VTA Niinawind+--action on niin and on giin, A and B Keyaa (Year 2, Weeks 12-13) Flashcards
For VTA action on niin:
- ‘w + i = ?
- (w) + i = ?
- o + i = ?
Hint: it’s the same answer for all 3
Which of the following take a sound change for VTA action on niin?
trick question, none of them do
For VTA action on niin in Akeyaa, what preverb and action sign is required for:
giin on niin?
giinawaa on niin?
giin on niinawind?
giinawaa on niinawind?
what about 4p on niin?
- gi__(i)
- gi__im
- gi__imin
- gi__imin
ni__ig (same as wiin on niin)
What preverb and action sign are required to make this sentence say “H/ mom talked to me”? (4p on niin)
__ gii-kaganoon__ omaamaayan.
What about “I talked to h/ mom”? (niin on 4p)
For VTA action on niin in Akeyaa, from whom is the action in each of the following?
- gi__(i)
- gi__im
- gi__imin
- gi__imin
- giin on niin (you verb me)
- giinawaa on niin (yall verb me)
- giin on niinawind (you verb us, exc)
- giinawaa on niinawind (yall verb us, exc)
For VTA action on niin in Bkeyaa, what action sign indicates:
- giin on niin?
- giinawaa on niin?
- giin on niinawind?
- giinawaa on niinawind?
- iyan
- iyeg
- iyaang
- iyaang
How many variations of action on niin do you need to memorize in Akeyaa? What about Bkeyaa?
4, 4
giin on niin; giinawaa on niin; giin on niinawind; giinawaa on niinawind
all the others are action from wiin
In VTA bkeyaa, if “giin verbs niin” ends in iyan, what about “wiin verbs niin”?
In VTA bkeyaa, if “giinawaa verbs niin” ends in iyeg, what about “wiinawaa verbs niin”?
In VTA bkeyaa, if “giin verbs niinawind” ends in iyaang, what about “wiin verbs niinawind”?
In VTA bkeyaa, if “giinawaa verbs niinawind” ends in iyaang, what about “wiinawaa verbs niinawind”?
Aaniin ekidong
Are you going with me?
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
What is the sound change?
Giwiijiiw ina?
add i but then dropped
Aaniin ekidong
Are yall going with me?
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
Giwiijiiwim ina?
Aaniin ekidong
Are you going with us (exc)?
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
Giwiijiiwimin ina?
Aaniin ekidong
Are yall going with us (exc)?
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
Giwiijiiwimin ina?
Aaniin ekidong
Thank you for coming with me.
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
Miigwech wiijiiwiyan.
Aaniin ekidong
Thank yall for coming with me.
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
Miigwech wiijiiwiyeg.
Aaniin ekidong
Thank you for coming with us (exc).
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
Miigwech wiijiiwiyaang.
Aaniin ekidong
Thank yall for coming with us (exc).
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
Miigwech wiijiiwiyaang.
Aaniin ekidong
I hope that s/he goes with me.
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
Ambegish wiijiiwid.
Aaniin ekidong
I hope that they (pl) go with me.
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
Ambegish wiijiiwiwaad.
Aaniin ekidong
I hope that s/he goes with us (ex).
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
Ambegish wiijiiwiyangid.
Aaniin ekidong
I hope that they (pl) go with us (exc).
Hint: Wiijiiw means “Go with h/”
Ambegish wiijiiwiyangidwaa.
Gidaajinike’ ina?
Hint: Aajinike’a means “Link arms with h/”
Who is this action from? Who is it on?
Are you linking arms with me?
Giin on Niin – (i) drops
Gidaajinike’om ina?
Hint: Aajinike’a means “Link arms with h/”
What is the sound change?
Are yall linking arms with me?
‘w + im = om
Gidaajinike’omin ina?
Hint: Aajinike’a means “Link arms with h/”
What is the sound change?
Are you linking arms with us (exc)? OR
Are yall linking arms with us (exc)?
‘w + imin = omin
Miigwech aajinike’oyan.
Hint: Aajinike’a means “Link arms with h/”
What is the sound change?
Thank you for linking arms with me.
‘w + iyan = oyan
Miigwech aajinike’oyeg.
Hint: Aajinike’a means “Link arms with h/”
What is the sound change?
Thank yall for linking arms with me.
‘w + iyeg = oyeg
Miigwech aajinike’oyaang.
Hint: Aajinike’a means “Link arms with h/”
What is the sound change?
Thank you for linking arms with us (exc). OR
Thank yall for linking arms with us (exc)
‘w + iyaang = oyaang
Ambegish aajinike’od.
Hint: Aajinike’a means “Link arms with h/”
What is the sound change?
I hope that s/he links arms with me.
‘w + id = od
Ambegish aajinike’owaad.
Hint: Aajinike’a means “Link arms with h/”
What is the sound change?
I hope that they (pl) link arms with me (exc).
‘w + iwaad = owaad
Ambegish aajinike’oyangid.
Hint: Aajinike’a means “Link arms with h/”
What is the sound change?
I hope that s/he links arms with us (exc).
‘w + iyangid = oyangid
Ambegish aajinike’oyangidwaa.
Hint: Aajinike’a means “Link arms with h/”
What is the sound change?
I hope that they (pl) link arms with us (exc).
‘w + iyangidwaa = oyangidwaa
Which of the following VTA paradigms does not require a sound change if the verb ends in zh?
- action on wiin
- action from wiin
- action on niin
- action on giin
- action on niin (zh + im = zhim)
Which VTA endings take a sound change when it is action on giin? What are the changes?
- m
- n
- ’
- aw
- ‘w
- zh
- no change
- no change
- no change
- aw + in = oon
- ‘w + in = on
- zh + in = nin
What action sign indicates:
1. niin on giin?
2. wiin on giin?
- in
- ik
For VTA action wiin on giin, what sound change occurrs if the verb ends in:
- m
- n
- ’
- aw
- ‘w
- zh
- none
- none
- none
- aw + ik = ook
- ‘w = ik = ok
- zh + ik = nik
For a VTA, what prefix and action sign indicates:
- action niin on giin
- action niin on giinawaa
What about action niinawind on giin?
- gi..in
- gi..ininim
Bonus! gi..igoo
How many VTA action on giin paradigms do you have to memorize in Akeyaa?
Are there more or less in Bkeyaa?
2, action niin on giin and niin on giinawaa
(all the others are in different paradigms)
More, in bkeyaa there are 8!
For VTA in Bkeyaa, what is the action sign for:
- niin on giin?
- niin on giinawaa?
- wiin on giin?
- wiin on giinawaa?
- -inaan
- -inagog
- -ik
- -ikwaa