Verbal Behavior Flashcards
Initial strategy for teaching child to echo or vocally imitate
Pair teacher focalization a with reinforcing activities
First step of verbal behavior
Establish yourself as a conditioned reinforcer. Means pairing yourself with other unconditioned or conditioned reinforcers, do not interrupt reinforcing activities, don’t place any demands on the child
During mand training, after continuous errors and no responses
Try again later, re-evaluate the EO, try a different reinforcer
Initial inter verbals should focus on
Keeping it simple and reinforcing for the student
Receptive by function, feature and class should begin
With two words that are very different from each other, that are from different classes, that the student has mastered as tacts, and that he can deceptively discriminate
Are essential for conversation
Behavior is under the control of verbal antecedent stimuli
Training should be intermixed with mand and tact training trials
Carrier phrase
Part of the SD. To promote generalization, you should alter the carrier phrase. Examples. Give me the “. Point to the “
What you would teach before receptive by function, feature and class
Approximately 50 signs, words, or pictures as tacts, Mands or receptive discriminations