Vegatable pratiical Flashcards
Fruit vegetables
-chili pepper
-sweet peppers
-acorn squash
-broccoli rabe
- savoy cabbage
-red cabbage
-Brussels sprouts
-Swiss chard
- turnip greens
-collard greens
-mustard greens
-Green beans
-Wax beans
-black beans
-black-eyed peas
- Fava beans
-Great Northern beans
-lima beans
-Navy beans
-pinto beans
-green beans
- red kidney beans
-soy beans
-French beans
-portobello mushrooms
-yellow onions
Root vegtables
-celery root
-button radishes
Corn, peas
Squashes, winter
-Butternut squash
Stalks and shoots
-acorn squash
Squashes, summer
-patty pan
-yellow squash
squashes, other
Best choice for cucumbers
-firm texture
-No soft spots
Best choice on onions
-dry cracky skins
-no sprouts
Qauilty asparagus
tight tips
-straight stalks
- No more then inch of woody base
-bottom of a stalk
Best greens
No yellow spots
Best cabbage
-Firm tigthly packed head
-crisp leaves
Best carrots
-No green shoulders
-break with a snap when bent
Brocolli rabe
Bitter flavor
Button of mushrooms
-white, tight, and closed
- showing no dark grills
Best corn
-Good sized cornels
-closley packed
-moist silk
-green husk
Best egg plant
-soft texture
-shiny skin
Root vegatbles are at their peak during
Cabbages are aviable
-year round
Broccoli is avaiable
-year round
Asparagus peaks
Fresh morel mushrooms are avaliable
Wax beans peaks
cauliflower avaiable
-year round
Zucchini fresh
Cardoons are ready
pattypan is fresh
Green beans are avaiable
Itailain beans are
Fresh chanterelle msuhrooms are avaiable
Truffles are harvested in
French beans are avaiable
Common purchase forms: Dry onions
50 pound mesh
Common purchase forms: Beets without tops
25 pound bags
Common purchase forms: bunch of spianch
20-22 ppund wooden crates contain 24 bunches
Common purchase forms: Asparagus
15 or 30 pound pack in crates
Common purchase forms: standard cucumbers
packed in 50-55 pound bushel cartons or smaller 24 count baskets
Common purchase forms: tomtoes
sorted by side, packed in 2 layers, 20 pounds
Common purchase forms:French beans
5 pound cases
Button mushrooms
10 pound baskets
Processed vegtables include__________
Both canned and frozen vegtables
Canned vegtables____ conisstent in quality and yield than fresh vegatbles
Green vegtables are ____ expensive than fresh vegtables
Green vegtables are more likley to lose theri color when ________
Canned vegtables often have a slightly different flavor and apperance than their fresh counterparts becuase they are _____________________________
- cooked during the canning process
Frozen vegtables are ____ expensive then fresh
Frozen vegtables are _____ expenisve than canned vegtables
The Usda has a ____________ grading systm for both frsh and prossced vegtables
For most fresh vegtables, the top grade is eithr No 1. or ____
For canned or frozen vegtables, the grades are US grade A or ___ Us grade B ______, Us grade C _____
Extra standard
When grading processed vegtables, the product is scored on its character, color ____ and absence of defects
Uniformity of size
Heat in chile peppers is measured in _____
Scoville heat units
plunging vegtables into ice water after cooking
Al dente
- means to the tooth
-cooked to the point that it gives some slight resistance to the tooth
Giving somethiong shiny coating
rigid tissue in plants composed maily
Purpose of shocking
stop the cooking process
partially cooking an item in rapidly boiling water
Vegtables cooked al dente are
Niether miushy nor crunchy
Human digestive system si unable to break down_____
Chemical that gives green vegtables their color is
Suace, reduced stock, or a process slimiar to sueting for
Seasoning vegtables, adding salt during cooking also helps presevre the
chlorophll in vegtables
cooking breaks down vegatbles, making the texture more ____________
appleing amd easier to digest
Yellow and orange vegatbles are least effected by _____
Chef test texture of vegtables at
thickest part
Do acidc solutoins enhnace green vegatbles
Nutrinets in vegtables can become dissolvled in cooking water
alkanine solutoin persvred the color in green vegtables
Chefs try to limit the time vegtables are exposed to air,light, and heat in order to retian nutirnets as much as possiable
A chef determines cooking time based on
amount of cellulose
Adiing baking soda to cooking water helps
perserve the clor of green vegtables
Cooking extracts ___ carmleinzng vegtables
Natural suagrs
Gratiner method combines
bechamel- based saues, cheese, or breqad crumbs,
to create browned surface on vegtable dishes
Beans and acdic ingrediants should not have salt added in the begiing becuase_____
It can prevent tenderness.add at end
blanching is done
as quiclky as possiable
Vegtables are stir fryed
in cmall even pices
Vegtables are braised by
covering them with a flovred liquid
vetables are grilled
thick pieces
Dried beans or olentilks ahould be
soaked overnight