Upper GI Bleed Flashcards
Haematemesis is
Blood in vomit
How to assess airway
Clear/on oxygen/ patient talking/ need to keep reassessing in view of vomiting
How to assess breathing
Look listen and feel/ chest expansions + sats
Assess circulation
Looks pale/ peripheral temp/ cap refill
Immediate management for GI bleed
Call help
2 large bore IV cannula
Take bloods
IV fluids
ABG/ lactate/HB/electrolytes
Keep NBM
15 minute obs
Every GI bleed needs which examination
Rectal exam
Treatment of GI. Bleed
Stop offending drugs
Give blood if needed
Correct clotting (less than 1.5 INR)
Platelet transfusion if under 50
Consider antibiotics if risk f aspiration or varices
Causes of UGIbleeds
Malloy Weiss tear
Oesophageal varices
Peptic ulcer
Aortoenetric fistula
Before administering specific treatment you should make sure that?
You know if it’s a varicella or non varicella (peptic ulcer)
If variceal then
Give terlipressin(always have ecg before the terlipressin)
Terlipressin is analogue do and does
Analogue of vasopressin
Causes vasoconstriction
Careful with first dose of terlipressin why
ECG before and after first dose as it can cause heart attacks in prone people
Non variceal treatment
Give pantoprazole infusion - 80 mg IV stat then 8mg/hr for 72 hours
Risk stratification is
Blatch- ford score
Blatchford score is between ?
When is 50% risk of needing an intervention
What can’t blatchford predict
When is endoscopy needed
-Severe bleed 6+
Urgent OGDonce resuscitated
Will need protected airway
Mild/moderate bleed
OGD within 24hrs of admission
Which score used for morality
Rock all score
After OGD
Continue PP8, terlipressin,antibiotics as advised
Rock all score
Clear fluid after an hour
Light diet after 6 hours
Monitor signs of rebleeding
Other things to consider post OGD
Peptic ulcer-
Check and eradicate H.pylori
Omeprazole 40mg OD/BD 8 weeks
Repeat score in 6-8 weeks
- varices
Propranolol or carvediol
Endoscopic banding every 2-4 weeks
Peptic ulcer is risk of
Need to stop smoking