Unit 6e - Indirect Object Pronouns Flashcards
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- Have you (vous) asked him this question?
Lui avez-vous posé ce question?
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- She gave me a strange answer._______________________
Elle m’a donné une réponse bizarre.
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- Emma borrowed 10 books from us._______________________
Emma nous a emprunté dix livres.
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- Give us more time! (vous)_______________________
Donnez-nous plus de temps!
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- He never obeys me._______________________
Il ne m’obéit jamais.
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- Don’t sell him this chair! (vous)_______________________
Ne lui vendez pas cette chaise!
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- This watch belongs to you (tu).
Cette montre t’appartient.
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- Call her! (vous)
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- Write them a letter! (vous)
Écrivez-leur une lettre!
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- She sold it to my friend.
Elle l’a vendu à mon ami.
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- Do not lend him this CD! (tu)
Ne lui prête pas ce CD!
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- He gave me this ring.
Il m’a donné cette bague.
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- He told me a wonderful story.
Il m’a raconté une merveilleuse histoire .
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- I’ll give them a call tonight.
Je leur téléphonerai ce soir.
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- He’ll reveal his secret to us.
Il nous révélera son secret.
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- Tell him to give you a job! (vous)
Dites-lui de vous donner un emploi!
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- Has Juliette written a letter to him?
Juliette lui a-t-elle écrit une lettre?
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- They submitted an interesting proposal.
Ils ont soumis une proposition intéressante.
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- She never replied to us.
Elle ne nous a jamais répondu.
Translate the following sentences into French. For questions, invert the subject and verb.
- Write to me! (vous)