Special Tests Flashcards
Supraspinatus (Empty Can) Test Measures:
Supraspinatus tear or impingement
NEER Impinement test measures:
Supraspinatus impingement
Speed’s Test measures:
Biceps tendonitis & pos labral problem
Yergason’s Test
Biceps tendinitis possibly damaged transverse humeral ligament
Neer Impingement Test
Supraspinatus Impingement
Drop Arm Test measures:
RC tear
Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement test is for and administered how?
Supraspinatus impingement
Pt can be seated or standing
Arm flexed passively to 90 degrees; shoulder supported; forearm passively IR;
These two tests are used for shoulder dislocation assessment:
Apprehension - anterior dislocation - supine, laterally rotate shldr
Apprehension - posterior dislocation - supine, medially rotate shldr
These two tests help assess Biceps Tendon Pathology:
Speed’s Test
Yergason’s test
These four tests are used to assess Rotator Cuff Pathology/Impingement:
Drop Arm Test
Hawkins-Kennedy impingement Test
Neer Impingement Test
Supraspinatus test
These three tests are used to assess Thoracic Outlet Syndrome:
Adson Maneuver
Allen Test
Roos Test
These two test help assess ligamentous Instability of elbow:
Varus stress test
Valgus stress test
These three tests help assess Epicondylitis of Elbow:
Cozen’s Test
Lateral Epicondylitis Test
Medial Epicondylitis Test
This helps assess Neurological Dysfunction of ELbow:
Tinel’s Sign
This test helps assess the Ligamentous Instability of Wrist/Hand:
Ulnar collateral ligament instability test
These two tests help assess vascular insufficiency to wrist/hand:
Allen Test
Capillary Refill Test
These 3 tests help assess Neurological Dysfunction of the Wrist/Hand:
Froment’s Sign
Phalen’s Test
Tinel’s Sign
These 6 tests help assess Contracture/Tightness in the Hip:
Ely’s Test
Ober’s Test
Piriformis Test
Thomas Test
Tripod Sign
90-90 Straight Leg Raise
These are 3 misc tests for Hip:
Craig’s Test
Patrick’s Test (FABER test)
Trendelenburg Test
These 7 tests are used to help assess Ligamentous Instability in the Knee:
Anterior Drawer Test Lachman test Lateral pivot shift test Posterior drawer test Posterior sag test Valgus stress test Varus stress test
These two tests are used to assess Meniscal Pathology of the knee:
Apley’s Compression Test
McMurray Test
These 2 tests are used to assess Swelling in the knee:
Brush Test
Patellar Tap Test
These 2 tests are used to assess Ligamentous Instability of the Ankle:
Anterior Drawer Test
Talar Tilt
These are 3 misc Ankle tests:
Homan’s Sign
Thompson Test
True Leg Length Discrepancy Test