travel Flashcards
این اتوبوس آکسفورد است؟
نه اتوبوس را اشتباه سوار شده اید. باید با خط 30 ب بروید.
Is this the right bus for Oxford?
No, you’re on the wrong bus. You need a 30 B.
ببخشید! می توانم با اتوبوس به سنترال پارک بروم؟
بله، سوار خط 29 آ شوید.
Excuse me! Can I go to Central Park by bus?
Yes, take a 29 A.
کجا باید پیاده شوم؟
Where do/ should I get off?
سوار خط 30 ب شوید و سه ایستگاه بعد پیاده شوید.
Get on a 30 B and get off after three stops.
نزدیک ترین گاراژ/ ترمینال اتوبوس کجاست؟
Where‘s the nearest bus/ coach station ?
برای مرکز شهر اتوبوس زیاد هست.
There is frequent bus service to the center of the city.
اتوبوس رفت. لعنتی!
Blow it! Damn it! We missed the bus.
من معمولاً خیابان فجر سوار اتوبوس می شوم و نزدیک دانشگاه پیاده می شوم.
I usually get on the bus on Fajr Street and get off near the university.
اتوبوس کم و بیش هر یک ساعت از اینجا حرکت می کند.
Buses leave form here every hour or so.
to visit a place while you are in the area
take sth in :
They continued a few miles further to take in Hinton House
We drove around the island, seeing the sights and taking it all in.
سفر زیارتی
a journey to a holy place for religious reasons
pilgrimage /ˈpɪlɡrəmɪdʒ, ˈpɪlɡrɪmɪdʒ/ :
the annual pilgrimage to Mecca
a long and carefully organized journey, especially to a dangerous or unfamiliar place
expedition :
Scott’s expedition to the Antarctic
a military expedition
a short journey by a group of people to visit a place, especially while they are on holiday.
excursion :
We went on an excursion to the Pyramids.
a long journey over the sea
voyage /ˈvɔɪ-ɪdʒ/:
MacArthur’s epic round-the-world voyage
a short journey by boat from one piece of land to another
crossing :
A 30-minute ferry crossing takes you to the island.