Virus 1st - 3rd lecture Flashcards
Timeline of discoveries
1884: Charles Chamberland (FR)
- Chamberland-Pasteur filter (also chickecholera)
1885: Louis Pasteur (FR)
- develops ? against rabies
- unable to find ? agent (“pathogen too small”)
1892: Dimitri Ivanosky (RUS)
- diseased tobacco plants
- filterable infectious agent? toxin?
(filtered water from that mixture - gave that to healthy plants but those healthy plants became sick
- he thought maybe its a “toxin” that passed through the filter and something that multiples inside cell so he didnt know it was a virus
- FIRST EVER VIRUS SEEN was tobacco mosaic disease)
1898: Martinus ? (NL)
- agent that only multiplies in cells
- contagium vivum fluidum
(virus; Latin: slimy liquid or poison)
1913: Wendell Stanley (USA)
- viral structure under ?
1898: Loeffler & Frosch (GER)
- ? proof of viral infections in animals
Timeline of discoveries which led to discovery of virus
1884: Charles Chamberland (FR)
- Chamberland-Pasteur filter
(also chickecholera?
- to stop cholera from passing through water)
1885: Louis Pasteur (FR)
- develops vaccines against rabies
- unable to find causative agent (“pathogen too small”)
(only knew “it” (virus) was really small and didn’t know what it was)
1892: Dimitri Ivanosky (RUS)
- diseased tobacco plants
- filterable infectious agent? toxin?
(filtered water from that mixture - gave that to healthy plants but those healthy plants became sick
- he thought maybe its a “toxin” that passed through the filter and something that multiples inside cell so he didnt know it was a virus
- FIRST EVER VIRUS SEEN was tobacco mosaic disease)
1898: Martinus Beijerinck (NL)
- agent that only multiplies in cells
- contagium vivum fluidum
(virus; Latin: slimy liquid or poison)
1913: “W”endell “S”tanley (USA)
- “v”iral “s”tructure under EM
1898: Loeffler & Frosch (GER)
- First proof of viral infections in animals
(they simply did again take blood from a deceased animal. This is an animal that had foot and mouth disease. So we worked with that virus and they filtered the blood through the Chamberland-Pasteur filter ?
They knew there’s no bacteria in there. Then they inject this in a healthy animal and they could mimic the disease again. So they knew something was in there and that something was a virus.
So this is where you can see the timeline of discoveries and the development of that filter that played a big role in getting to the basis of virology
So they knew something was in there and that something was a virus.
So this is where you can see the timeline of discoveries and the development of that filter that played a big role in getting to the basis of virology.)
Virus 100 nm (can’t see with light microscope, only with ELETRON MICROSCOPE can see viruses)
- virus are v small, 0.2 micrometer (bacteria same?)
General properties
§ ? and ? (filter pore size 0.2 μm)
§ Found in almost every ecosystem on earth
Obligate intracellular or extracellular? parasites (NEED another cell to survive)
§ ? outside host cells
§ Hijack and utilize host cellular metabolism to make ? or ?
§ Non-living entities (?!)
§ Surviving hours to ? outside host cells
§ Showing reduced infectivity with increased time inside or outside? host cells
§ Not having standard cellular ? (e.g. mitochondria, chloroplasts ribosomes, Golgi,…)
(they do show reduced infectivity but also after a period of time the virus, the longer the time outside of body more reduced infectivity (e.g. corona virus: taking distance, precautions -> virus more outside -> reduced infectvity)
Virus 100 nm (can’t see with light microscope, only with ELETRON MICROSCOPE can see viruses)
- virus are v small, 0.2 micrometer (bacteria same?)
General properties
§ small and filterable (filter pore size 0.2 μm)
§ Found in almost every ecosystem on earth
Obligate intracellular parasites (NEED another cell to survive)
§ inert outside host cells
§ Hijack and utilize host cellular metabolism to make energy or protein
§ Non-living entities (?!)
§ Surviving hours to days outside host cells
§ Showing reduced infectivity with increased time outside host cells
§ Not having standard cellular organelles (e.g. mitochondria, chloroplasts ribosomes, Golgi,…)
(they do show reduced infectivity but also after a period of time the virus, the longer the time outside of body more reduced infectivity (e.g. corona virus: taking distance, precautions -> virus more outside -> reduced infectvity)
(INERT: means that its not replicating outside host cells but still active and it can still infect u and start to replicate inside body)
General properties
§ Host range of viruses -> determined by virus requirements for attachment to ? cell
§ Vertebrates
§ Invertebrates
§ ?
§ Bacteria and Fungi
§ Many viruses though are ?-specific HOWEVER those that are zoonotic can change! (e.g. coronavirus, from animals to humans)
General properties
§ Host range of viruses -> determined by virus requirements for attachment to host cell
§ Vertebrates
§ Invertebrates
§ protists
§ Bacteria and Fungi
§ Many viruses though are HOST-specific HOWEVER those that are zoonotic can change! (e.g. coronavirus, from animals to humans)
Giant viruses
§ Viruses whose viral particle magnitude, structure, genome length and complexity are ? than the standard virus families (> 300 kb genomes) e.g. ?, ?
Study of Veterinary Virology is important because …
- Viruses cause high rates of mortality and ? (condition of suffering from a disease) in animals
- Viral diseases in animals cause tremendous ? losses to livestock and poultry industries, and notional and global economy
- Some viruses are ? leading to disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics
- Animals can act as important ? for human disease
- The South Indian frog Hydrophylax bahuvistara. A peptide secreted from its skin fights the influenza virus. (Credit: Sanil George and Jessica Shartouny)
- knowing how these capsids move will help in the development of further treatments or interventions for HIV.
Giant viruses
§ Viruses whose viral particle magnitude, structure, genome length and complexity are larger than the standard virus families (> 300 kb genomes) e.g. mimivirus, medusavirus
Study of Veterinary Virology is important because …
- Viruses cause high rates of mortality and morbidity (condition of suffering from a disease) in animals
- Viral diseases in animals cause tremendous financial losses to livestock and poultry industries, and notional and global economy
- Some viruses are zoonotic leading to disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics
- Animals can act as important models for human disease
General virus structure
the smallest/easiest virus looks like the one in pic:
Bacteria have DNA
and viruses also only have DNA, TRUE OR FALSE?
Nucleocapsid contains ? (DNA and RNA) and ?
Envelope will help in protecting the genetic material, but would also assist in the viruses’s attachment to the ?
envelope spikes that can be very important in ? of viruses.
General virus structure
the smallest/easiest virus looks like this
Bacteria have DNA
and viruses also only have DNA, FALSE!
VIRUSES have both DNA and RNA
Nucleocapsid contains nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) and capsid.
Envelope of virus will help in protecting the genetic material, but would also assist in the viruses’s attachment to the cell.
envelope spikes that can be very important in mUTATION of viruses.
(The H1N1 that was mentioned before, H and N are actually spikes that change overtime and thats how influenza viruses can infect different host species and change over time. So this is the basis of your virus structure!)
General virus structure
§ VIRAL GENOME= viral ? or ?
CAPSID= protein shell that encases the viral ?
§ Most viruses have one capsid except ? (double layered capsid)
§ Exists in different ? (helical, icosahedral or complex)
§ Usually symmetrical or asymmetrical?
§ Function: ?, ? sites, attachment to ? cells
§ CAPSOMER= basic subunit protein of the ?
§ NUCLEOCAPSID= ? + viral ?
ENVELOPE= lipid bilayer with embedded (glycol)proteins
§ Facilitates virus entry to ?
§ Helps virus to adapt ? and evade host ? system
General virus structure
CAPSID= protein shell that encases the viral genome
§ Most viruses have one capsid except Reoviruses (double layered capsid)
§ Exists in different symmetries (helical, icosahedral or complex)
§ Usually symmetrical
§ Function: protection, antigenic sites, attachment to host cells
§ CAPSOMER= basic subunit protein of the capsid
§ NUCLEOCAPSID= capsid + viral genome
ENVELOPE= lipid bilayer with embedded (glycol)proteins
§ Facilitates virus entry to host cell
§ Helps virus to adapt fast and evade host immune system
General virus structure
§ VIRION= a complete virus particle that consists of an RNA or DNA core with a protein coat, sometimes with an ?, and that is the ? ? form of a virus
§ VIRUS= broad terminology used to describe any aspect of the infectious agent and includes: the infectious (?) or ? virus particle, or viral ? acid and ? in the infected host cell
§ VIROID= infectious particle largere or smaller? than any of the known viruses, an agent of certain plant diseases. The particle consists only of an extremely small shape? RNA or DNA? molecule, lacking the protein ? of a virus (still enough to cause disease and only affects plants)
General virus structure
§ VIRION= a complete virus particle that consists of an RNA or DNA core with a protein coat, sometimes with an envelope, and that is the extracellular infective form of a virus
§ VIRUS= broad terminology used to describe any aspect of the infectious agent and includes: the infectious (virion) or inacticated virus particle, or viral nucleic acid and protein in the infected host cell
§ VIROID= infectious particle smaller than any of the known viruses, an agent of certain plant diseases. The particle consists only of an extremely small circular RNA molecule, lacking the protein coat of a virus (still enough to cause disease and only affects plants)
diff. morphologies and genome to classify viruses and to attribute them to certain family
[PIC: General virus structure
look diff. but will always have genetic base code so the DNA, RNA and the protein code around that and potentially the envelope.
- bacteriophage (plays role in transduction, green thing is fimbriae of a bacteria and bacteriophage which is a virus attaches to it so it shows the difference between bacteria and virus)
- naked viruse (top center)
- Ebola: filamentous virus (bottom left); only virus ebola that looks like this!!
- the one in the bottom middle is rabies virus (more bullet-shaped)]
can’t use morphology to classify virus as one morphology is shared by more than one virus and can’t use EM not readily available in every lab, so there’s a “combination of different features of the virus structure and its genome” that we will use to classify viruses and to actually name viruses and to attribute them in a certain family -> use the ones on next slide to classify them
IMP slide!!
Classifying viruses
- its parameters:
-> ?,
-> enveloped
Capsid symmetry
§ ?
§ ? (tobacco mosaic virus)
§ Complex
Nucleic acid
§ ? DNA & RNA (at different stages in life cycle)
Genome architecture:
§ Linear, circular, ?
§ Strandedness: single-stranded (ss), double
stranded (ds), ds with regions of ss
§ Sense: positive (+), negative (-), ? (+/-)
Classifying viruses
- its parameters:
-> naked,
-> enveloped
Capsid symmetry
§ icosahedral
§ helical (tobacco mosaic virus)
§ Complex
Nucleic acid
§ BOTH DNA & RNA (at different stages in life cycle)
Genome architecture:
§ Linear, circular, segmented
§ Strandedness: single-stranded (ss), double
stranded (ds), ds with regions of ss
§ Sense: positive (+), negative (-), ? (+/-)
Classifying viruses: envelope
§ An envelope is the ? membrane of a virus, an extra ? surrounding the protein ?
can spikes be present on naked capsid viruses?
Classifying viruses: capsid symmetry
- capsid is that protein coat which can be either
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
Capsomeres and nucleic acid are wound together and form a ? or ? tube
In animal viruses: helical nucleocapsids are always enclosed within a ? ? (so it never exists as a naked virus, but will always have an envelope)
In plat viruses: ? helical nucleocapsids are common
Classifying viruses: envelope
§ An envelope is the outer membrane of a virus, an extra lipid bilayer surrounding the protein capsid
can spikes be present on naked capsid viruses? YES!
Classifying viruses: capsid symmetry (pic)
- capsid is that protein coat which can be either
1. icosahedral
2. complex
3. helical
Capsomeres and nucleic acid are wound together and form a helical or spiral tube
In animal viruses: helical nucleocapsids are always enclosed within a lipoprotein envelope (so it never exists as a naked virus, but will always have an envelope)
In plat viruses: naked helical nucleocapsids are common
1st and 2nd one in pic is tobacco mosaic virus (helical)
green thing, 3rd pic in pic -> animal virus helical nucleocapsid surrounded by envelope
Another capsid symmetry is
PROTOMERES: aggregate to form capsomers which are either ? or ?
5 together -> penton
6 together -> hexon
either hexons or pentons (in pic too!)
Classifying viruses: capsid symmetry
§ Virions are composed of ? parts, each with ? ? and shapes
§ Bacteriophage: shape? head and shape? tail
(have more than just their genome, and have different membranes and have inner and outer membranes and spikes around it (complex capsid symmetry)
pox virus: ? symmetry
- VERY LARGE (? ANIMAL virus that u need tp consider) virus
- pox virus cause pox
(pox virus are around 200 nm and other small viruses ~20nm)
Classifying viruses: capsid symmetry
§ Virions are composed of several parts, each with separate symmetries and shapes
§ Bacteriophage: icosahedral head and helical tail
(have more than just their genome, and have different membranes and have inner and outer membranes and spikes around it (complex capsid symmetry)
pox virus: complex symmetry
- VERY LARGE (largest ANIMAL virus that u need tp consider) virus
- pox virus causes pox
Classifying viruses: nucleic acid
DNA viruses:
§ Very stable or unstable?
§ Usually single or double helix?
§ Accurate ?
§ Larger or Smaller? genomes
RNA viruses:
§ More or less stable?
§ Mixture of ? and ?
§ ?-prone replication
Classifying viruses: nucleic acid
DNA viruses:
§ Very stable
§ Usually double helix
§ Accurate replciation
§ Larger genomes
do they mutate over time? - NO as they are stable thus can develop vaccines as same proteins expressed.
RNA viruses:
§ less stable
§ Mixture of ss and ds
§ error-prone replication
- multiple changes of mutation so diff. proteins expressed e.g. corona (rna) virus, influenza (diff. influenza every year..)
Classifying viruses: genome architecture
§ Reflection of different ? strategies
§ Strandedness: double-stranded (ds) or single-stranded (ss)
§ Sense: polarity of the genome, in relation to ? (5’-3’)
§ POSITIVE sense: geneticl material has same or diff. polarity as viral mRNA? -> need or no need for transcription?, direct translation into proteins
§ NEGATIVE sense: genetic material is complementary or same as the mRNA? -> transcription before translation
Classifying viruses: genome architecture
§ Reflection of different replication strategies
§ Strandedness: double-stranded (ds) or single-stranded (ss)
§ Sense: polarity of the genome, in relation to mRNA (5’-3’)
§ POSITIVE sense: genetic material has same polarity as viral mRNA? -> no need for transcription, direct translation into proteins
§ NEGATIVE sense: genetic material is complimentary as the mRNA? -> transcription before translation
(ss POSITIVE RNA viral genome
Remember, the positive sense is the same direction as messenger RNA. So it functions as a messenger RNA, so the ribosomes can directly translate that viral genome.
So the moment that the ribosomes see that viral genome in the cell, they can start to translate it into viral proteins.
The other enzyme that’s very important is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that will allow you to switch from negative-sense RNA to positive-sense RNA and backward.
And so it’s the same enzyme that can switch between negative and positive sense RNA,
That RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is an enzyme that we do not have.
So it’s something that needs to be encoded by the viral genome. THEREFORE THE VIRUSES NEED THAT ENZYME (viral protein - orange one on slide
NEGATIVE RNA viral genome
So you need first a transcription step ( as its (-) so it isn’t same as the mRNA and ribosomes can’t read it yet)with the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to the messenger,
RNA to the positive sense, and then you will have the translation steps up here.
Then Negative RNA viral genome is transcribed first to the messenger RNA
then the ribosomes can translate to viral proteins.
this pathway in which we will have continuous copying of our viral genome in order to have a replication here of our viral genome (the last steps in the bottom right (negative RNA) - THUS + RNA much faster!
reverse transcriptase helps RNA go backwards to DNA
-> the ssRNA and ssDNA (both +) under reverse transcribing viruses first have to make double-stranded intermediate and then go to mRNA
-> ssRNA - does not make double-stranded DNA as it is complimentary to the mRNA
- They can be released from reservoirs two different ways and transmitted into susceptible host species.
- reservoirs can be animals, and humans, so reservoirs at a population level
Addendum: COVID-19 pandemic
- It had some passages in an intermediate host, and while doing so, the virus changed and at one point it could infect human cell.
- More specifically, a human lung cell. And at that point it was adapted to replicate in the human population.
- easy to get in contact w a reservoir of virus? YES! as travelling to other parts of the world is easier now and now living in wild animals’ territories as well
- So you will be potentially be a carrier for, let’s say, and crossover of viruses from one population to another.
§ Habitat or populations in which an ? agent normally lives, grows and multiplies
§ A reservoir maintains ? over time
§ e.g. Animals, humans, ?
§ all sick animals are reservoirs - T or False?
§ Reservoir does not mean “? ill”
§ An individual can be killed by the agent, but the population ? the agent
§ Habitat or populations in which an infectious agent normally lives, grows and multiplies
§ A reservoir maintains pathogens over time
§ e.g. Animals, humans, env., plant cells
§ all sick animals are reservoirs - False! NOT ALL SICK ANIMALS ARE RESERVOIRS
§ Reservoir does not mean “not ill” - so for eg. rabies virus, dogs can get rabies but foxes and cadidae? animals in africa are reservoirs of it but they don’t get sick cuz of it
§ An individual can be killed by the agent, but the population maintains the agent
(For a virus, it’s much more efficient to be not that virulent so they don’t kill their own reservoir).
bats are a reservoir to over 60 viruses, and they are efficient disseminator of these viruses to other animals and to humans.
So bats are at that level an important risk for human and animal public health.
Coronavirus might as well have had its origin in bat species, but why do we not see a lot of bats disease with viruses?
That they can really carry a high load of viruses, but they’re not disease by these viruses. Do you have an idea? Because that’s a big research question!
ANS -> They have a very high body TEMPERATURE and a very high METABOLIC RATE and indeed some adaptive physiological systems that don’t allow for these viruses to easily cause disease and infect the cells.
Fever: There’s a reason we increase our body temperature because many of the microorganisms, bacteria and viruses, they don’t replicate that efficient anymore at a higher body temperature.
list 5
ebola can be transferred through ? and ?
influenza can be transferred through ? and ?
Abiotic environmental factors:
- list 4
Animal vectors: ?, fleas, ticks, livestock and ?
DROPLET transmission can travel less than 1m or cm? cannot be inhaled whereas ? can be inhaled (can float in air for hrs)
list 5 -> direct and indirect contact, droplets, airborne, fecal oral
ebola can be transferred through droplets and direct contact
influenza can be transferred through airborne and indirect contact (door knobs)
Abiotic environmental factors:
- list 4: water, wind, inhalation of spores, entry into skin
Animal vectors: musquitoes, fleas, ticks, livestock and pets
DROPLET transmission can travel less than 1m and cannot be inhaled whereas AIRBORNE transmission can be inhaled (can float in air for hrs)
Disease transmission
§ Horizontal transmission (e.g. Squirrel pox virus, bluetongue virus, …) - most that we discussed
§ Vertical transmission (e.g. ? virus, BVD, …)
Also neonatal shortly after birth is often also considered a vertical transmission. through the blood as well in that pregnancy
§ Cross-species transmission (e.g. ? fever: cattle -> sheep, goat -> stays within the ruminant family tho)
§ ? (e.g. Rabies)
(disease transmissions that are less common are cross-species transmission from one species to another)
Disease transmission
§ Horizontal transmission (e.g. Squirrel pox virus, bluetongue virus, …) - most that we discussed
§ Vertical transmission (e.g. canine herpes virus, BVD, …)
Also neonatal shortly after birth is often also considered a vertical transmission. through the blood as well in that pregnancy
§ Cross-species transmission (e.g. malignant catarrhal fever: cattle -> sheep, goat -> stays within the ruminant family tho)
§ zoonosis (e.g. Rabies)
(disease transmissions that are less common are cross-species transmission from one species to another)
So you can see all the different influenza viruses and types and how they can circulate either within one population but also across the species and even between wild and captive animals.
So our approach to certain diseases requires a one-health approach.
Virus essentials
§ Contains only a few genes
§ Genes encode for ? components (e.g. capsid proteins)
§ Genes encode for enzymes necessary in the virus life cycle, mainly for ? synthesis (e.g. reverse transcriptase)
So the replication cycle for viruses will always be a ? process. And important there is to consider that no matter which virus is this, it will always go with these different steps. And so it’s not because they’re a different viral family that they will not have the different steps, THUS THEY WILL ALWAYS HAVE DIFF STEPS
Proteins & enzymes are synthesized and functional when virus is inside or outside? the host cell.
Enzymes needed for protein synthesis, ribosomes, tRNA, and energy production are supplied by the host cell.
Virus essentials
§ Contains only a few genes
§ Genes encode for structural components (e.g. capsid proteins)
§ Genes encode for enzymes necessary in the virus life cycle, mainly for nucleic acid synthesis (e.g. reverse transcriptase)
So the replication cycle for viruses will always be a several step process. And important there is to consider that no matter which virus is this, it will always go with these different steps. And so it’s not because they’re a different viral family that they will not have the different steps, THUS THEY WILL ALWAYS HAVE DIFF STEPS
Proteins & enzymes are synthesized and functional when virus is inside the host cell.
Enzymes needed for protein synthesis, ribosomes, tRNA, and energy production are supplied by the host cell.
- attachment to cell
- penetration
- ? (virus goes fully naked and only has its genome and bc that’s all they need
- replication (they will hijack the metabolism now)
- ?
- release
the replicated genome, they’ll create new protein capsid, proteins, potentially they’ll create some spike proteins, and then they assemble the whole and form new variants that will be released.
So these are the six different steps of the viral replication cycle.
- attachment to cell
- penetration
- uncoating (virus goes fully naked and only has its genome and bc that’s all they need
- replication (they will hijack the metabolism now)
- assembly
- release