Vocabularly Flashcards
Generalized weakness,typically secondary to cerebellar pathology
inability to initiate mvmt
the inability to perform coordinated mvmts
Condition that presents with involuntary mvmts combined w instability of posture. Peripheral mvmts occur wo central stability
Uncontrolled rhythmic writhing mvmt esp of fingers, hands, head, and tongue caused my cerebral lesion
Characteristic of an upper mnl involuntary alternating spasmodic contraction of a muscle precipitated by a quick stretch reflex.
the inability to control the range of a movement and the force of muscular activity
Closely related to athetosis, however, there is larger axial muscle involvement rather than appendicular muscles
A muscular twitch that is caused by random discharge of a lower motor neuron and its muscle fibers; suggests lower motor neuron disease, however, can be benign
the ability to perceive the direction and extent of mvmt of a joint or body part
lead pipe rigidity
a form of rigidity where there is uniform and constant resistance to range of motion; often associated with lesions of the basal ganglia.
Motor disorder of speech that is caused by an upper motor neuron lesion that affects the muscles that are used to articulate words and sounds. Speech is often noted as “slurred” and there may also be an effect on respiratory or phonatory system due to the weakness.
drooping eyelid
lack of muscle control during voluntary mvmts
_____ stores the majority of dopamine and is responsible for modulation and control of voluntary mvmt
basal ganglia
irritation and swelling of the brain - most often due to infections
Definition of neurogenic bladder
bladder empties reflexively for a pt with an injury above the level of S2. The sacral arc remains intact.
prolonged and deep breaths
cyclic deep breathing followed by shallow breathing
flaring of the lower ribs on inhalation
lateral costal breathing
____ disease is a childhood condition that affects the hip, where the femur and pelvis meet in a ball-and-socket joint. Occurs when blood supply is temporarily interrupted to the femoral head of the hip joint. Without sufficient blood flow, the bone begins to die so it breaks more easily and heals poorly
Legg-Calve-Perthes (LEG-kahl-VAY-PER-theez)
general physical wasting and malnutrition usually associated with chronic disease
cachexia (ka - kek - see- a)
Easily crumbled
The separation, rupture or splitting of a wound closed by primary intention. This disruption of previously approximated surfaces may be superficial or involve all layers of tissue.
Sudden relaxation of muscle upon development of high tension - happens during hold-relax
Autogenic inhibition