Section 2 Quiz : Rise of the Middle ages Flashcards
Grant of land that was granted by a lord
Is part of what
The person who granted land ; the nobility that granted the fief
Is part of what
the person who received the land; lesser noble
is part of what
Were private fights, over boundary disputes.
Most battles
3 characteristics of a mounted knight
strong horse
fully equipped in armor
coat of arms on shield
Warfare’s effect on a nobility in society.
opportunity for glory and wealth.
Warfare’s effect on society of the common people.
major cause of suffering and hardship.
duel between accuser and accused.
trial by battle
accuser and accused were supported by people who swore that the person they represented was telling the truth
determined by how the accused survived a particular ordeal. Ranging from holding scalding iron pot to walking over hot coals. Ordeal set by how quickly wound can heal.
trial by ordeal
Learns knightly manners and begins to learn how to use and care for weapons. Starts at age 7.
Page (attendant)
take care of the knight’s horse, armor, and weapons; may go to battle; becomes one around teenager
skilled and courageous fighter; certified by the clergy. Went through a ceremony; weapon blessed.
could be distinguished from others. Represented personal characteristics. graphic symbol on the shield
coat of arms
by the 900s, most Europeans were governed by small, local _____, most often ______
independent leaders
by local lords.
the person who granted a fief was a ______
the person who received a fief was a ________
__________ was the system of inheritance from a father to the eldest son.
in theory, every landholder was a _____ to the king.
the __________ owned vast amounts of land and had many vassals who were granted fiefs.
medieval church
knights wore armor made of ________- small interlocking metal links
a trial could be a duel between ______ and _________ in which the outcome determined _____ or ______
describe the three field planting system
2 fields were planted at one time, the other field remained unplanted to regain fertility.
most peasants called ______ could not leave the land unless the lord allowed it.
a knights’ ___________ was a graphic symbol that identified him and represented personal characteristics.
coat of arms.