒnɪʃɪŋ $ əˈstɑː-/
find his attitude absolutely astonishing.
wondrous /ˈwʌn.drəs/
Our new improved face cream has wondrous effects on tired-looking skin
حاضر درهمه جا - فراگیر
seeming to be everywhere
ubiquitous /juːˈbɪkwətəs, juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/
Coffee shops are ubiquitous these days.
pervasive /pəˈveɪsɪv $ pər-/
the pervasive influence of television
omnipresent /ˌɒmnɪˈprezənt◂ $ ˌɑːm-/
Police were virtually omnipresent on the city streets.
الزام اور
promissory [‘prɒmɪs(ǝ)ri]
قادر مطلق
able to do everything
omnipotent /ɒmˈnɪpətənt $ ɑːm-/
How can a loving, omnipotent God permit disease, war and suffering?
منفعل، بی تفاوت نسبت به عمل
sb who does nothing to achieve their goals and somehow just moans!
🌟 مخالف این کلمه ، یعنی کسی که مرد عمل هست و برای رسیدن به نتیجه فعاله ، doer هست!
❇️ Don’t be a don’ter if you want to reach your goals!
💠 اگر میخواهی به اهدافت برسی هیچوقت یه آدم منفعل (بدون عمل نباش)
❇️ I’m not neither a doer nor a don’ter! Something in between is me!
💠 من نه یه کننده م نه یه منفعل! یه چیزی بینشونم!
بدون شک ، قطعا ، یقیناً
Without question
⚡️ زمانی از این اصطلاح استفاده میکنیم که از قسم خوردن بپرهیزیم…
I’m, without question , a big fan of idioms.
من بدون شک یکی از طرفداران اصطلاحات هستم!
This is not doable without question.
این امر یقیناً شدنی نیست
بی خانمان - آواره
ناراست ، کج
not in a straight line
crooked /ˈkrʊkəd, ˈkrʊkɪd/
His lips curled into a crooked smile.
قابلفهم ساده
straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːwəd◂ $ -ˈfɔːrwərd◂/
This area of law is far from straightforward (=complicated).
بی ثبات ناپایدار
volatile /ˈvɒlətaɪl $ ˈvɑːlətl/
an increasingly volatile political situation
the highly volatile stock and bond markets
Edwards was a dangerously volatile character.
.the political situation was becoming more volatile.
وضعیت سیاسی داشت بی ثباتتر میشد.
Food and fuel prices are very volatile in a war situation
Fickle :
Fickle winds made sailing conditions difficult.
The uneasy alliance between such different people just cannot last.
The treaty restored an uneasy peace to the country.
بیتناسب - بیش از حد معمول
out of proportion /aʊt ʌv prəˈpɔrʃən/
They earn salaries out of all proportion to their ability.
آنها حقوقهایی بیش از حد تواناییشان دریافت میکنند.
معمولی پیش پا افتاده
These should be run-of-the-mill problems to the experienced manager.
اینها برای یک مدیر باتجربه باید مشکلات پیش پا افتادهای باشد.
بدبین بدگمان، منفینگر
unwilling to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something
cynical /ˈsɪnɪkəl/
The public is cynical about election promises
I hope I don’t sound unduly cynical.
She works in that most cynical of industries - advertising
pessimistic /pesɪˈmɪstɪk/
Pessimistic people always see the glass half empty and exude negative energy.
افراد بدبین همیشه نیمه خالی لیوان را می بینند و انرژی منفی از خود ساطع می کنند.
خنده دار ، مضحک
hilarious /hɪˈleriəs/
The movie had some hilarious scenes
متلاطم ، اشفته
turbulent /ˈtɜːrbjələnt /
He has had a turbulent political career
elaborate /ɪˈlæbərət, ɪˈlæbərɪt/
I’d prefer a simple classic style which is not too elaborate.
I want a plain blouse to go with that skirt - nothing too elaborate.
من یک بلوز ساده میخواهم که با آن دامن بیاید؛ (چیزی که) خیلی پرنقشونگار نباشد.
تک رو ، مستقل
preppy /ˈprep.i/
یه جورایی
in some way or to some degree:
kind of
“Did you like the movie?” “Kind of, but there were some weird things about it.”
I guess I kind of forget to show her, sometimes, that I love her.
exactly in a particular place or at a particular time
slap bang next to
Anne’s house is slap bang next to the station.
done according to the rules
fair and square
The supporters for the other team were angry but we won the game fair and square
افتضاح، بسیار بد
abysmal /əˈbɪzməl/
The reunion was an abysmal failure
The team’s performance was abysmal.
atrocious /əˈtroʊʃəs/
The weather has been atrocious all week.
Conditions in the prison were atrocious.
appalling /əˈpɔlɪŋ/
The country has an appalling human rights record
horrendous /həˈrendəs/
Conditions in the refugee camps were horrendous.
ghastly /ˈɡɑːstli $ ˈɡæstli/
Today’s newspaper gives all the ghastly details of the murder.
lousy /ˈlaʊzi/ :
The weather has been lousy all week.
I’m fed up with this lousy job
horrible :
He describes prison as ‘a horrible place’
عصبی و هیجان زده
nervous or excited about a future event
wired /waɪəd/ US /waɪrd/ (ALSO wired up) :
I was totally wired before the interview.
موقتا” ، بطور موقت ، عجالتا”
The meeting has been provisionally arranged for the end of May.
محرک، برانگیزنده، عصبانی کننده، تحریک امیز
provocative /prəˈvɒkətɪv $ -ˈvɑː-/
The minister’s provocative remarks were widely reported in the press.
She was dressed in a highly provocative way
making people remember something by producing a feeling or memory in them
evocative /ɪˈvɑkətɪv/
picture that picture is wonderfully evocative of a hot, summer’s day
coming before a more important action or event, especially introducing or preparing for it
preliminary /prɪˈlɪmɪneri/:
Preliminary results show that the vaccine is effective, but this has to be confirmed by further medical trials.
We’ve decided to change the design based on our preliminary findings.
Spotter planes made a preliminary aerial reconnaissance of the island.
The discussions were preliminary to preparing a policy paper
Pilot studies are a useful preliminary to large research projects.
After the usual preliminaries, the chairman made his announcement.
The two presidents met today, as a preliminary to resuming the peace talks
اسرار امیز، مرموز، مبهم
recondite /ˈrekəndaɪt/
‘the book is full of recondite information’
mysterious /mɪˈstɪəriəs $ -ˈstɪr-/
I have had enough of your mysterious behavior.
بس کن این رفتار مرموزت رو.
at a very high level
off the charts:
His blood pressure was off the charts
از وقتی که ، از ان وقت تاکنون
continually since that time:
ever since
He’s been depressed ever since he got divorced
جانانه و محکم
vigorous /ˈvɪɡərəs/
Your dog needs at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise every day.
Environmentalists have begun a vigorous campaign to oppose nuclear dumping in the area.
Vigorous efforts are being made to find a solution to the problem.
The measures provoked vigorous opposition in right-wing circles.
نیرومند قدرتمند
strong and healthy
vigorous /ˈvɪɡərəs/
a vigorous young man
by mistake
inadvertently /ˌɪnədˈvɜːtəntli $ -ɜːr-/
Viruses can be spread inadvertently by email users.
Robinson’s name was inadvertently omitted from the list.
unwittingly /ʌnˈwɪtɪŋli/
Laura unwittingly threw away the winning lottery ticket.
on purpose
He deliberately upset her
Very few teenagers become pregnant intentionally.
FBI agents arrested Dillon for ‘knowingly making a false statement on a passport application’.
wittingly /’wıtıŋlı/
با خونسردی
in cold blood
شدنی عملی، ممکن
viable /ˈvaɪəbl/
None of the projects proved financially viable.
It doesn’t sound like a very viable proposition to me.
ماندنی ، قابل دوام
able to continue to exist as or develop into a living being
viable /ˈvaɪəbl/
He turned the farm into a viable business.
ماندنی ، قابل دوام
able to continue to exist as or develop into a living being
viable /ˈvaɪəbl/
He turned the farm into a viable business.
واداده و تحلیل رفته
Ruined or no longer successful
washed up
You’ve been washed up for years—why on earth do you think I’d want your advice?
The boxer was all washed up and had to retire last year.
Harry is looking awfully sad. I hear his business has collapsed and he is all washed up.
عقیده/سخن که منطقی ست و میتوان از آن دفاع کرد
reasonable and can be defended successfully
tenable /ˈtenəbəl/
The old idea that this work was not suitable for women was no longer tenable
جدی رسمی
solemn /ˈsɑːləm/
Her face grew solemn. چهرهاش جدی شد.
بدشگون ، نامیمون ، شوم ، بدیمن
ominous /ˈɑːmɪnəs/
dark ominous clouds preceded the storm
پیشی ، قبلی
preceding /prɪˈsiːdɪŋ/
There were fewer crimes compared to the preceding year.
Kyoto was the former capital of Japan.
The car’s previous owner didn’t take very good care of it.
نامطمئن و پرمخاطره
likely to change or become dangerous without warning
precarious /priˈkɛriəs/
Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a precarious financial position
For the refugees life was always precarious
Her health remained precarious, despite the treatment.
precautionary /prɪˈkɔːʃənəri $ -ˈkɒːʃəneri/
More troops were sent to the area as a precautionary measure. (اقدامات احتیاطی)
مقروض - بدهکار
indebted /ɪnˈdetəd, ɪnˈdetɪd/
The company is heavily indebted
مدیون ممنون، قدردان
indebted /ɪnˈdetəd, ɪnˈdetɪd/
We are deeply indebted to Dr Allen.
بی شرمانه - قبیح - بیعفت
indecent /ɪnˈdisənt/
He made an indecent suggestion to my wife.
او پیشنهادی ناشایست به همسر من کرد.
ناقاطع (در تصمیمگیری) دو دل
indecisive /ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv/
I’m sorry to be so indecisive, but can I let you know tomorrow?
شرجی (هوا) گرم و مرطوب
muggy /ˈmʌgi/
This muggy weather gives me a headache.
رنگ ورو رفته ، نخ نما ، کهنه
tacky /ˈtæk.i/
The shop sold tacky souvenirs and ornaments.
cheap, tacky furniture in bright colors
Slightly adhesive or gummy to the touch; (especially of paint or glue) not completely dry
tacky /ˈtæk.i/
The paint’s still slightly tacky
آرام آسوده
serene /səˈriːn, sɪˈriːn/
tranquil /ˈtræŋkwəl, ˈtræŋkwɪl/
The village lay tranquil in the evening sunlight.
They are deprived of the right to a tranquil life.
آنها از حق یک زندگی آرام محروم هستند.
There is always something to disturb your tranquil life.
همیشه چیزی هست که زندگی آرام شما را به هم بزند.
ناتراوا ، نفوذناپذیر
impervious /ɪmˈpɜːviəs $ -ɜːr-/
How does glue bond with impervious substances like glass and metal?
The overlying rocks must be impervious, otherwise the oil simply escapes.
impermeable /ɪmˈpɜːmiəbəl $ -ɜːr-/
No paint is impermeable to water vapor.
The layer of clay acts as an impermeable barrier against some chemicals.
Water can not easily flow in these impermeable rocks.
غیرقابل فهم
impossible to understand
impenetrable /ɪmˈpenətrəbəl, ɪmˈpenɪtrəbəl/
The language of this document would be impenetrable to anyone except a specialist
جدا از هم ، گسسته
clearly separate or different in shape or form
discrete /dɪˈskriːt/ :
These small companies now have their own discrete identity.
زیرک ، بینا ، تیزهوش
perspicacious /ˌpɜːspɪˈkeɪʃəs◂ $ ˌpɜːr-/
Towards the end of the infantile period the child is becoming more perspicacious
shrewd /ʃruːd/
She was shrewd enough to guess who was responsible.
He was truly a shrewd businessman.
الحق او یک تاجر زیرک بود.
باری بهر جهت ، سرسری
perfunctory /pəˈfʌŋk.tər.i/
she made just a perfunctory attempt to pass the courses
بی قاعده ، پرت ، بی ترتیب ، درهم و برهم
done without any particular plan or purpose
Desultory /ˈdes.əl.tər.i/
Your discussion drifts desultorily from one topic to another
بحث شما خیلی پراکندست از موضوعی به موضوع دیگه می پرید.
اضطرابآور مضطربکننده
زنگ زده و فرسوده
A rusty old car had been abandoned at the side of the road.
The rusty wheels of his memory began to work
از یاد رفته بخاطر فقدان تمرین و آمادگی، فراموششده
My French is a bit rusty.
I hadn’t practiced for a long time, so I was really rusty.
آینده نگر
هیجان انگیز
rad /ræd/
The landlord asked about our new apartment and we told him that so far everything was hunky-dory
satisfactory /ˌsætəsˈfæktəri◂, ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri◂/
There seems to be no satisfactory explanation
We hope this proposal is satisfactory to you
finished with one’s normal working day or assigned hours
off the clock
We’re all going down to shoot some pool if you want to join us once you’re off the clock.
You know I can’t have any alcohol until I’m off the clock!
معوق ، از موعد گذشته ، منقضی شده
overdue / $ ˌoʊvərˈduː◂/ an overdue gas bill The library books are overdue. The baby was a week overdue He was overdue for a shave. We welcome this announcement and think it’s long overdue.
بی طرف ، بدون جانبداری
I always tried to remain neutral when they started arguing.
During World War II, Sweden was neutral
The British government acted as a neutral observer during the talks.
The talks will be held on neutral ground
Bragg said in a neutral voice, ‘The investigation has been closed down.’
Dolly kept her voice carefully neutral
She argued that the law should always be gender neutral
The government maintained its strictly neutral policy
بی اثر ، خنثی
The plant prefers a neutral or slightly acidic soil.
بی اثر ، خنثی
on the house :
All the drinks were on the house.
courtesy /ˈkɜrt̬.ə.si/
The hotel runs a courtesy bus from the airport.
Most reviewers receive a courtesy copy of the book.
بدبخت بی پول
ضعیف العقل، سبک مغز، کند ذهن، خرفت،کودن
imbecile /ˈɪmbəsiːl $ -səl/
He looked at me as if I was a total imbecile.
as fast/hard as possible
flat out (informal)
The car was going flat out.
He was running flat out.
Workers are working flat out to meet the rise in demand for new cars.
پوسیده تجزیهشده، فاسدشده
decayed /dᵻkˈeɪd/
مغلطه /سفسطه آمیز ، گمراه کننده
fallacious /fəˈleɪʃəs/
مغلطه /سفسطه آمیز ، گمراه کننده
fallacious /fəˈleɪʃəs/
قابل مقایسه
[حالت تفضیلی: more fallacious] [حالت عالی: most fallacious]
1 ، اشتبا
تلافی جویانه
retaliatory /rɪˈtæl.i.ə.tri/ US /-tɔːr.i/ :
He urged people not to resort to retaliatory violence.
درهم برهم
اشرافی ، اعیانی
aristocratic /ˌærəstəˈkrætɪk/
Mrs Goreng came from an aristocratic family
شمرده، سلیس
articulate /ɑːrˈtɪkjuleɪt/
All we could hear were loud sobs, but no articulate words.
تنها چیزی که میتوانستیم بشنویم هقهق بلند بود، اما هیچ واژه واضحی به گوش نمیرسید.
سخنور خوشبیان، خوشصحبت
articulate /ɑːrˈtɪkjuleɪt/
He was unusually articulate for a ten-year-old
Unable to speak or articulate a coherent thought.
at a loss for words
I’m so disappointed that I’m actually at a loss for words
معمولی، پیش پا افتاده
After reading my composition, Mrs. Evans remarked that it was mediocre and that I could do better.
بعد از خواندن انشایم خانم ایوانز خاطر نشان کرد که انشایم متوسط بود و میتوانست بهتر باشد.
بی شوخی، جدا
in a sober earnest
Certainly, definitely, or absolutely.
(as) sure as hell
I’ve worked all my life to get to this position, so I’m sure as hell not going to give it up without a fight!
They’re sure as hell going to notice all that money missing in the morning.
تا به اکنون
thus far :
Her political career thus far had remained unblemished.
until now
رقیق / آبکی
dilute /daɪˈluːt /
When albumin is placed in water, dilute salt solutions, or moderately concentrated salt solutions, it remains soluble.
someone who is thin but has strong muscles
wiry /ˈwaɪəri $ ˈwaɪri/
موش آب کشیده خیس خالی
soaked to the skin /soʊkt tu ðə skɪn/
Oh, come in and dry off! You must be soaked to the skin.
اوه، بیا داخل و خودت را خشک کن! حتما موش آب کشیده شده ای!
experiencing the effects of a drug, such as cannabis:
They spent the evening getting stoned.
بیبرنامه الله بختکی، بدون برنامهریزی
The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit-and-miss affair.
at exactly a particular time, and no earlier or later than that time
on the dot informal:
She always leaves the office at 5.30 p.m. on the dot.
پس ایند، بعدی ، متعاقب
ensuing /ɪnˈsjuːɪŋ $ -ˈsuː-/
In the ensuing fighting, two students were killed.
These skills were passed on to subsequent generations
تشنه به خون
very angry and wanting to kill someone or to cause them pain or discomfort
out for blood
After being attacked, the soldiers were out for blood.
بسیار تنبل، تنپرور
bone idle /boʊn ˈaɪdəl/
She never lifts a finger to help. She’s bone idle.
تحمیل شده
thrust {upon/on somebody} :
She never enjoyed the fame that was thrust upon her.
He had marriage thrust upon him.
معلول ، فلج، چلاق
crippled /ˈkrɪpəl/
As a child she contracted polio[فلج اطفال] and was crippled for life.
He’s eighty and crippled with arthritis.
The disease left him crippled.
perfectly arranged or organized
squared away
Just when you think your kids are squared away and you can relax, one of them decides to do something crazy
بی هیچگونه نظم و قاعده ای - درهم و برهم، آشفته
not showing careful choice or planning, especially so that harm results
indiscriminate /ɪndɪˈskrɪmənət/:
terrorists responsible for indiscriminate killing
Soldiers fired indiscriminately into the crowd.
Troops were accused of indiscriminate killings of civilians
The indiscriminate use of fertilizers can cause long-term problems.
The indiscriminate arrangement of the products made the store confusing.
چینش در هم برهم محصولات مغازه را گیجکننده کرده بود.
رها شده، متروکه
derelict /ˈdɛrəˌlɪkt/
نهانی، مخفیانه
covert /ˈkoʊvɜːrt/ قابل مقایسه
[حالت تفضیلی: more covert] [حالت عالی: most covert]
a CIA covert operation
They are involved in a clandestine operation to sell arms to Iran
hush-hush informal
He was put in charge of some hush-hush military project.
I’ve no idea what he does – it’s all very hush-hush.
مصادرهشده ضبطشده
confiscated /’kɔnfəs’keıtəd/
نامحسوس، زیرپوستی، ظریف
not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention
subtle /ˈsʌtl/ [حالت تفضیلی: subtler] [حالت عالی: subtlest]
The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them.
The warning signs of the disease are so subtle that they are often ignored.
exasperating /ɪgˈzæspəˌreɪtɪŋ/
Marsha has this exasperating way of talking to me like a child
از اول دوباره
Rather than amend the club’s constitution again, let us discard it and start afresh.
به جای اصلاح دوباره قانون باشگاه، بیایید که آن را کنار گذاشته و از نو شروع کنیم
با وقار، والا
dignified /ˈdɪgnəˌfaɪd/
[حالت تفضیلی: more dignified] [حالت عالی: most dignified]
متفاوت گوناگون، مختلف
divergent /daɪˈvɜːrdʒənt/
[حالت تفضیلی: more divergent] [حالت عالی: most divergent]
The two brothers had taken divergent career routes.
The two scientists have followed divergent paths since the 1960s.
آن دو دانشمند از دهه 60 میلادی از روشهای متفاوتی پیروی کردهاند.
There are divergent opinions on this issue.
نظرات مختلفی درباره این مسئله وجود دارد.
از دور دست، از فاصله دور
afield /əˈfiːld/
Most of them were locals, but some had come from farther afield
شعلهور مشتعل
afire /əˈfaɪə $ əˈfaɪr/
One of the boats had been set afire.
The oil tanker was afire.
ablaze /ɐblˈeɪz/
[حالت تفضیلی: more ablaze] [حالت عالی: most ablaze]
The whole building was ablaze.
کل ساختمان شعلهور شد.
aflame /ɐflˈeɪm/
Most of the city was aflame.
در شرف اجرا در حال برنامهریزی
being planned or happening
There were plans afoot for a second attack
There are plans afoot to increase taxation.
برنامههایی برای افزایش مالیات در حال برنامهریزی هستند.
شناور ، در جریان
afloat /əˈfloʊt/
Somehow we kept the ship afloat
Many small businesses are struggling to stay afloat.
بسیاری از کسب و کارهای کوچک دارند دست و پنجه نرم می کنند که در جریان باقی بمانند.
The Treasury borrowed £40 billion, just to stay afloat.
از پیش برنامهریزی شده - عمدی
aforethought /əˈfɔːθɔːt $ əˈfɔːrθɒːt/
فوق الذکر
aforementioned /əˈfɔːmenʃənd/
For dessert, the best option may be one of those aforementioned smooth and creamy cappuccinos
aforesaid /əˈfɔːsed $ əˈfɔːr-/
فرمانبردار، پذیرا
willing to accept what someone says or does without arguing
amenable /əˈmɛnəbəl/
The young writer is amenable to suggestions.
Young people are more amenable than older citizens to the idea of immigration
compliant /kəmˈplaɪənt/
For years I had tried to be a compliant and dutiful wife
very annoyed and upset
exasperated /ɪɡˈzæspəreɪtɪd/
He was becoming exasperated with the child.
به شدت آزاردهنده اعصابخردکن
بی درنگ ، بلافاصله
forthwith /ˌfɔːrθˈwɪθ/
The agreement between us is terminated forthwith.
توافق بین ما بلافاصله خاتمه یافت.
ناگهان بیخبر، ناغافل
فحاش، بد دهن، ناسزا گ
scurrilous /ˈskʌrələs, ˈskʌrɪləs $ ˈskɜːr-/
having experience in a wide range of ideas or activities
well-rounded /ˌwelˈraʊn.dɪd/
She describes herself as a “well-rounded person” who works hard but has a varied social life.
تفکیک جنسیتی شده
All schools ars gender-segregated in Iran.
تمام مدارس در ایران تفکیک جنسیتی می باشند.
easy to remember
catchy /ˈkætʃi/ :
The Liberal Democrats were searching for a more catchy slogan
With their catchy melodies, the songs are likely to be hits
نامنظم، غیرقابل پیش بینی، دمدمی مزاج
something that does not follow any pattern or plan but happens in a way that is not regular
erratic /ɪˈrætɪk/ :
His breathing was becoming erratic
خودسر، خود رای، نافرمان، سرکش
wayward /ˈweɪwəd $ -wərd/
They were both very smart and correct, but Grandad was a little more wayward
جدا، مجزا
The change happens in a series of discrete steps
فرعی - جانبی
relating to something or happening as a result of it, but not as important
collateral /kəˌlætərəl / :
There may be collateral benefits to the scheme
Collateral damage caused by the attacks was high.
صدمات جانبی ناشی از حملات زیاد بود.
چرکین، کثیف
filthy /ˈfɪlθi/
The house was filthy, with clothes and newspapers strewn everywhere
خودساخته متکی به خود
self-made /ˌself ˈmeɪd/
زودرس - پیش از موعد
precocious /prɪˈkəʊʃəs $ -ˈkoʊ-/
Precocious puberty . بلوغ زودرس
prematurely developed in some faculty or characteristic
precocious /prɪˈkəʊʃəs $ -ˈkoʊ-/
he was a precocious child who walked and talked early
filthy /ˈfɪlθi/
Your problem is you’ve got a filthy mind (=you are always thinking about sex).
جامعه ستیز
sociopath /ˈsəʊsiəˌpæθ/ قابل شمارش
Unfortunately for her, he turns out to be a sociopath
استخدام شده
on the payroll
The company now has 350 people on the payroll
بدجور - به شدت
very much or very seriously Synonym : greatly:
John will be sorely missed by his family and friends.
Sabine was sorely tempted to throw her drink in his face.
Your help is sorely needed.
Courage is a quality that is sorely lacking in world leaders today
It was grossly unfair to demand such a high interest rate on the loan.
He’s grossly overweight.
توهین/اهانت امیز
not showing the proper respect for someone or something
insulting /ɪnˈsʌl.tɪŋ/ US /-ţɪŋ/
You can’t offer such a low salary to someone who is so highly skilled - it’s insulting
Sexist language is insulting to women
I find it insulting to be spoken to in that way.
His opinions are highly insulting to women.
I felt her comments were disrespectful to all the people who have worked so hard on this project
دست پاچه / مضطرب
flustered /ˈflʌs.təd/ US /-tɚd/
If I look flustered it’s because I’m trying to do about twenty things at once.
دلاور -دلیر
very brave, especially in a difficult situation
valiant /ˈvæliənt/
He threw himself in front of a train in a valiant effort to save the child
The company has made a valiant effort/attempt in the last two years to make itself more efficient
بی پروا، بی باک، شجاع، جسور، نترس
audacious /ɔːˈdeɪʃəs $ ɒː-/
the risks involved in such an audacious operation
intrepid /ɪnˈtrepəd, ɪnˈtrepɪd/
We sent our intrepid reporter to find out what is happening.
My aunt was a bold determined woman.
گیج و منگ ، بیحال
groggy /ˈɡrɒɡi $ ˈɡrɑːɡi/
I felt really groggy after 15 hours on the plane
The sleeping pills left her feeling very groggy.
قرص های خواب او را خیلی گیج و منگ کرده بود.
جاودانی، ابدی، ازلی، همیشگی
He promised them everlasting life
Learning a foreign language well can be a lifelong endeavour.
مهیا - فراهم
something that is ready to use when you need it
on tap:
We’ve got all the information on tap.
کهنه، مانده ، بیات
The room smelt of stale sweat
We want the best for each individual child with due regard for the interests of the other children
He was banned for six months for driving without due care and attention
سر وقتش
at some time in the future when it is the right time, but not before
in due course:
Further details will be announced in due course.
Any money due you will be sent by cheque through the post.
Thanks are due to all those who took part.
مخل مختل کننده
disruptive /dɪsˈrʌptɪv/
.His teacher described him as a noisy, disruptive influence in class.
معلمش او را دانش آموزی پر سر و صدا و مخل (آرامش) توصیف کرد
مخوف ترسناک
dreaded /ˈdrɛdɪd/
[حالت تفضیلی: more dreaded] [حالت عالی: most dreaded]
She couldn’t put off the dreaded moment forever.
eerie /ˈɪəri $ ˈɪri/
This place has a distinctly eerie atmosphere.
There was an eerie silence immediately after the bomb went off.
نفرتانگیز منزجرکننده، زننده
loathsome /ˈləʊðsəm $ ˈloʊθ-/
loathful [‘lǝʊðfʊl, -f(ǝ)l]
despicable /dɪˈspɪkəbl/
Courtney must be stopped from carrying out more despicable crimes.
She is using the most despicable word she can think of.
despisable . [dɪ’spʌɪzǝb(ǝ)l]
obnoxious /əbˈnɒkʃəs/
You disgraced us with your obnoxious behavior.
با رفتار زنندت آبرومون رو بردی.
رقت انگیز - خوار و پست
not deserving any respect at all
contemptible /kənˈtemptəbəl, kənˈtemptɪbəl/ :
They were portrayed as contemptible cowards
ناجور - ناخوشایند
in a very bad or unpleasant way
abominably /əˈbɒm.ɪ.nə.bli/ US /əˈbɑː.mə.nə.bli/:
He behaved abominably towards her.
He treats his staff abominably.
She’d been abominably rude to him since they’d first met.
نخستین، بدوی، اولیه
incipient /ɪnˈsɪpiənt/
Their office flirtation soon turned into an incipient affair.
بی میل
Reluctant /rɪˈlʌktənt/
The process was so long and complicated that I became reluctant to apply for a grant.
پروسه آنقدر طولانی و پیچیده بود من بی میل شدم که درخواست کمک هزینه کنم.
همگرا متقارب
convergent :
The member states should start to have more convergent policies.
در حد زیاد و قابل توجهی
to a great degree, or in large amounts
in spades:
Beauty, intelligence, wealth – my mother had all of them in spades.
colossal /kəˈlɒs.əl/ US /-ˈlɑː.səl/ :(extremely large)
In the centre of the hall stood a colossal wooden statue, decorated in ivory and gold.
They were asking a colossal amount of money for the house
بی اجازه، غیر مجاز
Unauthorized /ʌnˈɔːθəraɪzd $ -ˈɒː-/
This unauthorized biography of the Princess has sold over 10 000 copies in its first week in print.
متفاوت گوناگون، مختلف
divergent /daı’və:dʒənt/
They hold widely divergent opinions on controversial issues like abortion.
In his book, he identifies 25 choices men and women make that put them on divergent career paths.
confidential /ˌkɒnfəˈdenʃəl◂, ˌkɒnfɪˈdenʃəl◂ $ ˌkɑːn-/
Doctors are required to keep patients’ records completely confidential.
Information about prices is to be treated as confidential
The information will be regarded as strictly confidential
وابسته، مربوط به
regulations pertaining to high-tech industries
خجالتآور آبروبر
compromising /ˈkɒmprəmaɪzɪŋ $ ˈkɑːm-/
The doctor was found in a compromising position with a nurse
دلواپس نگران، دستپاچه
apprehensive /ˌæprɪˈhɛnsɪv/
The company is heavily indebted
خصمانه،خصومت امیز
hostile /ˈhɒstaɪl $ ˈhɑːstl, ˈhɑːstaɪl/
The experience has made him generally hostile towards women
They were reluctant to take any step that might be regarded as hostile.
virulent /ˈvɪrjələnt/
[حالت تفضیلی: more virulent] [حالت عالی: most virulent]
She is a virulent critic of US foreign policy.
وفادار، ثابت قدم
giving strong loyal support to another person, organization, belief etc
staunch /stɔːntʃ/
She’s a staunch advocate of free trade.
He gained a reputation as being a staunch defender/supporter of civil rights.
مصمم استوار، بااراده
describes an effort or attempt that is determined and serious
concerted /kənˈsɜː.tɪd/ US /-ˈsɝː.ţɪd/:
There has been a concerted campaign against the proposals.
He’s making a concerted effort to improve his appearance
steadfast /ˈstedfæst/
Dr. Faraday remained steadfast in his plea of innocence
Be steadfast in your efforts.
Lower your expectations and be steadfast in your determination. You will reap the rewards of your hard work.
توقعات خود را پایین بیاورید و در عزم خود ثابت قدم باشید، نتیجه کار سخت خود را خواهید گرفت.
مفتضحانه ننگین، تحقیرآمیز
ignominious /ˌɪɡnəˈmɪniəs/ قابل مقایسه
He made one mistake and his career came to an ignominious end.
او یک اشتباه مرتکب شد و حرفهاش مفتضحانه پایان یافت.
خصمانه ، خشن، غیردوستانه
angry and deliberately unfriendly towards someone, and ready to argue with them
hostile /ˈˈhɑːstl $ , ˈhɑːstaɪl/
The speaker got a hostile reception from the audience.
سخنگو واکنشی خصمانه از حضار گرفت.
antagonistic /ænˌtæɡəˈnɪstɪk◂/
Why are Kate and John so antagonistic towards each other?
fleet of foot/fleet-footed
She was slight and fleet of foot/fleet-footed
کفر آمیز
profane /proʊˈfeɪn/
شورشگر، فتنه انگیز
seditious /sɪˈdɪʃ.əs/
She was arrested after making a speech that the government considered to be seditious.
دیرپا دیرین، طولانیمدت
[حالت تفضیلی: more long-standing] [حالت عالی: most long-standing]
دارویی، وابسته به داروسازی
pharmaceutical / fɑːrməˈsutɪkəl-/
Within the pharmaceutical division, prescription drug sales rose 9 percent in local currencies
connected with, but less important than, something else
subsidiary /səbˈsɪdiəri $ -dieri/
All other issues are subsidiary to this one
حسابشده، سنجیده
measured /ˈmeʒəd $ -ərd/
She spoke in measured tones
باوقار، مجلل، باشکوه
formal and splendid in style and appearance
The procession moved through the mountain village at a stately
در جهت طولی
در جهت عرضی
فزاینده تصاعدی، جمعشونده
gradually increasing in amount or degree over a period of time
accumulative /əˈkjuːmjələtɪv/
The accumulative effect of his injuries forced him to retire.
مزورانه فریبکارانه ریاکارانه از روی حقهبازی، از روی ریا
deceitfully :
His lawyer argued that his client had not acted deceitfully.
عالی برجسته، منحصربهفرد
outstanding /ɑʊtˈstæn.dɪŋ/
It’s an area of outstanding natural beauty.
این منطقه زیبایی طبیعی منحصربهفردی دارد.
رک صریح، بیپرده
outspoken /aʊtˈspoʊkən/
He was known for his outspoken views on various controversies.
unequivocal /ˌʌn.ɪˈkwɪv.ə.kəl/
The church has been unequivocal in its condemnation of the violence.
Can you tell me what you want in unequivocal terms?
میشه صریح و واضح بگی چی می خوای؟
بداقبال، بدبخت، نگونبخت
unfortunate /ʌnˈfɔːr.tʃə.nət/
One unfortunate person failed to see the hole and fell straight into it.
یک آدم نگونبخت نتوانست چاله را ببیند و مستقیم به درون آن افتاد.
شریف، نجیب،
morally good or generous in a way that is admired
noble /ˈnəʊbəl $ ˈnoʊ-/:
It’s very noble of you to spend all your weekends helping the old folk.
exciting or full of new ideas
stimulating /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/
The programme contains some creative and visually stimulating material
I found him very stimulating to be with
stimulating /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/
the stimulating effects of coffee and tea
very interesting because of being so strange, unusual, or wonderful
spellbinding : /ˈspelˌbaɪn.dɪŋ/
The book is a spellbinding tale of her life in China.
intriguing /ɪnˈtriː.ɡɪŋ/
She has a really intriguing personality.
بسیار جالب و هیجان انگیز
very interesting and exciting
enthralling /ɪnˈθrɔːlɪŋ $ -ˈθrɒːl-/ : (برای نمایش و اجرا)
Pakistan won an enthralling match by two wickets
I found your book absolutely enthralling!
compelling /kəmˈpel.ɪŋ/
I found the whole film very compelling.
engrossing /ɪnˈɡroʊ.sɪŋ/
I found the movie completely engrossing from beginning to end.
I found the book so gripping that I couldn’t put it down
riveting /ˈrɪv.ɪ.t̬ɪŋ/
He gives a riveting performance as a tough street cop..
absorbing /əbˈzɔrbɪŋ/
I read her last novel and found it very absorbing.
Your trip to Alaska sounds absolutely fascinating.
سفرت به آلاسکا واقعاً جالب بهنظر میرسد.
مجابکننده قانعکننده
compelling /kəmˈpel.ɪŋ/
compelling arguments استدلالهای مجابکننده
compelling reasons دلایل قانعکننده
A compelling answer was provided in the final session from two different sources.
There was no longer any compelling reason to continue this line of investigation.
having a lot of small parts or details – used especially about something that is cleverly designed or made
intricate /ˈɪntrəkət/ :
Lasers are used to cut intricate designs in the metal.
The farmers use an intricate system of drainage canals.
elaborate /ɪˈlæbrət/
Mike had worked out an elaborate system for categorizing his collection of DVDs.
The plan to kidnap her had become even more elaborate.
Sociologists have been coming up with increasingly elaborate theories to explain unsafe sexual practices.
involved very long and complicated – use this especially about
صعب الفهم و پیچیده
too complicated and difficult to understand – used especially about someone’s language or arguments, or about a system
convoluted :
James’s books are full of long paragraphs and convoluted sentences, which many people do not find appealing.
The policy is so convoluted even college presidents are confused
ornate /ɔːrˈneɪt/
Some students are put off studying his work because of the ornate language of the poetry.
پر آذین، (بیش از حد) مزین
having a lot of complicated decoration
ornate /ɔːrˈneɪt/:
a room with an ornate ceiling and gold mirrors
beautiful rather than useful
ornamental /ˌɔːrnəˈmentl/ :
The handles on each side of the box are purely ornamental (= they are for decoration only).
made to look attractive
decorative /ˈdek.ər.ə.t̬ɪv/
Put some coloured icing on the fairy cakes if you want them to look a bit more decorative.
طماع طمعکار
covetous (kʌvɪtəs)
He has attracted covetous glances from England’s biggest clubs
محرک (دارو) انگیزنده
stimulant /ˈstɪmjələnt/
a drug with stimulant properties
مثل روز روشن
as plain as day
Your explanation was as plain as day. I have no questions.
توضیح تو مثل روز روشن بود. من هیچ سوالی ندارم.
as plain as the hump on a camel
What do you mean you don’t understand? It’s as plain as the hump on a camel
منظورت چیست که می گویی نفهمیدم؟ این موضوع خیلی تابلو است.
Your guilt is plain as the hump on a camel. Stop denying!
تقصیر تو مثل روز روشن است. انقدر انکار نکن!
as plain as the nose on one’s face
ساده و بی آلایش
as plain as day
Our house is as plain as day but it’s very comfortable.
خانه ما ساده و بی آلایش است اما خیلی راحت است.
به رنگ پریدگی مِیِّت
as pale as death
What’s the matter? You’re pale as death!
چه شده است؟ مانند میت رنگت پریده است!
خل و چل مشنگ، خل وضع
as mad as a march hare
Ever since he quit his job, Joe’s been acting as mad as a March hare.
از وقتی او از کارش استعفا داده است، مثل خل و چل ها رفتار می کند.
پاک و معصوم مثل فرشته مظلوم مثل بره
as innocent as a lamb /æz ˈɪnəsənt æz ə læm/
Look at the baby; she’s as innocent as a lamb.
به بچه نگاه کن؛ مثل فرشته پاک و معصوم است.
guiltless naive
بسیار خشنود شادمان
as pleased as Punch
فروتن متواضع، کمادعا، افتاده
someone who is modest does not want to talk about their abilities or achievements
modest (about) /ˈmɒdəst, ˈmɒdɪst $ ˈmɑː-/
He was always modest about his role in the Everest expedition.
You’re too modest! You’ve been a huge help to us.
خودستا لافزن، متظاهر، پزدهنده
boastful /ˈboʊstfəl/
I know you won, but you don’t need to be so boastful about it.
می دانم که تو برنده شدی، اما مجبور نیستی آنقدر خود ستا [پز دهنده] باشی [می دانم که تو برنده شدی، اما مجبور نیستی تا این اندازه دربارش پز بدی].
not very great, big, or expensive
modest /ˈmɒdəst, ˈmɒdɪst $ ˈmɑː-/:
She had saved a modest amount of money.
The new service proved a modest success.
shy about showing your body or attracting sexual interest, because you are easily embarrassed Antonym
modest /ˈmɒdəst, ˈmɒdɪst $ ˈmɑː-/:
She was a modest girl, always keeping covered, even in summer.
جسور، گستاخ، چشم سفید، پر رو، بیشرم و حیا، وقیح
impudent /ˈɪmpjʊdənt/
[حالت تفضیلی: more impudent] [حالت عالی: most impudent]
The boy gave an impudent smile.
insolent /ˈɪnsələnt/:
The girl’s only response was an insolent stare
impertinent /ɪmˈpɜrtənənt/:
an impertinent question about his private life
an impertinent young man
Would it be impertinent to ask how old you are?
شریف، نجیب
morally good or generous in a way that is admired
noble /ˈnəʊbəl $ ˈnoʊ-/ :
It’s very noble of you to spend all your weekends helping the old folk.
He died for a noble cause
اصیل ,اشرافی
noble /ˈnəʊbəl $ ˈnoʊ-/
The Marquis would have to marry a woman of noble blood
She was born into an ancient, noble family.
بی رحم
cruel and not sensitive to people’s feelings
In spite of his brutish insensitivity, Zampano nevertheless cares for her a little.
I marvelled at how merciless a human being can get.
از اینکه یک انسان چقدر می تونه بی رحم بشه حیرت زده شدم.
callous /ˈkæl.əs/
It might sound callous, but I don’t care if he’s homeless. He’s not living with me!
Her pleas were met with callous indifference.
خواهشهای او با بیتفاوتی بیرحمانه پاسخ داده شد.
He has rendered everybody speechless with his callous disregard for human life.
او با بی اعتنایی سنگدلانه خود به زندگی انسان ها زبان همه را بند آورده.
معتبر، اصل
correct for the place or the period in history that they are supposed to be from
authentic /ɔːˈθentɪk $ ɒː-/
It’s a friendly restaurant offering authentic Greek food.
The dancers wore authentic Native American designs.
That’s not an authentic Picasso painting, it’s just a copy
Experts believe that the painting is genuine.
عرفی ،متداول ، مرسوم
conventional /kənˈvenʃənəl/
Internet connections through conventional phone lines are fairly slow.
Bake for 20 minutes in a conventional oven; 8 in a microwave.
قبلا ً، سابقا ً
Almost half the group had previously been heavy smokers.
Six months previously he had smashed up his car.
از پیش از قبل
before something happens – used especially when talking about the arrangements for something
in advance /ɪn ədˈvæns/ :
Let me know in advance if you are going to be late.
The landlord wants three months’ rent in advance.
beforehand /bɪˈfɔrˌhænd/:
I wish we had known about all this beforehand.
It’s always best to decide beforehand how much you want to pay.
Tell me beforehand if you are going to be late.
تاحدی، نسبتا ، تایک اندازه
to some degree, but not completely
This is partly due to parents not placing high value on a daughter’s education.
The poor weather was partly responsible for the crash.
The company’s problems are partly due to bad management.
It is partly because of her sick mother that she hasn’t taken the job abroad.
The group is funded partly by the government
تمام و کمال،
wholly /ˈhəʊl-li $ ˈhoʊl-/
دست از پا درازتر
with one’s tail between one’s legs
با تمام وجود از صمیم قلب
with all one’s heart and soul
I loved the present Bill gave me with all my heart and soul.
من هدیه ای که “بیل” بهم داد را با تمام وجود دوست داشتم.
very sincerely
with all one’s heart
با کمال احترام
with all due respect
I’ve been thinking about what you said and, with all due respect, I think you’re mistaken.
من راجع به حرفی که زدی فکر کردهام، با کمال احترام فکر میکنم تو اشتباه میکنی.
به شوخی
with tongue in the cheek
All I said about Sandra was with tongue in the cheek, so don’t take them seriously.
تمام چیزهایی که راجع به “ساندرا” گفتم به شوخی بود، پس جدی شان نگیر
قطعی مطلق،مسلم
without any doubt or possibility of being changed
categorical /ˌkætəˈɡɒrɪkəl/
Can you give us a categorical assurance that no jobs will be lost?
I ventured that the experiment was not conclusive.
آسیبپذیر، شکننده
weak and often becoming ill easily
delicate :
She had rather a delicate constitution (=her body easily became ill).
fragile /ˈfrædʒaɪl $ -dʒəl/
He is in an emotionally fragile state.
از نظر عاطفی تو وضعیت آسیبپذیری قرار داره.
Such activities are not compatible with your fragile temperament.
این فعالیتها با روحیه ظریف تو سازگار نیست.
They refuse to employ people in fragile health conditions.
آنها از استخدام افرادی که در وضعیت سلامتی ضعیفی هستند امتناع میکنند.
ریزه اندام و ضعیف
puny /ˈpjuːni/
He was a puny little boy who was often bullied at school
رنجور ضعیف، ناتوان
weak or ill for a long time, especially because you are old
infirm /ɪnˈfɜːrm/
Father was becoming increasingly infirm.
پدر داشت به شدت ضعیف می شد.
There are special facilities for wheelchair users and infirm guests
خُرد جزئی ، بسیار کوچک
minuscule /ˈmɪn.ɪ.skjuːl/
She was wearing a minuscule bikini.
The threat from terrorism is minuscule compared to other risks in our lives.
paltry (=too small to be useful or important)
He received only a paltry £25 a day.
Student grants these days are paltry, and many students have to take out loans.
The company offered Jeremy a paltry sum which he refused.
سیخ سیخ، دارای موهای کوتاه و زبر
short, sticking up
bristly /ˈbrɪ
He had furry eyebrows and bristly hair cropped short.
بیمارگون ، وحشت اور
with a strong and unhealthy interest in unpleasant subjects, especially death
morbid /ˈmɔːbəd, ˈmɔːbɪd $ ˈmɔːr-/
The trip was made all the worse by Frankie’s morbid fear of flying.
His head was full of morbid thoughts.
طولانی مدت
prolonged /prəˈlɒŋd $ -ˈlɒːŋd/
Prolonged use of the drug is known to have harmful side-effects
protracted /prəˈtræk.tɪd/
Their protracted legal battle may soon be resolved.
قابل سنجش یا تعیین
The cost of unemployment to the government is quite easily quantifiable.
خوب تغذیه شده - دارای تغذیه مناسب و مرتب
The animals all look happy and well-fed.
منزجرکننده مشمئزکننده
very unpleasant
repellent /rɪˈpelənt/
The sight of blood is repellent to some people.
The idea was slightly repellent to her.
nauseating /ˈnɔːzieɪtɪŋ/
The TV news can be pretty nauseating at times.
I think rats and snakes are repulsive.
abhorrent /æbˈhɔːr.ənt/
Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.
horrid /ˈhɔːrɪd/
The medicine tasted horrid.
loathsome /ˈləʊðsəm $ ˈloʊθ-/
But let us be frank about it: most slum landlords are loathsome creatures dealing in a most dreadful commodity.
بیامان پیوسته لاینقطع، دائمی
happening for a long time without stopping
ceaseless /ˈsiːsləs/
When a baby becomes ill there can be ceaseless crying.
continual /kənˈtɪnjuəl/
Continual calm reassurance should be given.
ملتهب پر تبوتاب، پر شوروحرارت
incandescent /ˌɪnkænˈdesənt◂ $ -kən-/
extremely bright
The mountain’s snow-white peak was incandescent against the blue sky.
very wise, especially as a result of a lot of experience
sage /seɪdʒ/
He has made sage comments in his book.
او اظهارات خردمندانه ای در کتابش کرده است.
ill and not likely to get better
He’s taking care of his ailing mother
متناهی، محدود
finite /ˈfaɪnaɪt/
Crude oil is a finite resource.
The funds available for the health service are finite and we cannot afford to waste money.
We only have a finite amount of time to complete this task - we can’t continue indefinitely
seeming certain to happen at some time in the future
destined for/to do something /ˈdɛstɪnd/ غیرقابل مقایسه
He was destined for success.
او برای موفقیت مقدر شده بود [او محکوم به موفقیت بود].
She seemed destined for a successful career.
We were destined never to meet again.
The money was destined for the relief of poverty, but was diverted by corrupt officials.
These cars are destined for the European market.
اسیب پذیر
vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbəl/
He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable.
سرکوب شده
repressed /rɪˈprest/
The Victorian era is characterized by its strict conventions and repressed emotion
ruling or controlling people by the use of force or violence, or by laws that put unreasonable limits on their freedom
repressive /rɪˈpresɪv/
The country has repressive laws and jails full of political prisoners.
ستمگر - ظالم
oppressive /əˈpresɪv/
That country was held in the grip(چنگ) of an oppressive regime
بطور غیر منتظره
do something although you did not expect or intend to do it
in spite of yourself :
The picture made her laugh in spite of herself.
ضعیف سست
uncertain, weak, or likely to change(situation or relationship)
tenuous /ˈtɛnjəwəs/ قابل مقایسه
the tenuous link between interest rates and investment
ارتباط ضعیف بین نرخ بهره و سرمایه گذاری
The police have only found a tenuous connection between the two robberies.
For now, the band’s travel plans are tenuous.
tenuous link/connection etc
The United Peace Alliance had only a tenuous connection with the organized Labour movement.
The link between her family and the King’s is rather tenuous.
از هم گسیخته، پراکنده، تکه تکه
fragmentary /ˈfræɡmənt(ə)ri/
Reports are still fragmentary but it is already clear that the explosion has left many dead and injured.
بادکرده - متورم
bloated /ˈbləʊtəd, ˈbləʊtɪd $ ˈbloʊ-/
I feel really bloated after that meal.
He fell onto the sofa, his stomach bloated with food
swollen /ˈswəʊlən $ ˈswoʊ-/
His eyes were swollen from crying
مومیایی (شده)
mummified [‘mʌmɪfʌɪd]
عجیب و غریب
unexpected and very unusual
He was crushed to death in a freak accident.
very important and is usually based on many years of work
monumental :
a monumental contribution to the field of medicine
Charles Darwin’s monumental study, ‘The Origin of Species’
بزرگ، عظیم شدید زیاد
Great in importance, extent, or size
monumental /mɒnjəˈmentl /
it is a task of monumental strategic importance for the United States as well as for Europeans
Tragically, their monumental efforts prove to be in vain
There was a monumental traffic jam on the freeway.
Rebuilding the bridge proved to be a monumental job.
sore (informal )
Inner city schools are in sore need of extra funds
monumental /mɒnjəˈmentl /
Tombs remain the most important monumental sculpture of this period.
پرتوان مقتدرقدرتمند پراقتدار، پرقدرت
potent /ˈpoʊtənt/
[حالت تفضیلی: more potent] [حالت عالی: most potent]
Advertising is a potent force in showing smoking as a socially acceptable habit.
A good company pension scheme remains a potent weapon for attracting staff.
جدی عبوس
‘I’ll survive,’ he said with a grim smile.
The child hung on to her arm with grim determination.
The police officers were silent and grim-faced.
he told me with a grim expression(=چهرهای جدی), there was something he had to warn me about
ناخوشاحوال مریض
Juliet felt grim through the early months of her pregnancy.
ناخوشایند بسیار بد
giving the impression that something is or will be bad
The weather forecast is pretty grim.
Police made the grim discovery while they were searching the house
گیرا جذاب هیجانانگیز
Hall skillfully weaves the historical research into a gripping narrative.
The film is a gripping account of the early days of the revolution.
فیلم روایتی جذاب از روزهای اولیه انقلاب بازگو میکند.
alluring /əˈljʊə.rɪŋ/ /-ˈlʊə-/ US /-ˈlʊr-/
I didn’t find the prospect of a house with no electricity very alluring.
She was wearing a most alluring dress at Sam’s dinner party
I couldn’t stand the strained atmosphere at dinner any more.
Relations between the two countries had become severely strained.
As soon as I went in, I was aware of the tense atmosphere in the room
به اتفاق آرا - متفق القول
unanimously /juˈnænɪməsli/
Three judges unanimously upheld the sentence.
فراهم - موجود - دردسترس
available to be used or bought
on offer
the number of permanent jobs on offer is relatively small
I’ve had such a crap day.
I’m really crap at tennis.
There’s something creepy about the way he looks at me.
The whole place feels creepy.
برحسب اتفاق اتفاقی
happen to
If you happen to see Peter, say “hi” for me.
اگر تو بر حسب اتفاق “پیتر” را دیدی، سلام من را به او برسان.
الله بختکی، هردمبیل
haphazard /ˌhæpˈhæzəd◂ $ -ərd◂/
The town had grown in a somewhat haphazard way.
عجله ای و بی دقت
careless and done too quickly
slapdash /ˈslæp.dæʃ/
He gets his work done quickly, but he’s very slapdash.
precipitate /prɪˈsɪpɪteɪt/
I have much sympathy with those who warn against precipitate novelty(نوآوری) in the food industry.
hasty /ˈheɪsti/
He soon regretted his hasty decision
دست و پا چلفتی
clumsy /ˈklʌmzi/
His clumsy fingers couldn’t untie the knot.
انگشتان چلفتی اش نمی توانستند گره را باز کنند.
I split your coffee. Sorry—that was clumsy of me.
من قهوه شما را ریختم. ببخشید- به خاطر دست و پا چلفتی بودن من است
Awkward /ˈɒːkwərd/(adj)
He has developed a reputation for being awkward.
او معروف به دست پا چلفتی بودن است.
برای لحظهای
for a very short time
momentarily /ˈməʊməntərəli /
She was momentarily lost for words.
very soon
momentarily: /ˈməʊməntərəli /
Mr Johnson will be with you momentarily.
in a moment
in a minute
از هر نوع
of all descriptions
People of all descriptions came to see the show
مناسب بهجا
That question seemed quite apt in the circumstances.
آن سوال به نظر کاملا در آن شرایط بهجا بود.
The song would have been more apt for a bass voice.
این آهنگ برای یک صدای بم مناسبتر میبود.
‘Like a fish out of water’ was an apt description of how I felt in my new job.
بالاترین درجه
highest level, rate, etc
You want your hair to look in peak condition.
لازم الاجرا- الزامی - الزامآور
binding /ˈbaɪndɪŋ/
Two binding treaties were agreed at the summit.
دو عهدنامه لازمالاجرا در اجلاس سران مورد توافق قرار گرفت.
The decision is binding on both parties.
mandatory/ˈmændətəri $ -tɔːri/
Crash helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists.
Murder carries a mandatory life sentence.
Maths and English are compulsory for all students.
Compulsory education was introduced in 1870.
Wearing a seatbelt is compulsory.
It is now compulsory for anyone claiming state benefit to register with a job centre
It is now obligatory for all competitors to wear face protectors.
Evening dress is usual, but not obligatory.
Military service is obligatory for all men between 18 and 27
بیتاب برآشفته، دلشوریده
extremely worried and frightened about a situation, so that you cannot control your feelings
.Nancy was frantic when she couldn’t find her son.
. “نانسی” وقتی که نتوانست پسرش را پیدا کند، بیتاب [دلشوریده] شد.
There was still no news of Jill, and her parents were getting frantic.
We were starting to get frantic with worry
سراسیمه ، با عجله، عجولانه ، شتابزده ، بادست پاچگی
extremely hurried and using a lot of energy, but not very organized
Despite our frantic efforts, we were unable to save the boy’s life
There was a frantic rush to escape from the building.
I spent three frantic days trying to get everything ready
It was an impulsive decision
a precipitate decision
hasty /ˈheɪsti/
He soon regretted his hasty decision
In the headlong rush to buy houses, many people got into debt.
در عملی عجولانه برای خریدن خانه، خیلی از مردم بدهی بالا میآورند.
بی قرار
full of activity, or very busy and fast
The area has become a haven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.
مثل آب خوردن به آسانی، بدون هیچ زحمتی
hands down
The mayor won the election hands down.
شهردار بدون هیچ زحمتی برنده انتخابات شد.
بی درنگ، بی تامل، فورا
straight away/off:
I knew straight away what you were thinking.
We don’t need to go straight off - we can stay for a little while.
right away/off
If this happens, let us know right away.
Right away
If this happens, let us know right away.
I apologized straightaway.
The message is sent instantly from your computer
as loudly as possible
At the top of lungs
She shouted at the top of her lungs
دوجانبه متقابل، دوطرفه
reciprocal /rɪˈsɪprəkl/
a reciprocal relationship between citizens and the state
رابطه متقابل بین شهروندان و دولت
خوشبرخورد، خوشرفتار، مودب
courteous /ˈkɜrtiəs/
Don’t worry! someday a courteous man will marry you.
نگران نباشید! روزی یک مرد مودب [خوش رفتار] با شما ازدواج خواهد کرد.
suave /swɑːv/
deferential /’defə’rentʃəl/
In those days women were expected to be deferential to men
She was beautifully dressed and very well-mannered
The children were very well-behaved
مفصل کامل
at length
These ideas will be discussed at greater length in the next chapter.
بسیار داغ جوشان لبسوز
خیلی لاغر عین شنکش
as thin as a rake
I’m really worried about Claire, she’s as thin as a rake!
من واقعاً نگران “کلر” هستم، او خیلی لاغر است!
قوی مثل گاو نر
as strong as an ox / ɑks/
Tom lifts weights, he is as strong as an ox.
“تام” وزنهبردار است، او مثل یک گاو نر قوی است.
برگردانده شده - سروته شده
upturned /ˌʌpˈtɜːnd◂ $ -ɜːr-/
The cat was sitting on an upturned crate( صندوق مشبک )
کلی / سرجمع
aggregate /ˈæg.rɪ.gət/ :
The seven companies have an aggregate turnover of £5.2 million.
.It is impossible to judge last year’s performance without knowing the aggregate sales numbers.
بدون دانستن مجموع آمار فروش، سنجیدن عملکرد سال گذشته ناممکن است.
The coarse sand (شن دانه دررشت) was hot and rough under her feet
The wool felt rather coarse
تزلزلناپذیر ، باثبات
Miller is unwavering in her support of the governor
perseverant [pǝ:sɪ’vɪǝr(ǝ)nt]
Farming is for people who are ambitious and perseverant.
There was a perseverant knocking at the door.
big, heavy, and difficult to carry or use
unwieldy /ʌnˈwiːldi/
[حالت تفضیلی: unwieldier] [حالت عالی: unwieldiest]
A piano is a very unwieldy item to get down a flight of stairs
always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards
Consistent /kənˈsɪstənt/
She’s the team’s most consistent player
His work isn’t very consistent
We need to be consistent in our approach
مکرر، پیدرپی بیوقفه مداوم
persistent /pərˈsɪstənt/
The attorney’s persistent questioning weakened the witness.
. پرسشهای پیدرپی وکیل، شاهد را خسته کرد
سازگار مطابق جور
Consistent /kənˈsɪstənt/
Her injuries are consistent with having fallen from the building.
The results are consistent with earlier research.
It is desirable that domestic and EU law should be mutually consistent.
These findings are consistent across all the studies
عقبی، پشتی
posterior /pɑːˈstɪriər/ غیرقابل مقایسه
the posterior part of the brain
The movie “Rear Window” was created by Alfred Hitchcock.
فیلم “پنجره پشتی” توسط “آلفرد هیچکاک” ساخته شد.
پیشین (قدامی)، جلو
anterior /ænˈtɪr.i.ɚ/
fore /fɔr/
Three hundred metres from the end of the race, the horse stumbled and fractured its right fore cannon bone.
خارج از عرف
beyond what is considered acceptable behavior
out of line:
You can disagree with her, but calling her dishonest was out of line.
your remarks were really out of line
کاستنی کم شدنی، قابل کسر کردن
deductible /dɪˈdʌk.tɪ.bļ/ US /-ţə-/
These costs are deductible from profits.
این هزینهها از (مبلغ) سود قابل کسر شدن هستند
Expenses like office telephone bills are tax deductible (= you do not have to pay tax on them).
relating to the scientific methods used for finding out about a crime
Forensic /fəˈrensɪk, -zɪk/
Forensic experts found traces of blood in the car
The clothing was sent to the lab for forensic examination.
There was no forensic evidence to link Mr Nichol to the attack.
weather had worn away any forensic evidence.
درجه یک
غیر قابل سرزنش، بری از اتهام
of such a high standard of honesty and moral goodness that it cannot be doubted or criticized
unimpeachable /ˌʌn.ɪmˈpiː.tʃə.bəl/ :
A spokesman said the Bishop was a man of unimpeachable integrity and character.
Resilient /rɪˈzɪljənt/
She’s a resilient girl - she won’t be unhappy for long.
آن دختر روحیه انعطافپذیری دارد؛ برای مدت طولانی ناراحت نخواهد بود.
This rubber ball is very resilient and immediately springs back into shape.
این توپ لاستیکی بسیار ارتجاعی است و سریع به شکل اولیهاش برمیگردد.
نیازمند - خواهان - تمناگر
In comparison, their achieving schoolmates are much more resilient, less fearful, and less needful of the approval of others.
آشکارا به طور واضح
She evidently loathes her ex-husband
plainly /ˈpleɪnli/ غیرقابل مقایسه
Mrs Gorman was plainly delighted.
The first part of that argument is plainly true.
We could hear Tom’s voice plainly over the noise of the crowd.
manifestly /ˈmæn.ɪ
He claims that he is completely committed to the project and yet this is manifestly untrue.
The government has manifestly failed to raise educational standards, despite its commitment to do so
پرطرفدار پرتقاضا
sought-after /ˈsɔːt æftər/
چشمگیر خیرهکننده نفسگیر
spectacular /spekˈtækjələr/
a mountainous area with spectacular scenery
قابل تعقیب(توسط قانون)
Indictable offences are tried by a jury in a Crown Court.
عمراً – ابدا
Not a chance in hell
on no account
کمرشکن، طاقتفرسا
having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and do not know how to react
Overwhelming: /ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋ $ ˌoʊvər-/
an overwhelming sense of guilt
She felt an overwhelming desire to hit him.
She found the city quite overwhelming when she first arrived.
herculean /hərˈkjuliən/
He refuses to get married saying that it is a herculean task to maintain a family.
او ازوداج نمیکند و میگویید که دادن خرج یک خانواده کار حضرت فیل است.
خصوصی شخصی
private /ˈpraɪvət/
Morris has a private jet.
He made some notes for his private use.
Many communists objected to any form of private property
There is private ownership of property in a market economy
The president is paying a private visit to Europe
در خلوت
without other people being present
in private I need to speak to you in private. من باید در خلوت با تو صحبت کنم. They wanted to talk in private. آنها میخواستند محرمانه [در خلوت] صحبت کنند.
providing basic information about a subject, course of study etc
introductory /ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri/
There’s a short introductory chapter giving an outline of the subject matter
Beginners will have two introductory lessons.
existing, used, or experienced for the first time
introductory /ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri/ :
an introductory price/offer
an introductory course in design (= a course for people who have not done it before)
آشغال بیارزش
They sell a lot of stuff cheap, but most of it is crap
برای لحظهای
momentarily /ˈməʊməntərəli /
She was momentarily lost for words.
برای لحظهای
momentarily /ˈməʊməntərəli /
She was momentarily lost for words.
very soon
momentarily /ˈməʊməntərəli / :
Mr Johnson will be with you momentarily
واضح پرجزئیات
vivid description of life in Ancient Rome
Their diaries give us a vivid picture of their lives at the time
The three characters in the novel are described with vivid detail
Their performance was a vivid reminder of just why this band has remained so successful.
In a vivid dream he saw a huge coloured bird flying above his head.
based on facts, or making a decision that is based on facts rather than on your feelings or beliefs
A report is generally an objective description rather than a statement of opinion.
It’s hard to give an objective opinion about your own children.
Scientists need to be objective when doing research.