Vascular Diseases of the Liver Flashcards
what is multiple portosystemic shunts often associated with?
how many vessels usually make up a congenital portosystemic shunt?
single, large caliber vessel
who primarily gets intrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts?
large breed dogs
what is a major consequence of congenital portosystemic shunts?
decreased hepatic perfusion
what are the general clinical signs of congenital portosystemic shunts?
stunted growth/failure to thrive
gastrointestinal signs
neurological signs
urinary signs
copper irides
what can be seen on clinical pathology to diagnose a congenital portosystemic shunt?
fasting hyperammonemia
elevated SBA
synthetic failure
microcystic anemia
ammonium biurate crystalluria/urolithiasis
what things are low on a blood panel with a congenital portosystemic shunt?
what characterizes primary hypoplasia of the portal vein?
congenital: abnormally small extra- or intrahepatic portal veins
can the liver be grossly normal with primary hypoplasia of the portal vein?
what is primary hypoplasia of the portal vein with portal hypertension accompanied by?
portal hypertension
multiple shunts
who is passive hepatic congestion common in?
all species with right congestive heart failure
what does telangiectasia result from?
dilated sinusoidss in areas where hepatocytes have been lost
what is a intrahepatic arteriovenous fistula?
direct anastomosis between the hepatic artery and branches of the portal vein
congenital or acquired
what is portal vein thrombosis associated with?
hypercoagulable states
where is hepatic infarction more common?
margins of liver