vocab set 11 Flashcards
4th century B.C
he conquered most of the ancient world, extending the civilization of Greece east to India.
Alexander the Great
a leading city of Ancient Greece
the first emperor of Rome
Augustus Caesar
a native american people who ruled mexico and neighboring areas before the Spaniards conquered the region.
a city in ancient Mesopotamia, famed for its hanging gardens
an English politician, scientist,and author of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
Francis Bacon
the first European to discover the Pacific ocean
an English bishop
was archbishop of Canterbury
four of the king’s men, thinking that the king wanted to put him to death, went to hiscathedral and murdered him.
Thomas a Becket
a disease that killed nearly half the people of western Europe in the fourteenth century.
black death
the second wife of king Henry VIII of England; the mother of Queen Elizabeth I.
was convicted of adultery and beheaded.
Anne Boleyn
a period of history from roughly 4,000 B.C to the onset of the Iron Age
Bronze Age
an ancient Roman politician who help assassinate his friend Julius Caesar
centered at Constantinople, that began as the eastern portion of the Roman Empire.
Byzantine Empire
a cruel and insane ruler of the roman empire in the first century A.D.
an ancient city in north Africa
Commercial and political rival of Rome
at the end of the Punic wars , the Romans destroyed _____
a politician of ancient Rome
he had a custom of ending all his speeches in the Roman senate with the words “Carthage must be destroyed”
Carthago Delenda Est
the methods of training and standards of behavior for knights in the middle ages
the age of ancient history dominated by the cultures of Greece and Rome
classical antiquity
a Queen of Egypt in the first century B.C , famous for her beauty, charm, and luxurious living
the Spanish military leaders who established Spanish rule in the new worlds