Unit VIII (Immunoglobulin) Flashcards
Structure: Dimer
Location: Saliva, tears, milk, and other body secretions
Function: Protects mucosal surface.
Class: IgA
Location: Saliva, tears, milk, and other body secretions
Class: IgA
Function: Protects mucosal surface.
Class: IgA
Class: IgA
Structure: Dimer
Location: Saliva, tears, milk, and other body secretions
Function: Protects mucosal surface.
Structure: Monomer
Location: Attached to B cell receptors
Function: B cell activation
Class: IgD
Location: Attached to B cell receptors
Class: IgD
Function: B cell activation
Class: IgD
Class: IgD
Class: IgD
Structure: Monomer
Location: Attached to B cell receptors
Function: B cell activation
Structure: Monomer
Location: Secreted by plasma cells in skin & tissues lining GIT and RT
Function: When bound to antigens, binds to mast cells and basophils to release histamine that lessens allergic & inflammatory reactions
Class: IgE
Location: Secreted by plasma cells in skin & tissues lining GIT and RT
Class: IgE
Function: When bound to antigens, binds to mast cells and basophils to release histamine that lessens allergic & inflammatory reactions
Class: IgE
Class: IgE
Class: IgE
Structure: Monomer
Location: Secreted by plasma cells in skin & tissues lining GIT and RT
Function: When bound to antigens, binds to mast cells and basophils to release histamine that lessens allergic & inflammatory reactions
Structure: Monomer
Location: Blood plasma
Function: Most abundant in 1 and 2° immune responses which cross the placenta and provide passive immunity
Class: IgG
Location: Blood plasma
Class: IgG
Function: Most abundant in 1 and 2° immune responses which cross the placenta and provide passive immunity
Class: IgG