Conditions Flashcards
Pitting edema 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+
barely detectable impression when finger is pressed into skin
slight indentation - 15 seconds to rebound
Deeper indentation - up to 30 secs to rebound
>30 seconds to rebound
Functional tissue from the inner lining of the uterus begins to grow in other areas, such as the ovaries, intestines, and perineum is a condition known as:
Four phases of cardiac rehab
1 - acute phase - start to regain mobility is focus
2 - subacute phase - 3-6 wks - learning about self monitoring
3 - Intensive Outpt Cardia rehab - more indpt and group exercise and rating of PRE
4 - Indpt ongoing conditioning
Used in orthopedics to detect bony abnormalities.
Used to assess degenerative diseases infarction, tumor, hemorrhage, and congenital anomalies
Used to assess bone displacement, disc herniation, cord compression, or tumor.
Used to assess density, displacement, or abnormality of the ventricular system and gray and white matter
CT scan
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms, aquatic therapy is usually contraindicate due to the warmth of the water causing pt to experience an increase in symptoms with this disability
Multiple sclerosis
This is known to form in bruised, damaged, or inflamed muscles
Myositis ossificans
Locked-in syndrome normally ensues following injury to
Modifiable risk factors associated with coronary artery disease include
Hypertension > 140/90 mm Hg
BMI >25 kg/m squared
Untreated results in sever mental retardation - deficiency of the enzyme phenylalanine.
PKU - Phenylketonuria
A PTA notes that a pt has scored 60% on a 5.07 monofilament test of bilateral feet and ankles. Which of the following interventions would be MOST beneficial for the pt?
Ankle foot orthosis; Desensitization techniques; Balance training; Education regarding skin integrity
Education regarding skin integrity - An individual’s protective sensation is intact when the 5.07 monofilament can be felt. With loss of protective sensation, the individual cannot sense trauma to the foot, often leading to foot ulceration.
Melena and hematemesis are symptoms of
esophageal varices - enlarged veins in the lower part of the esophagus
Dysphagia and anorexia are symptoms of
esophageal cancer
Dyspepsia and epigastric pain are symptoms of
stomach cancer
Hematochezia and diarrhea are symptoms of
colon cancer
The mechanism that creates an anterior dislocation of the shoulder is
forced abduction and lateral rotation of the shoulder
When positioning a pt who has had a cva it is important to promote good alignment and to avoid positions that will most likely be manifested w the emergence of abnormal tone and spasticity. Most frequently seen:
hip adductors and internal rotators and ankle invertors.
Dysmetria and intention tremors are characteristics of ____ dysfunction
A pt’s patellae are observed to point inward when viewed from the front. The MOST likely cause of this is:
- femoral anteversion
- weakness of the vastus medialis
- genu varum
- medial tibial torsion
- femoral anteversion - literally means “forward leaning”
___ crutches are the most functional option for stair negotiation if the pt has sufficient upper body and upper extremity strength.