Variations in Aggression Flashcards
New Brunswick has the highest rates in what kind of violence? Especially SJ!
- domestic violence
Intimate Partner Violence :
- includes what mistreatment? (3)
- Rates are___ across same and hetero relationships.
- Women are __ times more likely to be abused in a relationship than males.
-Is it equal among ethnicity and economic status?
- Who is at greatest risk for IPV?
Can occur when? (2)
- emotional, physical and sexual
- similar
- 6
- yes
- separated couples, relative to currently married or divorced persons
- immediately after separation, or while preparing to leave
Conflict tactics Scale Research? (IPV)
- males = females in frequency and severity of self reported violent behaviour
- 18 items
Moser (2012) - Saint John NB (IPV)
- females inflicted less injury on their partner but level of intended violence is similar to makes
In IPV How is conflict delt with?
- constructive problem solving, verbal and agressive responses..
IPV over 5 year period - Victim Perspective .. Males vs Females
- threw something
- pushed/shoved
- threatened to hit
- slapped
- hit with object
- kicked/bit/hit
- beat up
- forced sex
- choked
- threat/use weapon
- men: 56% > women: 44%
- 45% M 40% F
- 26% M > 23% F
- 51% M > 33% F
- 10% M
Phases of Partner Abuse? (3)
- Tension building
- battering incident
- honeymoon
Domestic vs intimate?
- family
- couples
Perpetrators of Partner abuse? characteristics!
- poor anger management skills, low assertiveness, strong need for control and are frequently excessively jealous
- most try to excuse, justify or minimize their actions
Phase 1: tension building?
- slow build up of stress in the environment or relationship, low self esteem of victim ( verbal aggression)
Phase 2: Battering Incidence ?
- abuse takes place, victim is mostly likely to be killed here
Phase 3: Honeymoon ?
- apologies
Partner abuse can cause?
high rates of depression, ptsd
Risk Factors for IPV?
Perpetrator Vulnerability :(14)
- committed prior physical assault
- committed prior sexual assault
- drug/alcohol abuse
- general antisocial behaviour/criminal career
- violation of no contact orders
- past assault of acquaintances, family, police, strangers etc
-made threats to kill the victim - general anger / hostility
-controlling/ dominant behaviour
obsessiveness / jealousy - experience or witnessed domestic violence in childhood
- unemployment / low income low level of education
-lack of social supports
Risk Factors for IPV?
Victimization Vulnerability?8
- inadequate access to resources
- unemployment/ low income/ low level of education
- lack of social support
- pregnancy or birth of new baby
- drug/alcohol abuse
- inconsistent behaviour/attitude towards the abusive partner
- violence in family origin
- perceived danger/ fear of partner
Risk Factors for DV? (domestic)
Contextual/relationship factors (6)
especially in the last 6 months
- recent termination of relationship
- cohabitation (not married)
- children under the age of 18 in home
- presence of weapons in the home
- living in a remote or isolated area
- relationship characterized by negative interactions, distress, conflict
Why do battered women stayed??
Most common reasons for returning? (7)
- children’s sake
- second chance
- promised change by partner
- lack of money/ housing
- children wanted to go back
- perpetrator threatened to find and kill
- shelter was full (less common)
__% abused women will leave their partner for short period of time.
_% of those women that left will go back to the perpetrator..
Impact of mandatory reporting or pro arrest policies?
- arrest does not solve anything
Battered Woman Syndrome? - defence for violence..
- Leonore Walker (1984) - Four stages?
- denial
- guilt
- enlightenment
- responsibility
Battered Woman Syndrome - research?
- no single profile of a battered woman
- not well validated clinical construct
- rarely successfully used in court