Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation Flashcards
When Ca goes up, what happens? endothelial cell. But what happens after?
increase in contractility
Ca increase, increases NO, and citrulline, diffuses into the vascular smooth muscle and cGMP. (PKG/PKA)
Acetylcholine, bradykinin, increased shear forces, and stress from hypertension will _____
increase endothelial calcium concentration
Nitric oxide, cGMP, and arginine are all associated with what?
vascular smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation
What does calcium bind to in the contraction mechanism?
Ca binds to tropnon-c, so actin and myosin get together and make the cross bridge
How do we go from contraction to relaxation? what is the name of the channel?
SERCA channel, sequesters intracellular calcium into SR via ATP relaxation
How does contraction differ in myocytes, vs smooth muscle vs skeletal muscle?
everything gets depolarized
Myocytes: tropinin, RyR, SERCA
Smooth Muscle: calcium binds calmodulin induces a phosphorylation change in myosin light chain kinase, once it dephosphorylates relaxes again.
Skeletal muscle: stimulated by AcH
How does the excitation contraction work in smooth muscle cells?
L- type calcium channel opens up.
GPCR- Gq: NE–> DAG/IPR, IP3 goes to the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and makes the Ca go out. **Calcium binds to Calmodulin– stimulate myosin light chain kinase->help cross bridge formation and contractility.
What is the mechanism of excitation and contraction in skeletal muscle?
stimulated by AcH, neuromuscular junction. there are no calcium channels*** L type Calcium channels are not mechanically coupled with ryanodine receptors
Which receptor is associated with alpha 1?
Where are the Gq receptors found and what it’s the effect?
found on arterioles (increases afterload) and on veins (increases preload)
Increases the Phospholipase C, tells calcium to come out, and cuts PIP2, and stimulates IP3–which stimulates calcium release from the SR and DAG (PKC)
Adenosine is associated with what?
What type of medications to avoid in inferior wall MI?
Venous dilating medications (NO, hydralazine, minoxidil, nitroprusside)