Unit 4d - Pronouns With Pronominal Verbs Flashcards
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- Ils se cherchent dans la foule. _____________________
- Ils se sont cherchés dans la foule.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- Tu te caches dans le grenier._____________________
- Tu t’es caché(e) dans le grenier.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate
- Elle s’amuse avec ses copines. _____________________
- Elle s’est amusée avec ses copines.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate
- Ils s’aiment, sans l’ombre d’un doute. _____________________
- Ils se sont aimés, sans l’ombre d’un doute.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate
- Céleste se couche tard. _____________________
- Céleste s’est couchée tard.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- Marc s’assoit sur un banc.
- Marc s’est assis sur un banc.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- Ils s’enrichissent._____________________
- Ils se sont enrichis
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- Elles s’observent de loin. _____________________
- Elles se sont observées de loin.
- Il se coupe avec un couteau pointu.
- Il s’est coupé avec un couteau pointu.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- L’opéra se vide peu à peu. _____________________
- L’opéra s’est vidé peu à peu.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- Ils se rencontrent en mars.
- Ils se sont rencontrés en mars.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- La porte s’ouvre brusquement.
- La porte s’est ouverte brusquement.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- Vous vous embrassez devant la fontaine._____________________
- Vous vous êtes embrassé(e)s devant la fontaine.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- La bougie s’éteint._____________________
- La bougie s’est éteinte.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- Vous vous dites bonjour. _____________________
- Vous vous êtes dit bonjour.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- La situation politique s’envenime.
- La situation politique s’est envenimée.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- Il s’éclipse tout de suite après sa conférence.
- Il s’est éclipsé tout de suite après sa conférence.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- La fenêtre se referme d’un seul coup.
- La fenêtre s’est refermée d’un seul coup.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- Nous nous opposons à sa décision.
- Nous nous sommes opposé(e)s à sa décision.
Rewrite the following sentences in the passé composé. Be sure to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number, where appropriate.
- Tu te plies à ses exigences.
- Tu t’est plié(e) à ses exigences.
Se plier à qqch
To give in to (smth), gave way to (smth)
Une exigence
A demande
To become infected
Se vide
To run out
Un grenier
Attic, loft
La foule