Ankle Complex Flashcards
Talocrural open & closed pack and capsular patter
Open: 10 degrees plantar flexion and midway btwn max inversion and eversion
Closed pack: max dorsiflexion
Capsular pattern: plantar flexion, dorsiflexion
The talocrural joint is what type of joint and moves through how many planes?
triplanar bc oblique axis passes through 3 planes
End feel for talocrural joint and subtalar joint?
inversion - firm
eversion - hard (talus runs into fibula)
Capsular pattern for subtalar joint
Capsular pattern for midtarsal joint
capsular pattern for metatarsophalangeal (MTP) and Interphalangeal (IP) joints
1st MTP and all IPs extension, flexion; 2nd-5th MTPs flexion and extension
MTP open and closed pack
Open: neutral
Closed: full extension
IP open and close pack
Open: slight flexion
Closed: full extension
Normal ROM for 1st MTP
flexion - 45
extension - 70
Normal ROM for ankle in dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion, eversion, subtalar inversion and subtalaar eversion
DF - 20 PF - 50 Inv - 35 ever - 15 sub i - 5 sub e -5
hindfoot is made up of these bones
talus and calcaneous
the midfoot is made up of
navicular, cuboid and cuneiforms
the forefoot is made up of these bones
metatarsals and phalanges
3 main functions of ankle and foot
Absorb shock during beginning of stance phase
Adapt to shape of ground
provide stable base of support
Term used to describe what is happening at the foot and ankle for someone that is flat footed
combination of plantar flexion, inversion and adduction
combination of dorsiflexion, eversion, and abduction
When calcaneus is situated away from midline
calcaneal valgus
Position in which the distal located toward the medline (calcaneous0
calcaneal varus
Fibula moves in this direction and this motion with full dorsiflexion bc of the motion of the talus
externally rotates
This is the true ankle joint
talocrural joint
The tibia and fibula make up the _____ part while the Talus makes up the ____ part (when talking of the design of the true ankle joint
Subtalar joint is the articulation btwn these bones along this axis and this type of joint
talus and calcaneus
oblique axis
plane synovial
the midtarsal joint is aka and is the articulation btwn
transverse tarsal joint
talus and navicular; calcaneus and cuboid
The deltoid ligament is a group of medial ligaments that have a triangular shape which help maintain this arch; name arch and ligaments from anterior to posterior
longitudinal arch anterior tibiotalar ligament tibionavicular ligament tibiocalcaneal ligament posterior tibiotalar ligament
Lateral ligaments are (from anterior to posterior) which is most commonly sprained?
Anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) *most commonly sprained
Calcaneofibular ligament (CFL)
Posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL)
The three arches of the foot are:
The arch is maintained by:
- shape of bones
- Plantar ligaments and fascia
- Muscles (15-20%; mainly invertors and evertors and intrinsic foot muscles)
Describe the medial longitudinal arch and the keystone bone and supported by
from calcaneus through talus navcular, and three cuneiforms to the first three metatarsals
Talus is the keystone
supported by Tom Dick Harry
Describe the lateral longitudinal arch keystone bone and supported by
from calcaneus through cuboid to 4th and 5th metatarsals
cuboid is keystone
supported by peroneus longus and intrinsics and long and short plantar ligaments and plantar fascia
Describe the transverse arch; keystone bone; supported by
runs side to side from cuboid to 1st cuneiform
Keystone is 2nd cuneiform
supported by peroneus longus and intrinsics
plantar fascia goes from —– to —–; supports this arch:
calcaneus to proximal phalanges; ties anterior and posterior foot together
medial longitudinal arch
common overuse injury and usually presents as heel pain
plantar fasciitis