VAI (Weeks 1-3) Flashcards
Aaniin ekidong…
Are you well?
Yes, I am well.
Gimino-ayaa ina?
Eyaa, Nimino-ayaa.
Aaniin ekidong…
My name is Rachael.
Rachael indishinikaaz.
Aaniin ekidong…
I am from Wisconsin
Wisconsin indoonjibaa.
Aaniin ekidong…
I live in New Jersey.
New Jersey indaa.
Aaniin ekidong…
I am a non-native person.
Jaginash indaaw.
Grammar question!
What letter do plural animate nouns end with?
What about plural inanimate nouns?
Grammar question!
What are the four types of verbs in Ojibwemowin?
Can you give an example for each using English?
VAI (animate, intransitive)
VII (inanimate, intransitive)
VTI (inanimate, transitive)
VTA (animate, transitive)
VAI “The baby is cute”
VII “The book is heavy”
VTI “S/he likes the book”
VTA “S/he loves the baby”
Grammar Question!
What letter(s) do VAI verbs end with?
What do they begin with in singular form? (3 options)
Long vowels (ex. anokii, “s/he works”)
Short vowels (ex. ojibwemo “s/he speaks Ojibwemowin”)–vowel drops at end in most cases!
M (ex. minwendam “s/he is happy”)
N (ex. dagoshin “s/he arrives”)
Ni/In/Ind (I)
Gi/Gid (You)
No prefix (s/he)
Aaniin ekidong…
What day is it?
It is Wednesday. (The week is halfway through.)
Aaniin ezhi-giizhikak noongom?
Aabitoose noongom.
Aaniin ekidong…
I listen
You listen
S/he listens
Aaniin ekidong…
Are you hungry?
(Is s/he hungry?)
Yes, I am hungry.
Gibakade ina?
(Bakade ina?)
Eyaa, nimbakade.
Aaniin ekidong…
Of course!
Aaniin ekidong…
Aaniin ekidong…
Aaniin ekidong…
But you? (And you?)
Giin dash?
Aaniin ekidong…
What is your name?
My name is Rachael.
Aaniin ezhinikaazoyan?
Rachael indizhinikaaz.
Aaniin ekidong…
I am happy to meet you.
Niminwendam nakweshkoonaan.
Aaniin ekidong…
Can you repeat that?
Daga miinawaa?
Grammar Question!
What are the 3 singular B-keyaa endings for VAIs?
Example using Dagoshin?
dagoshinaan “when I arrive”
dagoshinan “when you arrive”
dagoshing “when s/he arrives”
Aaniin ekidong…
I am happy that you are here.
Explain the grammar pattern.
Niminwendam omaa ayaayan.
A-keyaa + b-keyaa
Grammar Question!
How do you conjugate “anokii” for wiin, giin, and niin in both A-keyaa and B-Keyaa?
anokii (s/he works) – anokiid (when s/he works)
gidanokii (you work) – anokiiyan (when you work)
nidanokii (I work) – anokiiyaan (when I work)
Grammar Question!
How do you conjugate “minotaagozi” for wiin, giin, and niin in both A-keyaa and B-Keyaa?
minotaagozi (s/he sounds good) – minotaagozid (when s/he sounds good)
giminotaagoz (you sound good) – minotaagoziyan (when you sound good)
niminitaagoz (I sound good) – minotaagoziyaan (when I sound good)
Aaniin ekidong…
right now/already
Alternative pronounciation?
Grammar Question!
How do you conjugate “wiisini” for wiin, giin, and niin in both A-keyaa and B-Keyaa?
wiisini (s/he is eating) – wiisinid (when s/he is eating)
giwiisin (you are eating) – wiisiniyan (when you are eating)
niwiisin (I am eating) – wiisiniyaan (when I am eating)
Grammar Question!
What preverb makes something past tense?
How would you say “s/he ate”?
How would you say “when I was eating?”
Aaniin ekidong…
S/he reads/counts.
Can you conjugate it for niin and giin?
Indagindaas; Gidagindaas.