Chapter 20Ankle & Foot additional notes Flashcards
Projection on the medial side of the navicular; easily palpated
Tuberosity of Navicular
This bony protrusion supports the medial side of the talus and allows for three tendons to loop around it.
Sustentaculum Tali
The 5th metatarsal bone has this prominent feature and where.
Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal bone proximal and lateral
The mechanics of the midfoot provide for
stability and mobility
This part of the foot adapts to the level of the ground and is the last part of the foot to make contact with the ground during stance phase
Plantar & Dorsiflexion happen in this plane
Sagital plane
Inversion & eversion happen in this plane
Abduction and Adduction happen in this plane
The true ankle joint is made up of and referred to as
distal tibia, talus and medial malleolus
tenon and mortise
In the ankle joint the tenon is
the talus
In the ankle joint the mortise is the
malleoli of the tibia and fibula
In open chain the foot _____ during dorsiflexion
In close chain during dorsiflexion the leg
Medially rotates
During ankle plantar flexion the leg _____ rotates on the foot
Transverse tarsal joint
made up of the anterior surfaces of the talus and calcaneus articulating with the posterior surfaces of the navicular and the cuboid, respectively
When ankle moves in plantar and dorsiflexion these motions are occurring primarily at the _____ joint
When the ankle moves in inversion and eversion, these motions are occurring primarily at the____ and ____joints
subtalar and transverse tarsal joints
The collateral ligament on the medial side of the ankle is known as
deltoid ligament
The broad base of the deltoid ligament attaches to:
talus, navicular, and calcaneus in four parts
These four ligaments make up the deltoid ligament
Posterior tibiotalar
Anterior tibiotalar
This ligament connects the navicular and the calcaneal
Spring ligament
The three lateral ankle ligaments are:
Posterior talofibullar
Anterior talofibular
These bones make up the medial longitudinal arch and this bone is the keystone
Talus, calcaneus, navicular, three cunieform
Talus is the keystone
The lateral longitudinal arch runs from
calcaneus through the cuboid to the 4th and 5th metatarsals
The transverse arch includes
3 cuneiforms to the cuboid ( 2nd cuneiform is the keystone of this arch.
This ankle ligament is the most important bc it supports the medial side of the longitudinal arch
Spring ligament
This ligament is the primary support of the lateral longitudinal arch and it attaches posteriorly to the calcaneus and runs forward to attach on the cuboid and bases of the third, fourth, and fifth metatarsals.
Long plantar ligament
These three muscles pass under the sustentaculum
tibialis posterior
Flexor hallucis longus
flexor digitorum longus
These are the four compartments of the leg
superficial posterior
deep posterior
Superficial posterior group
Deep posterior group
Tibialis posterior
Flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallucis longus
Anterior group
Tibialis anterior
Extensor hallucis longus
Extensor digitorum longus
Lateral group
Peroneus longus
Peroneus brevis
Peeroneus tertius
fibula moves in this direction in full dorsiflexion
posterolaterally and ERs
The subtalar joint is the articulation of:
Talus and calcaneous
The midtarsal joint is aka_____and articulation happens
Transverse tarsal joint
talus and navicular; calcaneous and cuboid
Group of lateral ligaments from front to back
Anterior talofibular (ATFL) calcaneofibular Posterior talofibularn (PTFL)
Tom and Dick have these NR in common
L5, S1
Gastrocnemius innervated by NR:
S1, S2
The superficial and deep posterior muscles are innervated by this NR
Tibial nerve
First (most superficial) layer foot intrinsic muscles and their actions
ABductor Hallucis - ABducts; flexes IP of first toe
Flexor digitorum brevis - flexes PIP of digits 2-5
ABductor digiti minimi - flexes; abducts 5th digit
Second layer of intrinsic foot muscles
Quadratus plantae - straightens diagonal line of pull of flexor digitorum longuus
Lumbricales - Flexes MPs; extends PIPs and DIPs
Third layer of Intrinsic foot muscles and their actions
Flexor Hallucis brevis - Flexes MP of 1st ddigit
ADductor hallucis - ADducts; flexes 1st digit
Flexor digiti minimi - Flexes PIP of 5th digit
Fourth (deepest and Dorsal side) layer of intrinsic foot muscles
Dorsal interosser (DAB) - ABducts 2nd - 4th diggits Plantar interossei (PAD) - ADducts 3rd - 5th digits