Organelles of the Cell Flashcards
houses the cells DNA
all cellular contents between plasma and nucleus
plasma membrane
flexible outer layer
contents of the cell between the plasma membrane and the nucleus
has cytosol and organelles that perform different functions in the cell
cytoplasmic cytosol
fluid protein, contain water, ions, glucose, amino acids, proteins, lipids, ATP, and waste products
the site of many chemicals reactions required for cells existence
cytoplasmic organelles
structures of the cytoplasm that performs specific functions in cellular growth, maintenance and reproduction
endoplasmic reticulum
complex organelle
a network of membranes in the form of flattened sacs and tubules
rough and smooth ER
two kinds of endoplasmic reticulum
particles composed of proteins and rRNA
composed of two subunits
golgi complex
group of flattened membraneous sacs. first step in transport process
outer and inner membrane with a small fluid filled space between them
inner membrane contains a series of elongated fluid filled folds (mitochomdria)
membranous sacs that contain enzymes
most abundant in cells of the liver
tiny barrel shaped structure of four stacked rings of proteins around a central core
non-membranous structure composed of two hollow cylinders called centriols
moves fluid over the cells suface
moves an entire cell
intracellular fluid that surrounds the organelles; 55% of total cell volume
site of many chemical reactions required for a cells existence
75-90% water
cytosol function
site of many chemical reactions that provide the building blocks for maintenance of cell structures and cell growth
special structures within the cell that have characteristic shapes
perform functions that aid in cellular growth, maintenance, and reproduction
each type have their owm set of enzymes
maintains shape and general organization of cellular contents
used for growth of the mitotic spindle and microtubule formation
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
synthesizes glycoproteins and phosopholipids
smooth ER has various functions depending on what type of cell it is in
golgi complex
entry (cis) face accepts proteins from ER
exit (trans) face modifies the molecules further and packages them for transport
garbage disposal of the cell
enzymes breakdown protein, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids as well as foreign particles and worn out cells
contains enzymes oxidase and catalase
oxidase is important in the breakdown of many organic molecules
catalase is important in the breakdown of H2O2
proteasomes function
degrades unneeded, damaged, or faulty proteins by cutting them into small peptides
powerhouse of the cell
generates ATP through cellular respirations