Urinary Incontinence Flashcards
How does the bladder store urine?
- Sympathetic nervous system - HYPOGASTRIC nerve
-Relaxation of detrusor muscle (beta-adrenoceptors)
-Contraction of urethral smooth muscle + trigone (alpha-adrenoceptors) - Somatic nervous system - PUDENDAL nerve
-urethral striated muscle contraction
-inhibition of the detrusor reflex
What occurs during the emptying phase of the bladder?
- Parasympathetic predominates - PELVIC nerve
-contraction of detrusor muscle
-relaxation of urethral muscle
What is urinary continence?
- Brainstem micturition centre integrates urethral and detrusor function
- Cerebral cortex gives voluntary control by over-riding the
detrusor reflex
= holding in urine voluntarily until can go to the toilet
Whats first step of investigating urinary incontinence?
- Differentiate between filling + emptying abnormality = Hx
What are typical abnormalities of filling phase?
- Patients can urinate normally
- Patients can empty bladder normally
- Patients dribble urine between urinations
- Patients often have reduced bladder capacity
What are Ddx for abnormalities of the filling phase?
- Involuntary contractions / urge incontinence
-cystitis of any underlying cause (bacterial, calculi, neoplasia) - Reduce pressure at the bladder neck =
-congenital / acquired USMI
-Intrapelvic/caudal bladder, hypoplastic bladder
-Bladder neck mass - Urine bypassing bladder / part of urethral sphincter muscle = ectopic ureters
What are findings in abnormalities of the emptying phase?
- Distended bladder
- Constant dribbling of urine
- No / minimal normal urination of urine
What are Ddx for abnormalities of the bladder emtying phase?
- Partial/complete urethral obstruction
- Chronic distension of bladder e.g.=
-Urethral obstruction (any cause)
-Pelvic trauma
-Intervertebral disc protrusion - Urethral detrusor dyssynergia
(Dyssynergia = contraction of urethral muscle at same time as detrusor contraction causes a functional urethral obstruction)
What is urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence?
- Common condition in bitch uncommon in male dogs + rare in cats
- Commonest cause of incontinence in bitch
- Intermittent involuntary passage of urine when relaxing, recumbent, sleeping
- Dog leaves a patch of urine on bed, carpet …
- Acquired and congenital forms
What is aetiology of USMI?
- Low urethral muscle tone
-reduces with aging, loss of oestrogen (neutering), obesity - Seen in combination with caudally positioned bladder
What is acquired USMI?
- Commonest type of USMI, develops in “later” life
- Usually medium/large breeds =
-Dobermans, Boxers, Irish setters, Labradors - Usually seen in neutered females =
-Onset can be weeks, months/years after neutering
-Can be worsened by obesity
What is congenital USMI?
- Uncommon but important form of USMI
- Juvenile bitches (present prior to 1st season) as incontinent puppies
- 50% resolve after 1st season (don’t neuter these bitches
until after 1st season) - Ectopic ureter is main ddx for this condition but dogs with ectopic ureter often also have congenital USMI
How would you investigate urinary incontinence?
- Detailed Hx
- Clinical Exam
- Biochem + haematology
- Urinalysis
- Urine culture + sensitivity (cystocentesis)
- Observe urinating
- Imaging = US, plain + contrast radiographs, CT
- Cystoscopy
How is USMI diagnosed?
- Hx + CS suggestive of USMI
- Rule out conditions causing PD + PU
- Rule out UTI + causes of cystitis
- Imaging
- Trial medical tx
What is medical treatment of USMI?
- increase urethral smooth muscle tone =
-phenylpropanolamine / ephedrine
-estriol (only in neutered bitches)
-deslorelin implants - Reduce possible contributing factors
-weight loss if obese
-treat secondary UTI
What is surgical treatment of USMI?
- Cases where medications for USMI are ineffective / cause side effects =
-hydraulic urethral occlude
= move bladder cranially so bladder neck is in abdominal position, compress / kink urethra so resting urethral pressure is increased
What is seen with ectopic ureters?
- Congenital anomaly - ureter bypass bladder + empty into urethra, vagina / rectum
- May also have congenital USMI pr hypoplastic bladder
- Secondary UTIs common (cystitis, hydroureter, pyelonephritis)
- Affected dogs dribble urine continually
What dogs tend to get ectopic ureters?
- 80-90% unilateral
- Female : Male = 20:1
- Breeds = golden / labrador retrievers, skye terriers, siberian huskies
What is treatment of ectopic ureters?
- Treat any associated UTI
- Early surgical management
-ureteronephrectomy if normal renal function, unilateral ectopia
-LASER ablation under urethro/cystoscopic guidance - Incontinence may persist due to concurrent USMI
What are causes of feline urinary incontinence?
- Neurogenic most common cause =
-E.g. tail pull, sacral fracture
-Poor prognosis if no improvement after 6 weeks - Juvenile urinary incontinence (rare) =
-Ectopic ureter (very rare)
-Hypoplastic urethra/vaginal aplasia (rare) - Iatrogenic (uncommon) =
-eg. after perineal urethrostomy