Unit 6f - Indirect Object Pronouns Flashcards
With some French verbs, the indirect object pronoun follows the verb and the preposition is retained. These exceptions must be memorized. The indirect object noun is replaced by a disjunctive pronoun.
Nous parlons de nos clients.
We are talking about our clients.
Nous parlons d’eux.
We are talking about them.
With some French verbs, the indirect object pronoun follows the verb and the preposition is retained. These exceptions must be memorized. The indirect object noun is replaced by a disjunctive pronoun.
Je pense à Luc.
I am thinking about Luc.
Je pense à lui.
I am thinking about him.
With some French verbs, the indirect object pronoun follows the verb and the preposition is retained. These exceptions must be memorized. The indirect object noun is replaced by a disjunctive pronoun.
Tu songes à Alice.
You are thinking about Alice.
Tu songes à elle.
You are thinking about her.
With some French verbs, the indirect object pronoun follows the verb and the preposition is retained. These exceptions must be memorized. The indirect object noun is replaced by a disjunctive pronoun.
J’ai besoin de mon cousin.
I need my cousin.
J’ai besoin de lui.
I need him.
With some French verbs, the indirect object pronoun follows the verb and the preposition is retained. These exceptions must be memorized. The indirect object noun is replaced by a disjunctive pronoun.
Tu n’as pas peur de ton patron.
You are not afraid of your boss.
Tu n’as pas peur de lui.
You are not afraid of him.
With some French verbs, the indirect object pronoun follows the verb and the preposition is retained. These exceptions must be memorized. The indirect object noun is replaced by a disjunctive pronoun.
Elle fait attention à ces enfants.
She pays attention to these children.
Elle fait attention à eux.
She pays attention to them.
With some French verbs, the indirect object pronoun follows the verb and the preposition is retained. These exceptions must be memorized. The indirect object noun is replaced by a disjunctive pronoun.
Il se fie à ses amis.
He trusts his friends.
Il se fie à eux.
He trusts them.
With some French verbs, the indirect object pronoun follows the verb and the preposition is retained. These exceptions must be memorized. The indirect object noun is replaced by a disjunctive pronoun.
Elle tient à sa filleule.
She is attached to her goddaughter.
Elle tient à elle.
She is attached to her.
If a reflexive verb is followed by an animate indirect object, the indirect object pronoun is placed after the preposition.
Elle s’est adressée au préfet de police.
She went to see the chief of police.
Elle s’est adressée à lui.
She went to see him.
If a reflexive verb is followed by an animate indirect object, the indirect object pronoun is placed after the preposition.
Ils se sont approchés du guide pour mieux l’entendre.
They came closer to the guide to hear him better.
Ils se sont approchés de lui.
They came closer to him.
Write the appropriate preposition + disjunctive pronoun to replace the phrase in parentheses.
- Elle parle (de son amie Laurence) à ses parents. __________
- Elle parle d’elle Laurence à ses parents
Write the appropriate preposition + disjunctive pronoun to replace the phrase in parentheses.
- Tu ne t’occupes pas assez (de ton petit frère).
- Tu ne t’occupes pas assez de lui.
Write the appropriate preposition + disjunctive pronoun to replace the phrase in parentheses.
- L’enfant a peur (de son oncle Robert).
- L’enfant a peur de lui.
Write the appropriate preposition + disjunctive pronoun to replace the phrase in parentheses.
- Nous pensons (à notre fils aîné qui est au Japon).
- Nous pensons à lui.
Write the appropriate preposition + disjunctive pronoun to replace the phrase in parentheses.
- Julien se souvient bien (de ses camarades de classe).
- Julien se souvient bien d’eux.
Write the appropriate preposition + disjunctive pronoun to replace the phrase in parentheses.
- Tu t’adresses d’abord (à la responsable du musée).
- Tu t’adresses d’abord à elle.
Write the appropriate preposition + disjunctive pronoun to replace the phrase in parentheses.
- Parle-moi (de ta mère)!
- Parle-moi d’elle.
Write the appropriate preposition + disjunctive pronoun to replace the phrase in parentheses.
- Il ne peut pas se passer (de son petit frère).
- Il ne peut pas se passer de lui.
Write the appropriate preposition + disjunctive pronoun to replace the phrase in parentheses.
- Elle s’habitue peu à peu (à sa nouvelle camarade de chambre).
- Elle s’habitue peu à peu à elle.
Write the appropriate preposition + disjunctive pronoun to replace the phrase in parentheses.
- Vous prenez soin (de votre grand-mère malade).
- Vous prenez soin d’elle.