Toxic and Metabolic Diseases of the Liver Flashcards
why does the liver receive a lot of absorbed toxins, bacterial by-products, and orally administered drugs?
first-pass clearance
what is the major site of bioactivation (biotransformation)?
what is bioactivation/biotransformation?
rendering drugs more water-soluble to increase their secretion by kidney or gall bladder
how does conversion to more polar metabolites often occur?
via cytochrome P450 system
what is the most common site of hepatotoxicity?
centrilobular necrosis
what causes periportal necrosis?
toxins that do not require bioactivation
when can chronic hepatic injury occur?
repeated exposures: long term grazing toxic plants, long term drug use
what is jaundice?
what is edema and ascites from?
hypoproteinemia and portal hypertension
what are some hepatotoxins?
blue-green algae/microcytin
fungal: alfatoxins
plants: pyrrolizidine alkaloids
what does microcystin LR do?
disorganization hepatocytes and endothelial cytoskeletal proteins
disruption shape/integrity: necrosis
massive hepatic necrosis
what does 8,9-epoxide do?
binds to DNA and proteins of hepatocytes
what may be the most common cause of liver disease in general equine practice and cattle?
plants: pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicity
what is phase II of hepatic metabolism?
conjugation: UDP glucuronyl transferase and glutathione
what are the differential diagnoses for centrilobular necrosis?
toxin that undergoes bioactivation by cytochrome P450
hypoxic injury: anemia
what causes periportal necrosis?
toxins that do not require bioactivation: metal salts