VTA Action on Niin and Giin (Weeks 12-13) Flashcards
What VTA Akeyaa Action Sign indicates “giin on on niin”?
Which of the following VTA endings + action signs indicates a sound change? (There’s only one.)
- aw + i
- ‘w + i
- zh + i
- m + i
- n + i
- ’ + i
2: ‘w + i = ‘o, and “o” (short vowel) ending drops if alone
Ex: mazinibii’w (draw h/) becomes gimazinibii’ (you draw me) in Akeyaa and mazinibii’oyan (when you draw me) in Bkeyaa.
Is there a sound change for the following VTA endings?
zh + i = ?
m + i = ?
No, neither, only ‘w takes a sound change when “i” is added (giin on niin).
So biizh becomes gibiizh (“i” drops) and waabam becomes giwaabam (“i” drops) in this form.
If the VTA jiishim means “deceive h/” and the Akeyaa for giin on niin is gijiishim (you trick me–“i” ending drops), then what is the Bkeyaa form meaning “when you trick me?”
If the VTA noojimo’ means “heal h/”, how would you say “you heal me?” What about “when you heal me?”
ginoojimo’ (+i, but drops)
Translate the following for the VTA ganoozh “call h/”
- Giganoozh.
- Gigii-kanoozh.
- Giwii-kanoozh ina?
- Gidaa-ganoozh.
- Giga-ganoozh.
- You’re calling me.
- You called me.
- Do you want to call me?
- You should/would/could call me.
- You’ll call me.
What ending do you add to VTAs to turn them into commands on niin?
For example, how would you change Bizindaw from “listen to h/” to “Listen to me!”?
Add -ishin, for example:
Aaniin ekidong
“Help me!” in Anishinaabemowin?
Niminwendam ganoozhiyan.
Hint: ganoozh means “call h/”
What action sign does this have? What keyaa is it in?
I’m glad that you’re calling me.
‘i’ for giin on niin, bkeyaa
What action sign and ending would you add to the following to say “I’m glad that s/he is calling me.”?
Niminwendam ganoozh[action sign and ending].
what keyaa is this in?
How would you change Ambegish ganoozhid (I hope that s/he calls me) into “I hope that you call me.”?
Ambegish ganoozhiyan.
What is the formula for VTA akeyaa negation giin on wiin, or “you don’t verb me”
Gaawiin gi[verb]isiin
Gaawiin na giwii-kanoozhisiin?
Hint: ganoozh is “call h/”
Don’t you want to call me?
What is the difference between “ganoozhisiwan” (when you don’t call me) and “ganoozhisig” (when h/ doesn’t call me)? What do they have in common?
“ganoozhisiwan” is giin on niin but “ganoozhisig” is wiin on niin; both are B keyaa
How do you turn bakadeyan “when you’re hungry” into the negative, or “when you’re not hungry”?
What about bakaded “when s/he is hungry” into the negative “when s/he isn’t hungry”?
bakadesiwan ; bakadesig
Giishpin ganoozhisig, inga-maw.
If s/he doesn’t call me, I’ll cry.
Gaawiin gidoojibwemotawisiin
You’re not speaking Ojibwe to me.
Gaawiin giwiidookawisiin.
You’re not helping me.
Gaawiin ina ginoondawisiin?
Don’t you hear me?
Aaniin ekidong
You’re not giving it to me?
What keyaa is it? Is it past, present, future? What action sign does it take? Is there a sound change? What formula makes it negative?
Gaawiin ina gimiizhisiin?
What action sign and negative ending do you need in Ambegish bitaakoshkaw[action sign and ending], or “I hope that you don’t run into me.”?
What action sign and negative ending do you need in Ambegish aazhookoodin[action sign and ending], or “I hope that you don’t infect me.”?
How would you change Ambegish bitaakoshkawisiwan, or “I hope that you don’t run into me.” into “I hope that s/he doesn’t run into me.”?
Ambegish bitaakoshkawisig.
How would you change Ambegish aazhookoodinisiwan, or “I hope that you don’t infect me.” into “I hope that s/he doesn’t infect me.”?
Ambegish aazhookoodinisig.
What grammar pattern means “You don’t have to verb me?”
Gaawiin memwech gidaa-VTAisii(n).