Vasopressors & Inodilators - QUIZ Flashcards
Dobutamine has variable effects on mean arterial pressure & blood pressure through what effect?
Mainly beta adrenergic effects with little alpha adrenergic effects
Phenylephrine shows primarily alpha effects with little to no beta effects. This results in what?
Venous & arterial vasoconstriction with no effect on myocytes
Consequences of Phenylephrine’s strict A1 agonism includes what?
In the setting of cardiac dysfunction, will Phenylephrine increase preload more, or afterload?
In this setting Phenylephrine will increase afterload MORE than preload
The systemic action of Dopamine is mediated by which receptors?
All Dopamine receptors (D1-D5), alpha & beta receptors
Dopamine’s activation of the D1 receptors on smooth muscle, the proximal renal tubule, and cortical collecting duct increase diuresis regardless of the patients volume status. True or False?
Which vasopressor is not proarrhythmic?
What are the actions of the following V receptors: V1, V2 & V3?
V1: Vasoconstriction
V2: Plasma volume and osmolality control
V3: ACTH release
What is Vasopressin’s action to improve hemodynamics in septic shock?
Vasopressin blocks potassium-sensitive ATP channels, restoring vascular tone
What is the result of combining Norepi and Vasopressin?
Digital ischemia
What is true about Dobutamine’s metabolism?
Dobutamine steady state is rather predictable with IV infusion
What is Dobutamine’s effect on vasculature?
Reduction in pulmonary artery pressure
Which has a higher affinity for Beta 2 - epi or salbutamol?
Epinephrine has a higher affinity
Name 3 of epinephrine’s cardiovascular effects
Decreased afterload
Increased preload
Increased flow to skeletal muscle
Epinephrine causes which metabolic derangement?
Epinephrine is a potent proarrhythmic for many mechanisms, except:
Norepinephrine is predominantly an alpha agonist with mild beta effects. True or False?
What effect does acidosis have on adrenoceptor sensitivity?
Acidosis decreases sensitivity more so in alpha 2 receptors