Unit 8e - Order Of Pronouns Flashcards
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- N’envoyez pas cette boîte à Julie !
- Ne la lui envoyez pas!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Racontez-nous le périple de Carole!
- Racontez-le-nous!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Montrez-moi votre nouveau manteau!
- Montrez-le-moi!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Ne lui prêtez pas ces mille euros!
- Ne les lui prêtez pas!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Adressez-lui vos meilleurs vœux!
- Adressez-les-lui!
Le périple
1) кругосветное плавание, плавание вокруг материка 2) поездка; туристическое путешествие, туристическая поездка
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Apportez-nous du champagne!
- Apportez-nous-en!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Ne me parlez pas de vos ennuis!
- Ne m’en parlez pas!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Ne lui donnez pas la nouvelle raquette!
- Ne la lui donnez pas!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Ne lui donnez pas de sucreries!
- Ne lui en donnez pas!
La sucrerie
1) сахарный завод
2) pl сладости, сласти, конфеты
3) канад. роща сахарного клёна
4) канад. сахароварня
5) афр. подслащённый безалкогольный напиток
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Montrez-nous votre nouvelle installation!
- Montrez-la-nous!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Pose la question à ton professeur !
- Pose-la-lui!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Expliquez-leur votre position sur ce sujet!
- Expliquez-la-leur!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Ne lui empruntez pas d’argent!
- Ne lui en empruntez pas!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Demandez des conseils au sommelier !
- Demandez-lui-en!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Envoyez cette pétition à vos amis !
- Envoyez-la-leur!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Pardonnez-lui ses erreurs!
- Pardonnez-les-lui!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Indiquez le chemin à cet automobiliste perdu !
- Indiquez-le-lui!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Décris-nous ta nouvelle maison!
- Décris-la-nous!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Ne lui vends pas ta vieille moto!
- Ne la lui vends pas!
Rewrite each sentence, replacing the phrase or phrases in boldface with a direct object pronoun, an indirect object pronoun, or both.
- Souviens-toi de cette anecdote!
- Souviens-t’en!