Veins Flashcards
radial and ulnar veins
fromed from the deep veins of the hand
run alongside the corresponding bones
anatomose to form brachial veins
brachial veins
from when the radial and ulnar veins anastomose near the elbow
pass through the region of the upper arm
axillary veins
fromed when the brachial veins and the sperficial veins of the upper extremity anastomose and pass through the axilla
subclavian veins
direct contiunation of axillary veins
the axillaryveins change to the subclavian veins at the lateral borders of the first rib
external jugular veins
drain blood from the face, scalp, and neck
empty into subclavian veins
internal jugular veins
drain blood from the cranial vault and brain
anastomose with subclavian veins to form the brachiocephalic veins
brachiocephalic veins
fromed when the subcalvian and internal jugular veins anastomose
superior vena cava
fromed when the right and left brachiocephaic veins anastomose
receives blood from the entire upper body and then empties in to the right atrium of the heart
anterior and posterior tibal veins
formed by the anastomosis of deep veins of the foot
travel along the medial side of the leg until they empty into the femoral veins
great saphenous veins
formed by the anastomosis of the superficial veins of the foot
travel along the medial side of the leg until they empty into the femoral veins
peroneal veins
join the posterior tibial veins just prior to entering the popliteal region
popliteal veins
formed by the anastomosis of the anterior and posterior tibial veins as well as the peroneal veins
they are located in the popliteal region behind the knee
femoral veins
direct continuation of the popilteal veins as they pass into the region of the femur
external iliac veins
direct continuation of the femoral veins that run through the pelvic region
common iliac veins
formed by the anastomosis of the internal and external iliac veins just anterior of the sacral iliac joints
inferior vena cava
formed by the anastomosis of the right and left common iliac veins