Chapter 5: additional info from text Flashcards
YCJA’s main purpose? (3)
- prevent youth crime
- provide meaningful consequences and encourage responsibility of behaviour..
- improve rehabilitation and reintegration of youth.
Extrajudicial Measures???
alternatives to formal charges…community options….or less serious alts…before being charged.
Custodial services are reserved for ?
violent crimes….
Child-onset juvenile offenders?
behavioural problems begin in childhood..often have a history dating back to daycare… babies difficult to sooth and problematic temperaments…and aggressive with other kids.
Adolescent- onset juvenile offenders?
show signs of behavioural problems in their teens.
antisocial acts such as truancy, theft, and vandalism
Reactive Agression?
emotionally aggressive response to a perceived threat or frustration (tend to have early onset problems)
Proactive aggression?
aggression directed to achieving a goal or receiving positive reinforcements
What are the five main correlates of delinquency for male and female youths?
- inconsistent parenting
- history of victimization
- antisocial peer involvement
- negative school attachment
- aggression
Resilient’s is a term used for what kind of youths?
those faced with multiple risk factors but do not commit crime..
Protective factors are?
variables or factors that if present decrease the likelihood of a - outcome such as antisocial behaviour and juvenile offending or increase the likelihood of a positive outcome.
Rutter identifies four ways protective factors are helpful. What are they?
- reduce - outcomes by changing the lvl of the child’s exposure to a risk factor.
- Change the - chain reactions following exposure to risk
- help develop and maintain self-esteem and self-efficacy
- present opportunities that the children would otherwise not have!
Internalizing Problems?(under 12 years)
emotional difficulties such as anxiety, depression, and obsessions.
Externalizing Problems?(under 12 years)
behavioural difficulties such as delinquency, fighting, bullying, lying and destructive behaviour.
Males ***
more long term **
Primary Intervention strategies?
implemented prior to any violence occurring..with the goal to decrease the likelihood violence will occur later one
Secondary Intervention Strategies?
attempt to reduce the frequency of violence
Tertiary Intervention Strategies?
attempt to prevent violence from reoccurring
Family orientated strategies? (2)
Parent-focused interventions: help parents learn tools to effectively manage any behavioural issues and spot warning signs.
Family-supportive interventions: connect at risk families to various support services.
Internalizing Problems?(under 12 years)
emotional difficulties such as anxiety, depression, and obsessions.
Externalizing Problems?(under 12 years)
behavioural difficulties such as delinquency, fighting, bullying, lying and destructive behaviour.
Males ***
more long term **
Primary Intervention strategies?
implemented prior to any violence occurring..with the goal to decrease the likelihood violence will occur later one
Secondary Intervention Strategies?
attempt to reduce the frequency of violence
Tertiary Intervention Strategies?
attempt to prevent violence from reoccurring
Family orientated strategies? (2)
Parent-focused interventions: help parents learn tools to effectively manage any behavioural issues and spot warning signs.
Family-supportive interventions: connect at risk families to various support services.